笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Hi, some friends asked me about how was the design festa so..世界中からアーティストが集まり、そのブース数なんと2800以上。。
Over 2800 booths got together from around the world. There was excitement as may be expected. So we tried to not bow to pressur from them and introduce BONSAI. We got comments like
'It is cool!!',
'Never seen before' or
'This can be today's top 3'. These words are nice and I was inspired to keep working hard.どこかのメディアからもインタビュー受けたり。。ちなみにこの方達、コスチュームはすごいのでビビりながら応対してましたが、礼儀正しくて、高感度のある集団でした(笑)
I had interviews from some media. Actually, their costume looked unusual... so I was kinda freaked out at first, but they were polite and nice.
My father. He visited (to help?) and left the his designed & made aluminum BONSAI pot. It looks cool, doesn't it?勿論、出展だけが目的ではありません。ナ・ン・パ★ムフッ・・ いやいやボーイズじゃなくて・・・(したいところだけどぉぉぉ)、アーティスト。 世界中で活躍している人も含め、沢山の出会いがありました。今後どんどんコラボレート企画していきたいです。逆に私達のギャラリーの質問をされることが多くて、ありがたいですね。 おまけに私好みの洋服を作っているアーティストも見つけちゃって。。嬉し♪♪さっそく服をオーダーしちゃいました。ムフフ
Of course! the aim wasn't only to make presentation. I picked up some people. Oh yes, it wasn't cute boys!! (would be nice? haha) Artists!! I had many of encounters including people who are performing around the world. I am excited to make collaboration work together with them in the future. The other hands had asked about our gallery, that is nice for introducing ourselves. Also, I found my favorite clothing artist, too. So I already ordered a one-piece for my self.!!♪♪そして新しいお友達もできました。。ボストンテリアのテスちゃんです。以前ボストンテリアを飼っていたので、思いだしてうるうるしちゃいました。フェスタの疲れもテスちゃんに会って癒され・・会場近くに住む友人チカッポ(テスママ)も遊びに来てくれました。めちゃめちゃ助けてくれました。ありがとう!!
Further more!! I got a new friend!!!!!! A Boston-terrier named Tesu. I used to have a Boston-terrier before so Tesu reminds me of that and makes me almost cry. Tesu is such a cute puppy. I felt at ease with her even though I had hard work at the festa. Her owner and my friend Chicappo lives near the place so she visited for us and helped me a lot! Thank you Chicappo & Tesu!!
ラベル: Art