笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Yesterday, my husband and I attended the 'Oishii-kai' produced by natural cook Hiromi Adachi. Last time →here
おいしい会とは、あだちさんが、各会ごとに各作家さんの器とコラボレーションしてお食事を出してくれる、素晴らしい会。今回は笠間在住陶芸家のご夫婦佐藤りち”ゅうさんと奥さまのあつこさんがゲスト作家。 器を作る人、器に料理を作る人、器と料理で笑顔を作る人で造られる会。私は笑顔作り人。
The party is a great idea, held in collaboration each time with each artist's dishes used to serve Hiromi's cooking. This time the party was held using dishes made by Rijyu Sato with his wife Atsuko. The party was made by people who make dishes, people who make food on the dishes and people who make smiles with the dishes and cooking. Actually I was a smilist.
佐藤りち”ゅうさんの作品は以前ちらっとご紹介したことがありましたが、今回明るい日差しの中で見るターコイズは爽やかで、またガラリと違った印象。そして今回は作家ご夫妻のアトリエ兼住所での開催。 とても素敵なインテリアと沢山の作品を同時に楽しませてもらいました。
The art work by Rijyu Satou and Atsuko, I have introduced before, but this time the turquoise blue of dishes were different images with last time. I felt the color was brighter in the sunlight. The party was held at the artist's studio next door to his house, so we enjoyed neat interior and their other works all together.
今回のメニューは ~ビーングリーン&ターコイズブルー~
The menu called 'Bean green & turquoise blue'
Tofu and tomato Caprese salad
Green beans and Japanese yam -kanten-yose (kanten:vegetable gelatin)
Grilled cucumber with salsa sauce
Green beans sauce dressing salad
Deep fried pumpkin and wheat gluten with soy-curry sauce.
Soba (buckwheat noodle)
Two sweets!! 'marinaded watermelon and spiced
The dishes for the marinaded watermelon were given to all customers as a present. This is a nice surprise gift!
水出しコーヒー&水出しかぶせ煎茶 Natural coffee and green tea.
レシピはあだちさんのHPブログをご参考に!あと、この時の記録も→Hiromi Adachi's HP&Recipe Here
That is a great collaboration we enjoyed the foods and dishes, chatting, and the atmosphere, too.
だから寂しくはありません。それより素敵な出会いに感謝し、これからの長いお付き合いが楽しみです。 拠点はどこにあっても、ひろみさんのご活躍を楽しみにしています☆
This is my 2nd time to attendant this party and will be the last, because Hiromi Adachi and her family are going to move to Nara in western Japan. It's a shame....but also I got pressure to visit her in Nara, so I maybe I don't feel sad. I'm thankful to met her and looking forward to having a long-term relationship with her. I wish her the best of luck and happiness coming on her wherever she goes.
Me, Rijyu-san, Atsuko-san with Saku, Adachi-san and her husband Sekine-san.
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking