笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
On the weekend, I went to the music event 'Mid-Summer night Concert' organized by my friends Harue and Dai. Held on Cafe Nova Nepente in Utsunomiya.
Cafe Nova Nepente is a hot place to visit because the building is interesting, there was an atmosphere of it being surrounded by candles with an outside patio, and listening to various music.
Specially, there was an instrumental called pan-flute which originally came from Romania. Also, there was classic guitar and hula-dance etc.
そしてそしてファイナルには、待っていました我が友、Takashi Shinohara!! こんなイベントあるよ!と声を掛けたら快く演奏を引き受け、東京から駆けつけてくれました。
Finally, I was excited to see my friend play! Takashi Shinohara!
I told him about this event, and he readily accepted my request to sing and came from Tokyo.
He spent time in NY and New Orleans to study music, and is now active around Tokyo. We met when we were junior high school students.
もう一人の友達、湯沢くん(Takeshi Rock'n Roll Yuzawa)と3人でいつも遊んでいたころもありました。。私にとっては性別を越えた親友です。
昨年の結婚式には、従弟のタ~ちゃん、義理の弟のジョナサン、シノハラン、タケちゃんの4人でバンドを組みパーティーを大盛り上がりにしてくれました。最高の豪華メンバーでした。Takashi, me, and one other friend Takeshi (Takeshi Rock'n Roll Yuzawa), hung out together when we were teenagers.
Last year at my (& husband's) wedding reception, my cousin Tadashi, my brother-in-law Jonathan, Takashi, and Takeshi formed a band and they made the party warm up very very much. It was a wonderful band for us.
Of course his playing set the mood for the party.
Takeshi was working as staff this time.
This is a little bit unclear but I took a video. "
The three of us haven't met in ages, but any time, the same tension, same smiles and we are able to talk about the future.キャンドルと、音楽と友達と出会い。こんな素敵な夜を準備してくれた、ハルさんとダイくんに感謝。
Candle light, music, friends, encounters. I thank Haru and Dai who presented such a beautiful night.
ラベル: Friends