笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日は鹿沼にある母のギャラリー、シェイ・ケイコにて明日から始まる後藤 敏雄 鞄工房510展の搬入に行ってきました。
後藤さんの作るバッグの特徴は、質の良い皮と縫製に、酒袋を使ったところです。酒袋とは、江戸時代より日本酒を造るとき、もろみをいれて搾り、柿渋につけた木綿の袋のことで、現在は使われていないそうです。いわば使い終わった古布だそうです。なので色も一つ一つ違います。Today, I went to my mother's gallery to help prepare for Goto Toshio's bag exhibition, which starts tomorrow. The points of Goto's handmade bags are good quality leather and sewing techniques, and the use of sakabukuro fabric. Sakabukuro are persimmon tannin-colored cotton bags which were used for making sake (Japanese liquor) since Edo period. Fermentation rice broth was strored and pressed. But not used today so it is old, used textile. They are naturally colored and each has a different color.
実は私も以前祖母より、この後藤さんのバッグをプレセントしてらったのですが、一番驚いたのは、海外に行ったときに、どこに行っても褒めらたバッグでした♪ もちろん日本でも!→
Actually I have one of Goto's handmade bags which I got from my grandmum. I am surprised that when I visit abroad, I receive a lot of praise on the bag from many people. Of course sometimes in Japan, too. This is the bag. → Every time when I hear"I like your bag!" I had trouble explaining about sakabukuro in English. The way of becoming sakabukuro is a little bit complicated.
なので今回の企画展はとっ~~ても楽しみでした☆また、新しいデザインや形もあり、モチロン今回も期待以上!! 今回は、しな布(科(しな)の木から糸を紡ぎ、布に織り上げる伝統工芸)のバッグや、古い着物の帯で作ったものもあります。自宅の箪笥の中にしまってある使わない帯を、持ちこみでオーダーすることも可能だそうです☆ お後藤さんのバッグは、ご本人もお洒落な方なので、色合わせが絶妙。So I was excited for the exhibition this time. Also I enjoy this far more than I expected because there are new designs and shapes. There are bags which use shina-fu (traditional textile craft made by spinning and weaving from Japanese linden tree) or made from used beautiful obi (kimono sash), so you can order to make your kimono belt which has been sitting in your closet for awhile. Goto has style so I like his color matching.
We took out the bags from their covers and chatted with the artist...... That was fun time. I post some pictures of his work. Can you guess which is my favorite?!!? ♪
ラベル: Chez Keiko