笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
先日は友人のTakashi Shinoharaくんの結婚パーティー。彼は中学生の頃からの友人です。アメリカで音楽の勉強をした後、現在は東京で音楽活動しています。
仲良しの友人をあつめたアットホームなパーティ。The other day I went to a wedding party for my friend Takashi Shinohara. We are good friends since when we were junior high school students. He studied music in America and now is playing in Tokyo. The party had a cozy atmosphere with his good friends.
奥様のはスキューバダイビングを趣味とするアクティブウーマン。 ふとした時に見つめ合う二人がとってもキュートなカップルでした。
His wife is an active woman since her hobby is scuba diving.
They are such a cute couple specially when they glance at each other momentarily.
そして、彼の好きな曲’Stand By Me' をカバーしたのを聞いた時は、自分たちが一緒に遊んでいた学生の頃の風景が頭をよぎり、なんだか嬉しくて涙出そうでした。
Of course he did music live!!
All his friends were listening to his play, it was not like listening to a 'friend's play', listening with their eyes from 'musician's play'.
It was pretty intense.
And then, when he played a cover of one of his favorites, 'Stand By Me', I was happy and almost cried because it reminded me that we spent good school time together when we were students.そして都内でのパーティー。
The party was held in Tokyo, so old faces got together and rang good old days of memories.
Some are popular hair designers or graphic designers...etc now. But we still can talk without constraint and natural talk goes back to old days. Talk hasn't changed from when we were students.... Has it, Takeshi 'Rock 'n Roll' Yuzawa?
It was a relieving night...
Shinohara's original music.オリジナル曲 デジカメ撮影ですが。。折角なので
I took video with my digital camera so the sound is not great but...
ラベル: Friends