笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Japan (world?) is experiencing record high temperatures. It seems will be continue some more days. Let's enjoy lest of hot summer...
In our house, mixer has been working full throttle for this hot summer instead of air conditioning machine.
【Strawberry paste】
In spring, I prepared strawberry paste by mixed strawberries and beet sugar (good to steam,too) by using mixer, then put in a drastic bag and make it even then leave them in a freezer. It makes crackable plate for using as much as you need each time. This is quite useful for making summer sweets.
This time, I made 'Berry Berry smoothie'
・ Frozen strawberry
・ Frozen blueberry
・ Soy milk
・ Ice cube
Put in a mixer all. voila!!
Next one is 'easy vichyssoise soup.' This is fuss-free family dish so
usually I don't strain it.・じゃがいも Potato 2-3個
・玉ねぎ 1個 Onion
・豆乳 Soy milk
salt, pepper, favorite spices (rosemary, bay-reaf etc)
・水 water
Cut potatoes and onions in to suitable size and put all in to a source pan with favorite spices (I always put rosemary. And whatever you like ,bay-leaf, nutmeg or allspice, etc) pour in just enough water to cover then boil until potatoes get soften.
Put salt, pepper(slightly more than normal because it going to be add soy milk later) then leave for let it cool. (put not too much water when you boil them to easy to let them cool.)
Take out the rosemary and bay leaf leaves. Poor soy milk and water(put soy milk more than water or use ice cubes instead of water if you like to eat as soon as possible) put them all to a mixer and GO! leave in the refrigerator until ready to eat.
This soup is our favorite one. (In winter, after mixcerd at 'step 3', put it back in to the pan and warm up again.)
Actually, this soup can be eatable soup depend on how much you put soy milk or water, so make it special of the day!
This is pumpkin soup with same recipe.
Usually, I don't peel of the vegetable skin since we have delicious organic vegetables from the Vegefirm Nakaya.
手抜きぶっかけ(ノ∀≦*)ノ゛ ご飯なのですが、美味しかったのでご紹介。
Cold sticky miso soup with rice.
This is so lasy recipe but it is yummy! so I'll introduce them.
This extream hot weather makes our a low appetite and on such day, I will reccomend. Brown rice (is a gold mine of nutrition!) so it is good try just to have brown rice. You might like with white rice, too.
Recipe is same as the cold miso soup with cucumber and add some 'OKURA' with it.
Put the cold soup on rice. You might able to eat rice smoothly.
It is said eating Okura helps to beat the summer heat.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking