笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
On Saturday night after I finished work I went to a club to see a yoga performance event by my yoga teachers Saori, Hiromi, Misato, and Shiho.いつもはクラブ?の場所に、その時間はヨガレッスンの場所に。。異色でした(笑)
Normally this is a night club but, at that time was for yoga lesson... It felt a bit strange...
自身の呼吸に耳を傾けているのがわかりました。 場所の空気が変わったのを感じました。
But, people were laughing at first, and they finally became quiet and enjoyed themselves in the candle lights....I could tell that they were into listening to their breathing. Also I could feel that the atmosphere had changed.
その後はお楽しみタイム。 食べて、飲んで、おしゃべりして・・ みんな普通の女の子に戻っていました。 先生だけど、みんな素敵な友達です。
After that, there were fun times for yoga performance. They made yoga poses to music. The 3 ladies showed their beautiful bodies and movement. It was cool. Seemed like they were enjoying.
Then, we had an after-party, eating, drinking, chatting... they get back to being normal girls. They are my teachers and good friends.
それを聞いたとき、なんだか嬉しかった。 これからも彼女達から沢山学びたいと思いました。
2 days later, I met Hiromi and she said....
"The performance is definitely at the opposite end of the scale from yoga. Yoga pays attention to one's inner side, and performance pays attention to one's outside. Looks like making yoga poses but it is far from yoga. But! I learned a lot from that !"
I was glad to hear it and thought that I wanted to continue to study from them.
ラベル: Yoga