笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day after work, I drove to Kasama-city in Ibaraki prefecture to participate in the Kasamado exchange party.
‘Kasamado' is a kind of gathering and party with many artists in Kasama-city or Tsukuba-city in Ibaraki-prefecture. But, my heart was pounding because I tend to be shy with people......
But, they are so friendly and there was merriment.
開催場所も素敵!! 岩間第一分校。今は廃校になった、小学校だったところを、現在はイベントやアート活動などに使用できるそうです。
The place was neat, too!! It is called Iwama daiichi bunkou. The old building was used as an elementary school but is now closed. People use for events or art works now.校庭の木には小さなツリーハウス
Cute tree house at the ground.
We arrived there around sunset and an artist was working on decorating his iron work.ん??大きな鉄板
Wao!! huge frying-pan!!
They had BBQ and huge okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), it was fun.
There were pictures projected by photographer Nakamura after dark.最後はやっぱり花屋台カフェさんの美味しいコーヒーでしょうっっ!
Finally, I had tasty coffee from 'hanayatai cafe' (food truck cafe) .
I had a great time and felt that anything that 'connects with something' has meaning in our life.
Thank you to everyone at 'Kasamado' !!
ラベル: Art