笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日は久しぶりに自由時間。 引っ越しの慌ただしい時間から解放です。
I had free time today for the first time in a while. I was released from busy days for moving.
So, I went to horse riding with my friend.
I felt that I made a liiiiiiiiittle bit of progress from last time.
とにかく楽しくて、馬のテッペイ君と仲良くなれた気が(笑) 首を撫でるたびに、耳をこちらに向けて気にしてくれるのが嬉しかった。
I enjoyed a lot. Although I think that I could make a friend, his name is Teppei. It was lovely that he turns his ears toward to me when I pet his neck.
I was eased very much. Thank you for taking with me. I want to go again. 午後は、家の一部屋をお教室としてお借りたいという方が来ました。
In the afternoon, I had someone who wants to use a room of our house for lessons come over and see.
I hope he likes the house, too.
ラベル: Friends
When I went to the kitchen in the morning, I found some seeds on the counter.
I asked to my husband about it, and he said theyare Japanese pear seeds he ate last night.
Does he want me to plant them in the garden?
I can't do that...
Finally, we moved into the new house.
A lot of boxes are around and dishes are on the table. We do not have aninternet connection yet.
I like the garden. I hope that soon we can eat a meal while looking at it.
We've been holding the exhibition in my parents' house.
We had many costumers today also even though it was raining. Thank you very much.
We forgot to eat lunch because the costumers were taking a serious look so we were happy to explain the history of Persian carpets, about motifs of pattern or general talk, etc. It makes the time pass quickly.
「生活習慣は 心が刻む ”彫刻” である」
Well, There is my mum's page-a-day calendar in the house which has words for each day. Actually, I enjoy it when I came back the house, 'What does it tell me today?'.
The words for today
-Living habits are the sculptures carved by the mind.-
Living habits are shaved by your own mental attitude each time, each moment, every day. Then, the living habit makes the shape of the life, it is like saying "Constant dropping wears away the stone."
ラベル: Chez Keiko
いよいよ明日から待ちに待っていたキリム・ペルシャ展 at シェイ・ケイコです。
Uhhhm. It is time to work for me... haha
Finally, we are going to hold Kilim & Persian carpet exhibition at Chez Keiko. This is the event I've been waiting for. We brought in and set up today. We have to have power because there are so many carpets.そして今年は助っ人も参上。1歳9カ月の瑛ちゃん。ちゃんと「ヨイショ、ヨイショ」って絨毯を運ぶのを手伝ってくれたり、掃除機だってちゃんとテーブルの下までお掃除してくれるんです。
Also, we got help this year. Ei-chan 1 year and 9 months old boy. He helped a lot for as saying oops-a-daisy with us. Although he cleans up with vacuum, even under the table.
He gets hi-tension and frolics on the carpets when we roll them out. That is the son of a carpet shop.
His mum is one of my good friends. I met her when I was in England. She talked with me and was kind when I was whining since I was just started to live in London for first time abroad to study.
She taught me many things when we went to museums since she was studying hard at an antique art school in a famous auction company in London at that time. Now, she goes to Iran for selecting carpets with her reliable eyes for purchasing and becomes a definitive carpets seller.だから彼女の話を聞きたくて、毎年沢山のお客様がこの企画展を楽しみにしていらっしゃてくれます。本当にありがたい。
That why many customers come and enjoy this exhibition every year for listening to her talk.
The exhibition will be held from tomorrow 14th until 18th. I will turn over carpets during the exhibition days although I enjoy doing it. I expect to be there every day except Monday.
Well, we are mostly done for preparation for the exhibition this year. Why don't you come and enjoy hot yummy coffee and warm carpets with us!!
シェイ・ケイコ Chez Keiko
キリム&ペルシャ展 Kilim & Persian carpet exhibition
2011.10.14(Fri) - 10. 18(Tue)
ラベル: Chez Keiko
So, we went to Nikko with our lunch boxes, and hiked there where the leaves are just beginning to turn red.
旦那さまと日本に滞在中の友達ブライアン君を誘って。 湯元~戦場ヶ原近辺。言葉よりも写真で語れるかな。
My husband and I took Bryan with us, he is staying in Japan for these days.
Nikko Yumoto-Senjougahara. Maybe I can tell the story with beautiful pictures better than words.やっぱりいつものこの距離・・・縮まらず。
Yah, always have distance like this... as I suspected.温泉の源泉、初めて見ました。湯気が出ています。もちろん帰りは温泉でまったり。
This is first time for me to see a source of hot springs. You can see the steam. Smell of sulfur is hanging in the air. Of course we enjoyed hot springs for relaxing time.普段家族や友達が離れている旦那さまにとっては、こうして友人と会えることが、とても嬉しそうです。ブライアン君は私にとっても大切な友人。上海を拠点にしながら、世界をまたにかけて仕事をする彼の話は知的で聞いていて楽しい。またすぐ会おうね☆
Seems like my husband is having a good time with friends since my husband is living far from his family and other good friends. Also Brian is a good friend of mine, too. It is interesting and enjoying to listen to his intellectual story since he is traveling all over the world with his business based in Shanghai. Thanks and see you soon!!
This morning, I made lunch boxes after a long interval.
Looks...weren't so great. Might be because of lack of finesse since I haven't been making lunch boxes for a while? Or didn't prepare enough for ingredients? But it will be OK, if it has lots of love inside. hahaha
”料理は愛情!” 子供の頃から大好きな言葉の一つです。
I like the word "Cooking is feeling of love (passion)"
今回は、いつものベジタリアン(ビーガン)スタイルに加えて、食べてくれる方がアレルギーのため小麦粉不使用。 「えっ、お肉、お魚、卵、牛乳、小麦粉使わないのっ?!??」 なんて言わずに、フランス料理、和食があるように、レパートリーが一つ増えたと思って、楽しんでしまいます。
This time I made vegan style as usual and gluten-free style for a friend who as an allergy. 'Wao!! No meat, fish, eggs, milk and wheat ?!?!!" someone could say that, but actually I enjoyed to do with thinking as have other repertories like french, or Japanese, etc.
・Yuba steamed soy milk skin.・オレンジズッキーニとナッツのサラダ
・Orange zucchini nuts and dried fruits salad
apple vinegar/salt
・Konjac food
stir-fried with hot soy sauce
・Rice flower penne pasta
dried tomato/homemade basil paste
・Soy meat and green bell pepper with salsa sauce
・Japanese pear・ひじきご飯のおにぎり
・Hijiki rice-ball
rice cooked with salt/sake/kombu/umeboshi/sesami on top
inside: homemade green pepper miso-paste
Soy sauce, I used gluten-free soy sauce. I like it.
Well... now, shall we go for a picnic?
ラベル: Travel, vegetarian cooking
Yesterday, we went walking around Kamakura all day. Actually, my main reason was meeting a ceramic artist which I found on pictures and was thinking about for a while. And another reason is taking out Bryan for sightseeing in Kamakura, he is an American friend of my husband living in Shanghai, but he is staying in Japan for a few weeks in Tokyo for his work now.
そして、作家ご本人。行って良かった。会えて良かった。話せて良かった。 そう思える方でした。勇気出して訪ねてみてよかった。
At first, we stopped at the art gallery. Weeeeeeeell!! That I was expected and could say that is a hit!! Any of his ceramic art works are shooting and striking on my heart!! I was wondering if I really like the work when I saw on some pictures, but how would it be in reality? But any works make me think 'I want to have it'. Furthermore, the artist, I could think that, I'm glad to come, glad to meet him, glad to talk with him. I'm glad to have the courage to visit there.
大仏では豆乳ソフトを頬張りながら、秋の大仏さまをしばし眺めて一息。And then, we start to walk around Kamakura.
I gave applause to a bride at Hachimangu shine.
Get Kamakura local vegetables at Kamakura local market.
Enjoying listening to roar of waves and comfortable breeze from the sea at Yuigahama beach.
Walking and eating soy milk soft cream at the temple and had rest in front of the bronze statue of Amida Buddha.
In the evenig, we went to Ebisu in Tokyo and had drinks. Then came home to Utsunomiya by train with feeling a pleasant buzz. It is good time to have a one-day train trip like this.
This picture(upper one) of Amida Buddha was taken by my husband with the camera which is a his toy recently. He got a used cheap camera and used special software inside. It is little bit like a painterly picture, I like it!. The picture below I took with my normal camera.
今日は新居の様子を見に行ってみました。 ここちらが玄関の軒先電灯。
We have decided to move house at the end of this month.
We went to the new house for just checking today. This is the entrance light.
Actually, the new house was built over 80 years ago. Yes, veeeeery old!. But, we found that we like, so it was no choice. haha
We were concerned about the tatami mats (straw mat). Most of rooms are tatami mats. We don't have any knowledge about tatami, so we were worried that 'do we have to change all of them? or change the outside covers?' but we can't pay so much money on tatami... We decided to ask to tatami shop. I searched for reliable tatami shop and asked, then a tatami shop man came to the house and checked the tatami mats for us. During that time, I was waiting for his diagnostic and was nervous about how much the quotation going to be.そこで畳屋さんから出た言葉。「いや~、この畳。手を加えなくて良いと思います。」
Then, he said "Uuuummm, I don't think you need work on these tatami"
Me: 「えっ?古くないのですか?」
" What?!? Are they not old?
「かなりの年数が経っているのでやはり老朽化はしています。ですが状態も良いし、品物が最高級の畳で作られていますね。勿論取り替えもできますが、これと同じものにするとなると、かなりの金額にもなります。それよりも、表面の傷みも少ないし、まだ大切に使えます。なんといっても、今では見られない、手縫いのものなんです。博物館級です(笑) 大切に使われてきたから、もう少し使ってみましょう。畳下の床板も、家の保存状態も良いですね。」写真は手縫いの裏面。
'Yes, they are very old and of course getting run down, but conditions are good and made with high quality straw. Of-course you can change new, too, and will be good. But it will be a high cost if you want to have same quality with now. Rather they could use with good care since they haven't had big damages. And like I said, these are made by hand so these are not common now. It is like a museum piece. How about to use for a while and will see, since they have been cared well. Although flooring under the tatami mat, they seems fine since the house is well preserved." Picture of the back of tatami, you can see it is hand made.
あららら・・・。博物館級? ooh-la-la...like a museum piece?!
So, finally we decided that the tatami will have just treatment for protection from insects and cleaning.
I feel like I was relieved or something and surprised at the unexpected development.
How conscientious and well-knowledge the tatami shop man. I probably worry or paid money if he said ' These are very old and you should change all of them immediately!' because of we have no-idea about tatami-mats and how to care of them.
So I was relieved to have met this tatami shop man. Actually, his name-card inscribed with the title, tatami-doctor, first-class technicians and career of highest award at national title.
It was helpful and a warm day with tatamis and the tatami shop man.
ラベル: house
I couldn't update for a few days.
I had busy days recently... I got called here and there. It is appreciated.
The other day, I got work with Moto GP (Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix). It had been planned for last April but postponed to October because of the earthquake. It was feared to hold the race in Japan but finally was led to convening by ambitions and effort of many participants.
There were many flags showing "Gambaro Nippon"(meaning encouragement for Japan), sending substantial amounts of donations from Dorna, although it becomes proof that Motegi is able to invite riders and guests from around the world. The race makes me deeply concerned this time with emotion.今年は、MotoGPを運営しているドルナ社(スペイン)との通訳の仕事。スペイン訛りに怯みましたが(私の能力がタリナイ?笑)、ドルナ社の方、皆さん陽気で親切なジェントルマン、楽しくお仕事させていただきました。出会いに感謝。
This year, I worked for Dorna company as an interpreter. I was slightly troubled by the Spanish accent at first but I enjoyed working with people from Dorna. Warm, cheery gentlemen! I'm grateful for meeting them. Thank you.
ラベル: Motorcycle