
最近のこと。About recently.

I had a big learning opportunity.

It's doing output.(What I mean by output is, explaining with words from your head, by writing or talking about what you've learned from experience by study or work.)

ある知人の女性から1本の 電話をいただきました。 「あすこさん、最近時間があるんだって?」・・
内容はその方からのご依頼。その方と個人的なセッションの時間を設けて、簡単なビジネスマ ナー(彼女が今までそういった研修を受けた経験がないため)や私なりの物事の考え方を教えて欲しいとのことでした。
最初、お受けしてよいものか考え込み、ちとせさんに相談してみたり、迷いました。 だって、私に何ができるんだろう・・・と。よくよく考えると、きっとその方からの’ご厚意’だと思いました。 
I had a call from one of my friends. She says 'I heard that you have time recently. Don't you? ' It was a request to have private session time with her and teach her about simple business manners (she does not have training experience) and tell how I think for my attitude of mind. At first, I thought about agreeing to the request and asking to one of my mentors Chitose, because I was hesitant about what I can do for her...
I thought over again. Finally I thought that is an offer from her 'courtesy' even though she says request.

ご自身で開業もされていて、都内では生徒さんに講義を行う方。最近では新たなビジネスをスタートさせた、人生の大先輩です。私にアウトプットするという チャンスを与えてくれたのだと感じました。
She has her own business and does lectures for student in Tokyo. Although she started another new business with a partner, so she has seniority in life. I felt she gave me a chance to output. So I accepted her request with gratitude.

私はその方とお会いする前に、自分が今持っている知識をおさらいし、資料を作り、彼女とのセッションの中で、もしかして必要とされるかもしれない・・ことを引き出し て、次回のための自分への宿題にしました。
I had a run-through of my knowledge, made materials before meeting her although making homework by drawing from our session about what she might like to know for myself for next time.

帰り際、役に立てたかな、とか、分かり易かったか?楽しんでもらえたかな・・と反省してみたり。。 お互いの考えを伝えあったり。実は大きく成長させてもらえたのは私の方でした。ありが とうございました。
After the session, I always think back and regret about, was it able to help her? was it a clear guide? or did she enjoy? We talk about own thoughts with each other. Actually, she made me grow and learn a lot. Thank you so much.

I have been reluctant to step forward to output. But I studied deeply this time.
Output, has become one of my enjoyable subjects.


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