笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
When I visited my parents' house in the countryside last time, I stopped by a farmers market which is my favorite place.真っ先に手にとってみたのは’青唐辛子’と’山椒の実’。 季節もの。ウフフ。
そしてユリちゃんの実家から頂いたコロコロ ’にんにく’。
First I noticed 'fresh green chili' and 'Japanese pepper fruit'. These are seasonal ingredients. Fresh green aroma and spicy flavor will make appetizing. Also I got healthy rounded garlic from friend Yuri's mom,
こういうことが、旦那さまへのアピールにもつながります。これ見よがしにボトルを並べておいて。。 「アスちゃん、工夫しながら一生懸命ごはん作ってくれてるなぁ~」よし、優しくしてあげなくちゃっっ。。と思わせればしめたものです。
I decided to make soy-sauce pickles with them since we can enjoy longer.
Just put in soy-sauce so it is not a difficult recipe.....But, such things can appeal to husbands. Show off and set out the bottles. It will be perfect if we make him (husband) think 'How, she is trying to make many kinds of efforts for cooking and to be a good wife! so I want to be nicer to her!
The trick is remembering to keep making faces which is like you are doing a big project even though you are only putting soy-sauce in the bottles.
山椒醤油:山椒の実を5分ほど塩茹でしたら、冷水にとって30分ほど置いておく。水をよ~くきって、瓶に醤油と一緒に漬けこむ :1カ月ほど待つ
Japanese pepper soy-sauce : Boil them for 5 min with a pinch of salt then rinse them immediately in cold water. After drying out, soak with soy-sauce in a bottle. : about 1 month wait.
青唐辛子醤油:醤油・酒:・酢(大体5:3:2位)を鍋で沸騰させて、火をとめる。 ボトルに唐辛子を入れて、先ほどの醤油たれを注いでできあがり 2~3週間くらい待つかな
Green peppers soy-sauce: Put soy-sauce, sake ( Japanese liquor), rice vinegar (about 5:3:2) together in a sauce-pan and boil them. Turn off the heat. Put chopped green peppers and the sauce in a jar. :2-3wks wait.
にんにくバジル醤油:にんにく、バジルの葉、赤とうがらし、醤油とボトルにいれてできあがり。1カ月以上位待つ こちらは醤油に香がついたら、角切りトマトとの相性バッチリ
Garlic-basil- soy-sauce: Put garlic, fresh basil leaves, red dried peppers. soy-sauce in a jar. : wait about 1 month or more. This sauce is very good with cut tomatoes.冷たいお豆腐に、ひやむぎ、冷たいパスタ、サラダドレッシング、etc 大活躍してくれそうです!!
These sauces can be put on cold tofu, with cold Japanese vermicelli, on cold pasta, on salad as dressing...etc . Useful soy-sauce stocks!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking