笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Vegetable slicer 'Saladakko' has joined our kitchen friends in my house for 2 months now. Actually, I found out about 'Saladakko' from my friend Atsu-chan. She likes raw food but I was thinking to get this for a while because my kitchen is small and already crowded. Finally, I decided to get it. I got two and gave one to a friend who always helps me and I wanted her to care for her health. (I hope she likes saladkko!!)このスライサー、野菜をスライスするだけではなく、にんじんや大根、ズッキーニを長い麺状にできてしまうんです。
購入以来大活躍!!やっぱり買って大満足~。 いつもの食事に簡単に1品増やせた感じ♪♪ しかも生野菜!いろんなレシピを試すのが楽しい!
This slicer is not only for slicing. You can make vegetable 'noodles' with carrots, radish, zucchini, or others. I feel it is very useful since I got this, and was glad to get it! I feel that I can add dishes for meals easily with all fresh vegetables! Now enjoying to try many recipes.
Sauce made with Chopped dried tomato, cut olives, basil leaf, cut tomato, olive oil, little-bit soy sauce and vinegar mixed then add to radish 'noodles' cut by Saladkko.●こちらの応用で、ソースの内容をある季節野菜、切ったズッキーニや新玉ねぎのみじん切りに、レモン汁、オリーブオイル、塩、胡椒のソース&大根のサラダッコ
Recipe for sauce made with any seasonal vegetables in your refrigerator. Cut zucchini, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, add to radish 'noodles' cut by Saladkko.
Crispy Chinese noodles, salad green leafs & onion slices by Saladkko. Put any dressing you like.●パスタに、グリーンパスタソース(一晩水に浸した生ナッツ、オイル、レモン汁、青菜、塩、胡椒をミキサーでペースト状)に、温かいだし汁、だし汁でさっと火を通したシメジ&ある野菜のサラダッコ(今回は玉ねぎ麺状) でトッピング
Pasta sauce: green pasta sauce (one-night soaked raw nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, green leavess, salt, and pepper put in mixer), warm soup stock, cooked mushrooms with the soup & vegetable noodles by Saladakko (this time I made noodles with onions), put everything on wheat pasta.
良きパートナーです Good partner now☆
disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Saladakko's company! ;)
ラベル: vegetarian cooking