笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
宇都宮に新しいオサレ♪カフェOVAL COFFEE!が登場しました!!
There is a new cool cafe in Utsunomiya City called OVAL COFFEE!開店日に早速。だって「こぐまの会」のメンバーがOPENしたんですもの♪
I visited there on the opening day because one of the members of 'Koguma-no-kai' (my friends from high school) has opened and she made a dream come true since she was saying that it was her dream. She is smart, cute, and has a gentle soul....my secret idol.
The hall space is just like her, simple and shines with her taste with comforting music and the aroma of coffee. I'm sure that you can enjoy the atmosphere.
I'll give my one vote...Actually, 100 votes of my encouragement!!OVAL COFFEE (オーヴァルコーヒー)
栃木県宇都宮市操町9-19 福田ビル1F
Tochigi-pre Utsunomiya-city Misao-cho 9-19 Fukuda.Bld.1F
Map→Here 宇都宮女子高近く
OPEN 10:00~20:00
木曜日・第3水曜 定休 Closed Thur and 3rd Wed
TEL 028-614-3085
こぐまの会からの贈りものオリーブの木。こぐまの会番長!サッチャン特製OVAL COFFEEサインが付いています。時計は後日届けるね☆