笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day, we went strawberry picking which is an annual event. It is so exciting every year and waiting for the invitation for the strawberry picking... ”OK!! we are ready!! and wait for so loong!! like this, when I hear from Machami.
昨年に引き続き→昨年レポート & イチゴクランブルレシピ
This year again→Report from last year & strawberry crumble今年もヒナちゃんが
Sweet girl Hina helped me..... Hina picks and I eat ...over again... and over. She is so nice.そして今年のイチゴちゃん達は・・
キビ糖を少しまぜてミキサーでソース状にして冷凍庫へ。これでしばらくの間、イチゴのアイスが楽しめます。 冷凍しておいた、手作り甘酒と豆乳少しと冷凍イチゴソースで白とピンクのアイスクリーム。
The strawberries this year!! Turned into..
Mix with brown sugar, make into sauce, and put in the freezer. So we can enjoy strawberry ice cream for awhile. Frozen Amazake, little bit of soy milk and the strawberry sauce in a mixer. White and pink ice cream!
The usual strawberry liquor
今回のメインは!!! ローフードレシピのイチゴのタルト。
熱を加えず、フレッシュな材料で、砂糖も使わないの・・・。 ステキでしょ☆
What main dish will it be this time!!!! Strawberry tart by raw food recipe.
Tart pastry is mixed with raw almonds and raw walnuts which are soaked in water overnight, cocoa, sweet almond oil, water soaked dates and coconut powder made into paste in a food processor. (Actually I use a blender instead of a food processor because of I don't have..) Also I added some of the raw walnuts left in this. Press them into the bottom of the pie plate.
Prepare filling. Strawberries, raw cashew nuts (over 4 hours soaked), and lemon juice are put in the mixer together. Also I add some raw walnuts. Pour into the tart pan then decorate with cut strawberries and done! Am I a genius?! haha! Here is a yummy raw food desert! The fillings are a little soft so it might come out after you cut them. You can put in the freezer if you want.
Non-heated, fresh, non-sugar.... So sweet isn't it☆
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking