笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
A little while ago, I got a packet of sun energy from Spain!
I was jumping with excitement when I received that.
なのでとてもありがたい!!! さあて、さて、何を作ろうかな・・と
It was a large packet of sun-dried tomatoes and black olive paste.
I only occasionally use dried tomatoes for cooking because it is a little bit expensive to buy in Japan, so this is a very nice present!!
So, what shall I make!!
Recently, we eat cold pasta more often, so...
パスタソース Pasta sauce
・茄子1cm 位のスライス
Aubergine (Sliced 1cm)
・しめじ Mushroom Slices
・ドライトマト 刻む
Chopped Dry tomatoes
・たまねぎ みじん切り Chopped Onion
・バジル葉 Basil leaves
Let's use any vegetables you like for ingredients.
Put in ingredients which you want to heat up first. Fry lightly with olive oil and garlic. Add 1/2 cup of water or white wine then turn to low heat. Keep in mind that you don't want to boil dry.
Put in chopped onions. I like them boiled tender with a little crispiness left so turn off the heat in 1 minute and continue to cook them with remaining heat.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. (I might want to make full flavor because it will be mixed with pasta) Add chopped dried tomatoes.
Let them cool completely then add chopped basil leaves, then put in the refrigerator.
Boil pasta and let cool completely. (I have heard that it is better to make cold pasta by putting the boiled pasta in a bowl and then putting that bowl into a larger bowl filled with ice, but I don't do this because it is too much trouble)6・冷やしたパスタに先ほどのソースと、大さじ1くらいのオリーブオイルをからめて出来上がり。
Mix the pasta and sauce, you might like to put a table spoon of olive oil. It is now done.
It is good to add fresh tomatoes, too, if you have.
Dried tomatoes pick up additional richness and complexity.
Next, use the black olive paste!!
超簡単でしょ。 でも、ブラックオリーブのなんともいえない美味しさが贅沢に感じれます。
Mix with steamed potatoes.
Super easy!! Isn't it?! You can still enjoy the rich taste of black olives.
冷蔵庫にあった、人参やインゲン、をさっと硬めに茹でたもの(食感がイイ)やアサツキを刻んで混ぜてみました。このサラダはパテとして、パンにのせても美味しいです。One other recipe is bean salad.
I had some beans (kind of kidney beans) left in the kitchen. Boil and simply mash them.
Mix with salt and olive oil. Good to add whatever spices you like. I put nutmeg.
Also I put chopped and poached vegetables which I found in the refrigerator (carrots and peas) and chopped spring onions.
This salad is good to put on bread like a pate.
So what shall I cook next?!!?
A lovely card was inside the gifts, the picture looks like her...♪
Thank you so much Juri!!!
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking