
★Motorcycle race バイクレース

Today, I went to TWIN RING MOTEGI to cheer for my friend Sinoyan's motorcycle race, so I was excited and was humming during the drive alone.

今回のレースは年1回の‘DE耐’ という100cc以下4ストロークエンジンのバイクで7時間耐久を21リットル以下のガソリンで・・という燃費制限がある特殊レース。速さと共に、技術がものをいいます。昨年出場した際は152台中3位表彰台だったので、今年は優勝をねらって。
The race is called 'DE-耐(endurance) ' which comes annually. It has regulations to use a motorcycle under 100 cc, 4 stroke engine, 7 hours endurance race also with fuel consumption-limitation to under 21 liters of gasoline. So speed and technique are required. Last year also I came to cheer for them. They were 3rd rank in the 152 teams so we are hoping for a win for this year.

My cute sisters Hikari and Mika!! I was glad them join me to come every time.

Well, how it is gonna be this year!!!

I was plow into go for pit......

おや・・ ただならぬ気配。
Well, some alarming smell...

エ・エンジントラブル・・・・・  ガガ~ン。
Jeeeeeeee, Engine got serious trouble.

On Lap 12, They had retire the race... I was so regret since I know how much they spent time every day recently. I've never been in a situation like this before even came for race several times, so it shocked me.

The men are strong, they were taking off the parts and tidying up silently.

For me, it was hard. I was teary-heart even though I couldn't help anything for them.

But, when I left there, I decided to cheer for them more for the next race, too.
race is like a drama.


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