笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
先日はツインリンク茂木で開催された DE耐レースへ。昨年のポストへは→ココ
The other day, I went to a motorcycle race called 'DE耐(tai) Endurance' at Twin Ring Motegi. Last year's post →here. Of course I went to cheer for my friend Shinoyan. I wanted to see a good race this year since he had not raced last year because of engine trouble.
When I arrived there, the race was delayed due to heavy rain. Then the weather cleared again and they started the race. At that time, his team was 16th.その時、ピットの中ではシノヤンの愛娘ナナ助が、真剣に・・・・・・
At same time in the pit, Shinoyan's lovely daughter Nanasuke was serous about........
Eating potato chips and put them in to her mouth as much as she can. Seasoning salt and oil stick on around her mouth and hands! haha. How cute she is!
While Nanasuke is being serious about potato chips, her father Shinosuke was racing on the course seriously. When I looked at the rank table, he was 10th. He's boosting the number!! I know he is. Then I had to go, so I left there with strong reluctance.
そして気になる結果は・・・・ドコドコドコドコ バーーーーン!! 89台中 3位!
すばらしいですね~~~。 おめでとう!!! 来年も楽しみにしていますよ!☆
The final result is !!!! Ta-daaaaaah!!!
He and his team got 3rd! Out of 89 teams. It is great! I am looking forward to see next year! 番外編:シノヤン奥さまユッキーちゃんの菜園。山盛り夏野菜をいただいてまいりました。うれしい~~。
Postscript: I got a lot of vegetables from Shinoyan's wife Yukki's garden farm. Thank you!! Although I got a grape tomato recipe from Yukki. Remove grape tomato skins by dipping in hot water for second. Then pickled in soba-tsuyu (soba-sauce) and little bit of sesame-oil then leave in refrigerator. I added some basil leaves and Japanese green peppers since I had them.
Veeeery yummy!!! Why don't you try to make it!
ラベル: Friends, Motorcycle, vegetarian cooking