笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
May is over this year. Japan has a season for 'Sansai (wild leaves) ' so we enjoyed it on our table, too.
鍋に湯を沸騰させたところに重層を入れて溶かしワラビをいれて火を止めます。そのまま置いて冷めるのを待ってOK(私の場合は一晩放置)。This year, I tried to use Warabi (Bracken sprouts).
First of all, skim the scum.
Prepare boiling water in a deep pan then put some saleratus and stir. Put the warabi then turn off the heat and leave them until they get cold. (I left over night) The prepration is finished!わらびの混ぜご飯
-Warabi rice -
Cut warabi 3-4cm and stir-fry with sliced shiitake mushrooms and season with soy sauce. Mix with white sesame and steamed rice.
―フキFuki(bog rhubarb)―下ごしらえ preparation
Preparation for this vegetable involves pre-treating with salt and soaking in water, a technique known as itazuri, or removing harshness. Then boil for a few minute.
Fuki pickles
Cut Fuki into round slices then mix with lemon juice and salt. Leave for over 30min. (I prefer to leave over night)フキの湯葉巻き
-Fuki wrapped with Yuba (soy milk skin)-
Wrap prepared fuki with sheeted yuba. It would be good to tie up with sea weed or gourd strips but I didn't have it so I used tooth picks, which works well. Steam with sake, soup stock (Japanese) and soy sauce.
This is a kind of native grass, we call wild onion or Chives.
Boil and dip into vinegared bean paste. Put chili pepper as you like.
Someone told me that he thinks I'm likely a person who eats wild leaves if I found. ,,,,,?? No way!! now.
But, when I was child, I like to find wild leaves which looks yummy on the my way home from school. haha
Pick a something look nice and peal outer leaf then eat it. I remember that it tasted like a cucumber. I thought I should bring some salt from the house.
One day, I saw a TV show, the host was Masanori Hata (nicknamed Mutsugorou-san) he is a popular and famous naturalist in Japan. He was eating field horsetail spores on the show, so the next day, I went out to pick field horsetail and cook.
Other things what I use,, dandelion leaves. Sometime my friend's mother invited to pick grass to make Kusa-mochi, that time I was always excited!!そこら辺で採ってきたひまわりの種を水と醤油で煮て、なぜか弁当箱に入れて凍らせてみたのは美味しくなかったこともありました。真似しないように。
One time, I picked sunflower seeds. I steamed with water and soy sauce then I don't know why but I froze them. It tasted terrible. You probably wouldn't like it.
I guess I was a brave girl who liked to try eating anything..
This is a kind of berry we can pick near my parents house during this season.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
「Heart to Heart ありがとう先生」
My favorite radio program re-entry.
I can catch the program but when I can listen, I listen in on the program.
The program is called "Heart to Heart -Thank for teachers"
The program invites listeners to share an unforgettable message you get from teacher.
今日の言葉、よかったなぁ。I like the message today.
"See where you will be in 30 years."
I think it can be after 5 years or 10 years.
Whether you spending time for live in the present.
It is limited in time for each. Is the way of life appropriated for present time?
How will I be after 30 years later.
ラベル: Thinking
On the week end, I joined a class for Sanskrit language in Tokyo.
This time, my husband came with. I think he is curious about other languages since he has experience for language study (ex,Japanese).
Most of yoga words come from Sanskrit so I wanted to get more understanding of yoga.
Sanskrit is a very traditional language and also is a source or influence of many other languages (included Japanese, English). Currently it has been permeated for religion study or academic field widely. Also we can hear Sanskrit in daily-life.
For example, in Japanese 'danna (means:man or buddy)', 'kawara (roof tile)', the Buddhism word which we know well like 'Namiamudabutsu", etc, these are derived from the Sanskrit.
In India now, Sanskrit is classical language so people don't use for usual language but many people study for academic or intelligence.
ヨガが役にたちました。 他の若い審査官方は勿論サンスクリットやマントラは知らず・・。
About my Sanskrit story...
I had experience working with an elder inspector from India. He is a learned literacy man. Sometimes I have to concentrate to keep up with his conversation when we chat out of work conversation (Ex deep historical story on each country...etc) .
Meanwhile, when I talk about my yoga study, I sang a mantra song which I knew, then he joined me and harmonize together. We laugh together because such conversation can be had on strange occasions. I was helped by yoga! Other young inspectors didn't know about Sanskrit or mantra.さてさてクラスの話に戻りまして・・
先生はアメリカ人のジョシュア・マイケルJoshua Michell。
現在アメリカン サンスクリット インスティテュートを拠点として世界各地でワークショップを開催しています。
OK, pick up on my earlier statement. The teacher was American his name is Joshua Michell a senior teacher with the American Sanskrit Institute. He leads Sanskrit and Yoga Philosophy workshops throughout the US and internationally.
彼の師、パタビジョイス Sri K. Pattabhi Joisからの言葉として、サンスクリットを学ぶことで、全てのヨガを学習することができる・・とわれています。
He says that his teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois said " If one has knowledge of Sanskrit, then knowledge of yoga is possible as well " .
My first impression of Joshua was, 'His sound of voice is beautiful". This is why I notice was, I had learn about enunciation from teacher Kashimada (an announcer) so I could appreciate it.
Oh yes, I understand why...
The 3 of most important things when you speak Sanskrit.
・Position of enunciation in your mouth.
・Length of sound
Ummmmmm Actually, I thought it was difficult!!
A long, long time ago, the Sanskrit was handed down only orally for 3,000 years. It is quite serious learning. He says that Sanskrit is like a deep, wide ocean. But you don't have to be nervous about difficulty for example, pronounce correctly, etc. If you try, the language will be your guide.
The vibration of sound was so beautiful, I felt that my mind and body were purified by singing mantra.
I found another window of inquiry for yoga.
ラベル: Yoga
最近のはまりもの その2
What I like recently 2
(Living food (Raw food), uncooked, unprocessed food)
Here I use bread and boiled potatoes, so it is not 100% raw food, but I just want to try to take raw food as much as I can freely for our table.青菜(ほうれん草、青梗菜、小松菜 etc)が美味しい時期になり、我が家にもべジファームなかやさんから美味しい有機無農薬の青菜が沢山届いています。 茹でたり、ソテーしたりが多いので、これをなんとか生(ローフード)の食べ方ができないものかと。。
Now, greens are in season (spinach, qing-geng-cai, lettuce, raddish leaves, etc.)
We have lots of greens in our house now. Boil or stir-fry...so I was wondering how I can eat them with 'living food'. Then I found "Green sauce recipe".
We like them very much now. (The other day also I took in a lunch box with pasta!)
I have 2 recipes here.
You can enjoy as a dipping sauce for vegetable sticks or put on bread.
・青菜類(2~3束) 今回は冷蔵庫にあった青梗菜など
Qing-geng-cai or any greens 2 or 3 bunches or whatever you found in your refrigerator
(In the living food recipe book which I have suggested using celery and parsley.)
・生カシューナッツ (一晩水につけておいたもの)
Raw cashew nuts - 1 and 1/2 cups (soak in water for 1 night)
・レモン 半分
Lemon half cut
・ゴマペースト 又はタヒニ
Sesame paste or Tahini
・醤油 少々
Soy sauce
・たまねぎ 半コ~1コ
Onion half - 1
Carrots half or 1
・塩 (好みで味噌にしてもよいと思います)
Salt (or soybean paste)
・クコの実 ドライを水に戻したもの(あればでOK・・リビング・フードではゴジベリーといって、栄養価も高くよく使用されています)
Dried Wolfberry (If you have any) Reconstituted by soaking in water
(Rawfooditerian eat and call Goge berry as highly nutritious foods)
Put all ingredients in a blender except carrot and wolf-berries. Then, add carrots and wolf-berries for last 10 seconds because I think it is good to maintain the color rough-grained for having the right look.
Put on toast.
2つめのグリーンソース Here is another green sauce recipe.
Sometimes you can find a recipe for green pesto in a vegetarian cookbook.
・青菜 2~3束(なんでも)
Qing-geng-cai or any greens 2 or 3 bunches or whatever you found in your refrigerator. Usually in a vegetarian book says boiled greens but I used fresh this time)
・レモン汁 半コ分
Lemon half
・ピーナッツ 適量 (乾燥したものでもOK。もちろん生のナッツでも)
Peanuts (as many as you want) (Raw or roasted)
・オリーブオイル 適量
Olive oil (as you want)
Put in a blender, that's it!! So easy!!
Dress with pasta or potato!
(Add salt when you mix them)BUONAPPETITO!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I found something interesting in a supermarket: "Shio Natto". Natto is made of fermented soybeans and this is salt (Shio) flavored. This is unusual because mostly the sauce is made with soy sauce.
My darling likes natto very much. So when I found this......
原材料名 大豆・麹・塩・昆布
Ingredients: Soybeans, fermented rice, salt and seaweed.
おお~~いいじゃないっすか。 美味しそうじゃん♪
などど、塩納豆をしげしげと見つめながら、塩なっとうについて心との対話。 何分くらい立っていたか・・
Ummmmm,sounds nice! healthy! and yummy!
Should I get or not?!? This is bit more expensive than normal natto which I usually buy.
So I was standing and holding it, giving a penetrating stare for awhile...
OK I get it. My darling likes natto and this is unique. So I offer a pretext for myself and put it in the cart.早速夕食にて・・・
At dinner time....
"It is sweet!"
Yeah, it's kind of sweet. This sweetness come from fermented rice.
But, it's still good. I think it may go well with cold tofu or cucumber
So, this time,.. I give 3 stars! haha
This is another lunch box my darling took with him to the office yesterday,too.
・またまた がんもの煮物(同じものでも文句は言ワセマセン)
Ganmo(deep-fried bean curd) boiling, again..
Taro potato fry with corn grits
Fuki, (bog rhubarb) pickles
Qing-geng-cai stir-fry with hot sauce
Brown rice
Hope he likes Ganmo...
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
先月栃木に夫婦で遊びにきてくれたマホちゃん。ネイリストであり、競争率の高い東京でネイルサロン・True Colorsを主宰するキャリアウーマンでもあります。
The other day, our friends Maho came to visit us with her husband Ben. She is a nailist, also a career woman, and she manages a nail salon True colors where competition is keen in Tokyo. She has a great technique so has experience demonstrating her technique in a beauty show in England. So she has sensitivities as a professional.
It was a fresh talk we had, about work, family, health, food... it never dried up.
I have some things stuck in my head from the chat.
One, there is the world of seeking beauty. Fashion styles fluctuate quickly. And many nailists debut every year. So it can be anxious since becoming more difficult in competitive markets and struggling with getting wrapped up in the pressure.
そこで彼女は言います”この仕事にある以上、自分の技術とセンスを磨くことを止めちゃダメ。止めてしまうと、すぐに追いつかれてしまう。でも、前進することを怠らなければ、追いかけてくる人達がいたとしても自分はその分前に進んでいるから不安はない。。 力強い言葉でした。
She says: If you have a job as like this, you can't stop to brush up for your technique and cultivate good taste. If you stop, people will catch up quickly, and the other hand, if you make every effort to advance, you can keep staying with distance for new competitors so it doesn't make anxious. It was vibrant words.
One other word which I has impressed by. She had to take off work for more than 1 month last year because of her being out of shape. It must have been an agonizing matter for her.
What she could feel from it was, "preciousness of customers.” Most customers came back to her when she came back. And she says 'It was a hard matter but, I could realize from it that I am rich in good hearty customers .’
I realize that why she is surrounded by good customers also I could tell her professional mind.
Realize preciousness of customers and being grateful for, that are what is needed to heighten awareness about consciousness of professional.
I think I have many ladies around me who can teach a lot.
この日にしていたネイル、爽やかな春色。 なんと本物のダイヤが埋め込んであるそうでス!!ワォ!
Her nails at that time, brisk spring fresh greenish blue colors.
It has real diamonds inside.
What I like recently.
I introduced corn grits before. I made taro potatoes fried in corn grits. How to make it? it is quite easy.
Boil taro potatoes with skin in water that starts at room-temperature. (or you can use a microwave)
Peel boiled potatoes, it will be easy to peel but don't burn your hands! You can use a fork.
Slice 1cm or whatever size you like then cover the corn grits on taro potatoes. Put oil in the pan and fry potatoes cook crisply. Put salt as you like.
It will be handy when you like to different recipe for taro potato or for me, I like deep fried potato but sometimes I don't feel like preparing deep fried oil so this doesn't need a lot of oil.
You can enjoy crispy roast coated and slightly sweetened corn with it.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
Yesterday after the race, I went to dinner with my friend.
We met in junior high school, we were always together every days in that time, so we thought that we know each other more than our own parents. So that would be why, we still understand each other with no words and I am even surprised how she understands me well and I am grateful for it.
そんな彼女と話をしていたら、彼女の2人の娘達は、私達が出会った歳に成長していた。彼女が嬉しそうに財布から取り出した、母の日に娘からもらった手紙。顔をくしゃくしゃにして喜んでいた。 あ~もうこんな漢字が書けるくらい大きくなったんだな。。。あんなに小さかったのに・・なんとも驚いたのは、字があの頃の彼女の字と全く同じ。
We realize that her 2 daughters have grown up to the age same as the age when we met for the first time. She took out the letter which she got for mother's day presents from her daughter. She seemed so happy and look rumpled. It reminds me how her daughter has grown up so fast and surprise they already know difficult Chinese characters and especially excited that their writing is same as what she was writing when she was student.
It reminds me of good memories flashing in front of me. It makes me almost cry but I hold back my tears since she would wonder.
We talk about as usual joking,
"I would be worried if our daughter got an insolent friend like us., haha "
But in contrast, I said in my mind that
"I'm so happy to have you as a friend since then. If I have kids I would want them have such good friends like us."
昨日はなんだか友達に泣かされっぱなしだな・・・ 湿った涙じゃないけどね。
I was almost made to cry by friends yesterday, but these were pleasure tears.
Today, I went to TWIN RING MOTEGI to cheer for my friend Sinoyan's motorcycle race, so I was excited and was humming during the drive alone.
今回のレースは年1回の‘DE耐’ という100cc以下4ストロークエンジンのバイクで7時間耐久を21リットル以下のガソリンで・・という燃費制限がある特殊レース。速さと共に、技術がものをいいます。昨年出場した際は152台中3位表彰台だったので、今年は優勝をねらって。
The race is called 'DE-耐(endurance) ' which comes annually. It has regulations to use a motorcycle under 100 cc, 4 stroke engine, 7 hours endurance race also with fuel consumption-limitation to under 21 liters of gasoline. So speed and technique are required. Last year also I came to cheer for them. They were 3rd rank in the 152 teams so we are hoping for a win for this year.
My cute sisters Hikari and Mika!! I was glad them join me to come every time.
Well, how it is gonna be this year!!!
I was plow into go for pit......
おや・・ ただならぬ気配。
Well, some alarming smell...
エ・エンジントラブル・・・・・ ガガ~ン。
Jeeeeeeee, Engine got serious trouble.
On Lap 12, They had retire the race... I was so regret since I know how much they spent time every day recently. I've never been in a situation like this before even came for race several times, so it shocked me.
The men are strong, they were taking off the parts and tidying up silently.
For me, it was hard. I was teary-heart even though I couldn't help anything for them.
But, when I left there, I decided to cheer for them more for the next race, too.
race is like a drama.
ラベル: Friends, Motorcycle
嬉し!! 早速頂戴しに伺いましたぁぁ~。食べのの事となると行動早っっ!愛娘のナナ助も笑顔でお出迎えしてくれました。
In this prefecture, sakura (cherry blossom) season has ended for this year. But, a kind of sakura called Yae-sakura are still blooming. They are so beautiful.
I got a call from my friend Yuki, who is my coworker friend Shinoyan's wife. She said that she prepared Sakura flower pickles since they have a Yae-sakura tree in the garden at their new house where they just moved this spring. I was happy to hear it and went to their house. I know, I always am quick in action for food things!! Their sweet daughter also greeted me with a welcoming smile.
Yuke prepared most of the process for me.
Wash the flowers carefully then soak them for about 1 week.それから続きを家に持ち帰って・・(といってもほとんど大変なのは完了してくれていましたね)
I brought them back home and finished the preparations.
Squeeze off excess vinegar carefully then let dry in the shade for about 2 days.
Finally, put in a jar with salt.
I am so glad to know how to make the Sakura flower pickles because I buy some every year.
早速、桜茶。Sakura tea. (Put in hot water)
The remaining vinegar has Sakura's pink color and good smell! I made honey-pickled radishes with this vinegar.
What else shall I make... maybe Sakura rice cakes? Ummmm sounds yummy!ちなみにこちらは、去年のお花見に作っていった春キャベツと玄米の押し寿司(左端)。桜の塩漬けがアクセントです。
This picture is spring cabbage and brown rice sushi with sakura flower pickles (on the left square box) which I made last year for sakura party. A lot of flower pickles for accent!
If you can get sakura flowers (should be 70% blooming), let's try to make pickles!!
I want to try from the beginning of the process next year. Thank you so much Yuki☆
I wonder if it is possible to make with almond flowers? Perhaps if you live in Europe?
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking
週末の朝、Natural Flowのヒロミ先生がPark Yogaを企画してくれました。しかも私のお気に入りの長岡公園です。ここは先週もガールフレンドと一緒にピクニックしに来たばかり。広~~いくて、それほど混雑していなくて、の~~んびりできます。しかもなんといっても、沢山のワンコに会えるののも魅力に1つ。
On Sunday morning, we went to a Park yoga session planned by Hiromi from a yoga studio called Natural Flow. Nagaoka Park is one of my favorite parks, I came here last week, too, with a girlfriend to have a picnic. It is a wide, uncrowded leisure location, and I can meet many dogs!!外でするヨガはと~~~っても気持ちがいい。でもね、以前ある先生に外でするヨガについて相談した時がありました。そのときにアドバイスをしてもらったのは、確かに外で行うのは空気も新鮮で気持ちがいいのだけれども、虫がいたり、強い日差しの下だと、太陽のエネルギーがとても強いので、意識が集中しずらいから、虫のいない木の木陰を探すとよいとのこでした。
It is such a wonderful feeling to do yoga outside. But, I asked a yoga teacher before about doing yoga outside. He said that doing yoga outside is good because you can breath fresh air and it makes you feel good, but on the other hand, have insects around or strong sun can be disturbing for your concentration. So, it is better to find a place with less insects and in the shade.
そこで今回パークヨガ初参加の私・・。実験してみました。はい、先生ゴメンナサイ。 今回はあえて日差しの下で。。他の皆さんはちゃ~んと木陰でしているのにもかからず。
So, this is the first time to join the park yoga for me, I tried to do under the sun. Yes, sorry my teacher.. I just wanted to see what would happen.
OK, now I understand how strong the sun energy is. Very very much. I was almost losing ground with my unskilled concentration in the sun. I will be a good girl like a lamb for next time, and do under the shade o a tree, maybe..
But! With a feeling of being connected to the ground, great reaches of sky gave me a great feeling. It is free style!
いつも練習しているヨガは、自分の身体の中とつながるために意識を集中していきますが、外のヨガはうっすら目を開けると広がる緑の景色と青い空、草の感覚と風の香り、暖かい太陽の日差し・・・ それら自然とつながりながらのヨガを楽しみます。
Concentrate to the inside of my body, this is what I try to do for the practice of yoga, but outside yoga, slightly open eyes and look across the broad panorama of greens and blue sky, feel the grass under the foot, smell the air and warm sunshine...Just enjoy getting the feeling of being connected to nature.
Listening to Hiromi's instruction had been changed from 'Raise your feet to the ceiling' and 'Put your hands on the floor' to 'Raise your feet to the sky' and 'Put your hands on the ground'.立ち木のポーズ すばらしい先生が沢山そばにいます。足をしっかり地面に根付かせて。
Tree pose. There are the greatest teachers around us. Have your foot take root to the earth.
Had a pleasant breeze.終わった後は、なんとヒロミ先生が炊いた玄米おにぎりと野菜のおかずでランチターーイム!!。なんて優しい味なんでしょう!!
After training, we had lunch together with Hiromi's handmade brown riceballs and vegetarian lunch boxes. It is such a kind taste!
Actually when I was training, I was so excited about this lunch time!! Concentrate....? Yes, I need more training.
The cat pot is quite useful so I take it around with me recently.
This is a yoga teacher named Misato, I like her considerable teaching to every student and she is such a cute lady.
Hiromi's partner dog, an American pit bull named Sora (meaning SKY) is my good friend, too, I hope.
It was such a wonderful time.
It is good to exercise outside. Let's do stretching outside!!
Thank you for the beautiful morning Hiromi!
ラベル: Yoga