笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
これ、母が30年前以上に履いていたブーツ。These boots were used by my mother over 30 years ago.
先日、今年もお世話になろ うと出してきましたが、結構傷みも進んでいるので一度靴屋さんに、手頃な値段で出来る限りの(ヨクバリ?:笑)ケアをお願いしてきました。
I pulled the boots out and have been using regularly these winters.
The other day I pulled these boots out for this winter but decided to take to a shoe repair shop and ask them to do as much as they can with reasonable price since the boots have been damaged.
こ のとおり、色もかかともキレイに戻ってきて大満足。
As seen the picture, they have come back with color and heels seem new so I'm very satisfied!
They can be used several more years now. But if I look close, some parts of the leather has broken away or got crack... I heard that these damages are difficult to repair even for the repair shop.
修理屋さんと話して気付いたのは、母が履いていた頃と、私が履き始めめた数年前までの空白の時間に傷みが進んだようです。 や はり履かない年でも、ちゃんとオイルを塗るなどをしてケアしてあげると革も大切に残せるようです。
母が行きたい場所に連れていってくれたブーツ、 私の行きたいところに連れていってくれるブーツ、今も昔もそしてこれからも。ずっ と使い続けていけたらと思ます。
I realized by talking with the repairer that the boots had been deteriorating rapidly during the blank time of when I start to use the boots from my mother finished to use, even if you don't to wear the shoe for season, it is better to put oils on to take care of it.
The boots took my mother wherever she wanted, the boots take me to wherever I want. I hope to be able to use for years to come.
ということで、修理屋さんから戻ってきたブー ツ。今日は年代ものの靴に合わせて?(笑)服もコーディネートしてみました。
高校1年生になる頃に買っ たスカート。
So, since that, the boots came back from shoe repair shop, I coordinated cloth with the old boots.
The skirt which I got when I was 16 years old.
The knit which I got 10 years ago.
The shirt which I got 8 years ago.
Yah, I am a person who keeps my favorite things for long long time.
そ こに先日紹介したaffordanceの小川さんのバックをちゃっかり持ってみました。
新しい服にも、そして年代物の服達にも、どちらにもいける 万能バックでした☆
The bag I'm holding shrewdly is Mr.Ogawa's from 'affordance' who I introduced in the previous post.
It seems to match with new cloth as well as old.
Yes, I will take care of it!あっ、ちなみにこちらも現在Me愛用中のママのおさがり、20年前のブーツ。
These are my favorite boots I got from my mother. My mother used to wear them over 20 years ago.