笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
以前このブログでも紹介した南アフリカにボランティアに行っているサトちゃんがギャラリーを訪ねて来てくれましたぁ。ココ1 と ココ2
Today, I had a nice visitor..... A friend Sato-chan who is a volunteer in South Africa - I have already introduced Here and Here before on this blog.
Yes, I was giddy with excitement over meeting him! Well, he is handsome and a nice guy♪ haha~
But! having said that this temporary return is because of the earthquake. He said that it was huge news and the tsunami pictures are making the front page on most newspapers but except that, there wasn't specific information he could get. So, he was worried about his home in Japan.
There was no big damage in his parents house. This Utsunomiya city area is considered the lesser disaster area in Tochigi prefecture.
当然、活動している地域の人達というのは裕福な人はかなり少ない。生徒達の中でもパンを一斤買ってそれのみを一週間の中で食べ続ける人や、ラ ンチのブレイクタイムなどでも何も食べない生徒もいる中でその様な大金を寄付してくれたのでした。
In the field, where he is teaching and told to students about his temporary return to Japan since the earthquake, there were so many words of encouragement and donations from them.
Of course the people in the field don't have much money. There is such big donation from people such a student eats only a loaf of bread for a whole week or another student doesn't eat lunch at lunch break because there isn't enough food. Sato-chan was shaking and cried. The donation will be sent to Japan through Red cross society of South-Africa.
He is going back to S-Africa in 2 days. I wish to ask him to say thank you to the kind people in South Africa from us. There is mutual support around the world.
We had a catch up over chatting, and had stimulating time. Also I can see that he has become a more dependable person. Good luck!
After saying goodbye, I had another lovely visitor... It might be called Black-faced Bunting bird.They were flying around in front of the door. It also makes me feel energized. I wish the nuclear accident will be clear soon....
ラベル: Friends