
★Professionalism プロ意識

先月栃木に夫婦で遊びにきてくれたマホちゃん。ネイリストであり、競争率の高い東京でネイルサロン・True Colorsを主宰するキャリアウーマンでもあります。
The other day, our friends Maho came to visit us with her husband Ben. She is a nailist, also a career woman, and she manages a nail salon True colors where competition is keen in Tokyo. She has a great technique so has experience demonstrating her technique in a beauty show in England. So she has sensitivities as a professional.
It was a fresh talk we had, about work, family, health, food... it never dried up.

I have some things stuck in my head from the chat.

One, there is the world of seeking beauty. Fashion styles fluctuate quickly. And many nailists debut every year. So it can be anxious since becoming more difficult in competitive markets and struggling with getting wrapped up in the pressure.
そこで彼女は言います”この仕事にある以上、自分の技術とセンスを磨くことを止めちゃダメ。止めてしまうと、すぐに追いつかれてしまう。でも、前進することを怠らなければ、追いかけてくる人達がいたとしても自分はその分前に進んでいるから不安はない。。 力強い言葉でした。
She says: If you have a job as like this, you can't stop to brush up for your technique and cultivate good taste. If you stop, people will catch up quickly, and the other hand, if you make every effort to advance, you can keep staying with distance for new competitors so it doesn't make anxious. It was vibrant words.

One other word which I has impressed by. She had to take off work for more than 1 month last year because of her being out of shape. It must have been an agonizing matter for her.
What she could feel from it was, "preciousness of customers.” Most customers came back to her when she came back. And she says 'It was a hard matter but, I could realize from it that I am rich in good hearty customers .’

I realize that why she is surrounded by good customers also I could tell her professional mind.
Realize preciousness of customers and being grateful for, that are what is needed to heighten awareness about consciousness of professional.

I think I have many ladies around me who can teach a lot.

この日にしていたネイル、爽やかな春色。 なんと本物のダイヤが埋め込んであるそうでス!!ワォ!
Her nails at that time, brisk spring fresh greenish blue colors.
It has real diamonds inside.


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