笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, when I was driving, there was the song 'Toire no kamisama' (which mean 'God in the restroom') by Hana Kamiura which is a hit song from last year in Japan, and it reminds me of something.
English reference link→ here 1 / here2
母と同業の仕事をするようになって半年以上が過ぎました。(母のギャラリー シェイ ケイコ→here)
Six months have passed since I changed my work to doing the same profession as my mother.(her art gallery Chez Keiko →here) I thought my mother was just having fun and was happy with her job but now I can understand that in this job you actually have to be concerned about many things.
これを何度も何度も繰り返しながらトイレ掃除。 家族はもう慣れているのでなんとも感じでいませんが、きっと外の人が見たら驚くでしょう。。。 実際に朝早く来られた、ある作家さんに「やっぱり何か違うと思ったぁ~笑」と言われたことも・・。Meanwhile, there are some things I do like her. One of those is when I clean toilet.
Every time my mother starts an exhibition, when she cleans the toilet every morning, she loudly says " Thank you for welcoming customers comfortably into our house. Thank you" (some times she changes the words to 'thank you for giving my family good health'.)
She repeats this during toilet cleaning. My family and I don't think anything because we are used to hearing this but it is so surprising if someone came from outside and saw...
Actually, an artist saw it and she said "I thought there was something special about you!"
もしかしたら・・ですがこれも母の仕事場が、すてきなお客様や作家さんに恵まれる秘訣の1つなのかな・・と。 よし、私もこれを続けていこう。。
Until some years ago, I thought this was strange... but now, I do same thing.
Every morning when I clean the toilet in the office, I say the words inside of me or mumble to myself even though I'm not saying loudly like my mother.
Strangely, if I do this, the faces of customers who visited me or people who have helped me in daily life come up in my mind. In mysterious ways gratefulness comes to mind.
I wonder if this is how my mother enjoys meeting good customers and artists in her job... Yes, I will continue this for a long time.