笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
2011年3月11日 あの大地震から4カ月。
It has been 4 months since the earthquake 11th of March.2011.
That day, the cabinet fell down in our house and 80% of the dishes broke. →Here
Since the dishes were important for me, I was depressed a lot even though it could have been a lot worse if compared to the damage in serious disaster area. I collected them little by little for a long while.好きな作家さんのもの
Made by my favorite artist
Bought by saved money from part-time job when I was a student.
Brought back as my memory from abroad when I visited a friend.旦那さまが日本にきて最初に買ったどんぶり(シリアル用)。
A bowl which my husband used for eating cereal since when he came to Japan.
One which I got as present.割れてしまった器の破片をそのまま捨てる気になれませんでした。
I just didn't want to throw away those broken dishes. So, then I decided to make a kitchen-wagon during brief breaks in my schedule. It is made from fragments as tiles.
There are bumpy surfaces because of different thickness and curves.... I say as an excuse.. Because of my flava? I made with the attitude 'Let's just do it!' Shoddy...so I knew it would be clumsy to use. mmm About this style, my husband says 'You are like your mum..haha'
But I start to feel affection for the wagon while making it and glad that I reused the dishes! Also now, I have another new memory that when I lost most of my dishes at the earthquake, after next week, a friend Kana-san brought some of her dishes for me and said 'You can use them'.
Each dishes
Each memory
Each taste
ラベル: Thinking