
2nd of May, I went to a wedding reception for my friend Sarasara. He is a nice guy. He taught me many things when we worked together in the motorcycle division. He taught about the test regulations for electromagnetic compatibility, how to maintain a motorcycle and how to ride etc, even though it was all Greek to me. I think he must have tried hard...hahaha

そんなサラサラの結婚式、あ~~~~~~ええもん見せてもらった!!最高の笑顔。やっぱりいいですね。結婚式って。二人の幸せそうな顔みて、私も幸せ気分にどっぷり浸ってきました。サラサラはお皿洗いとゴミ出しを約束し、奥様は毎朝の朝食用パンを手作りすることを約束。。 お二人とも、頑張ってください。。。
あっ、でもウチはお皿洗いに、ゴミ出し、洗濯物干しはメインでお願いしていますね。お茶を煎れるのと、スーパー買い物も・・・最近は割合的には彼に。 夫婦協力あるのみ。新妻よ、最初が肝心だ。相手の項目を上手に増やしてゆこうぞ。。
About the wedding, it was wonderful. I enjoyed it a lot. Very best smile. In the wedding, I soaked up the happy feeling since I saw their happy faces. He swore to wash dishes and take the trash out. The wife made a promise that she will bake bread for his breakfast every morning. It is good to have something to promise for marriage. Actually I should have done!
Oh yeah, but my darling does wash dishes, take trash out, and shop for groceries and make tea. Just give-and-take is necessary for a married couple. Brides, what you need is how it begins. Let's handle making housework items for the other side cleverly. Wait, it sounds like I am lazy. Doesn't it!?! Of course I am a good cutie wife. Haha..Hopefully...

Anyway, about the wedding, I always try to wear kimono when I attend a wedding reception unless there is a compelling reason not to. It is a good chance to wear kimono, because sometimes the invitation is from the bride's and groom's parents so I wear kimono to show my respect for those who invited me, and they seem glad to see it. Also it might help to make a fashionable wedding. There are so many reasons.
This time, I wore a kimono which my grandmother got for me 2 years ago. Usually I don't have so many pink color cloths but I choose because of kimono. This time I went to the wedding with some coworkers and I was the only the lady in that group so, I wanted pink to make a nice atmosphere and put blue-green color on the collar for fresh images of early summer. I love kimono!

帰りは一緒に行っていた方に、白金台の素敵なカフェに連れて行ってもらいました。Cafe La Boheme カフェ ラ・ボエム 白金。なんといっても建物がレトロでステキ。気に入りました!次回は外のテラスでのんびりしたいな・・・という感じです。近くに行った際は試してみてね!
On the way back, one of my coworkers took us to a nice cafe in Shirogane-dai inTokyo. It is called Cafe La Boheme . I like their retro-style building. I'd like to have leisurely cafe time on the terrace next time.

All told, I heartily congratulated the new couple and got a happy aura from them, wore kimono, found a nice cafe.... It was such a happy day.


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