笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I found 'Soybean karaage (deep fry cooking) ' in a health food store.
’よし、食べさせてみよう’ と’からあげ’にしてみました。
I was thinking when shall I cook them for awhile. So, yesterday, my parents and brother and his girlfriend came for dinner to our house, so I decided to cook and give them a try.
この大豆からあげ、大豆の脂肪分を除いた、純植物性食品、大豆たんぱく100% だそうです。
This soybean karaage is a vegan food with soybean fat removed, 100% soy protein.
Before cooking, they are dried and hard.
I refer to the recipe on the back of the bag and add some of my ideas.
How to make Soybean karaage
1 大豆のからあげ20個を、80℃位のお湯に浸けます。 (15~20分程度)
Soak 20 pieces of soybean karaage in 80-degree hot water.(15-20min)
2 戻した後しっかりと膨らんだら水を切ります。このときよく水を搾っておくと、揚げる際に油はねがないかも。 (注:)私はきちんと搾っておかなかったから、油に入れたとたん 油がはね、ブルース・リーになったかのようにアチョー、アチョーといいながら揚げました。ステップを取り入れてみてもいいでしょう。
After soaking and making sure it has risen, drain the hot water and squeeze carefully so that the oil won't spatter when frying. (I think I didn't remove enough of the water in this process and maybe that is why the oil was spattering around after I put it in the oil pan. I was shouting like Bruce Lee while cooking.You can walk like him,too. Haiyaah! haiyaaaaah!!)
3 ビニールの袋に、摺った生姜(一カケ)、にんにく(1片)、醤油(大さじ3-4)、と戻した大豆たんぱくを入れて、調味料がいきわたるように軽く揉みながら味付け。15分以上置く。
Put seasoning (1 clove garlic. ginger with same mount of garlic, soy-sauce 3 or 4 table spoons) and soaked soy karaage in a plastic cooking bag. Mix and knead them gently. Then leave for over 15 min.
4 片栗粉をまぶし、揚げてできあがり。
Lightly coat the soybean karaage with starch and deep fry. That's it!
Serve over sliced onion and I put some chopped myoga-ginger and sliced macrophyll leaves before bringing to the table.
Feels elastic and is similar in texture of chicken karaage.
Every one likes it !!! Very gooood!
Soybean karage will be a favorite in our kitchen.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I post my confession here.
I have been clouded by 'anger' for these weeks.
Just being angry about something can't forgive, injustice or dishonesty.
こんな自分を嫌だとも思いました。 そこから自分を責めることもしました。
I hated the way I am, although I blamed myself from that, too.
The 'anger' nag around in someplace deep inside of me even though I make smiles.
I was controlled by fleeting emotion of 'anger'.
It was difficult days for me.
Then, I was taught by my mother the other day from conversation with her.
There is no answer, no create, no forward and no growth from 'angry'.
The consequence will appear by seeking to have your eyes opened to truth and ask, no need to be angry.
That means, finally if you continue being 'angry' you will ruin yourself.
I knew... mother is strong.
She is not the person who had turbulent (suffered?) life for nothing... and got over it.
Yes, even she is a little-bit talkative... haha.
The other day I went to the my favorite Japanese restaurant 'Yasuhiro no Hatake'.
We were completely ignoring to chat even though it was a girls' lunch.
今月のお料理は「葉月」 お~っと、こちらのガラスの板皿は益子の陶板作家、藤原郁三さんのガラスの器ですね☆
We just saying 'wow and aah' squeals for joy, because of the colorful, neat dishes, delicious taste, and freshness of ingredients. The menu was 'Hazuki' for this month. The glass plate dish, I know that is the work of Mashiko's Ikuzo Fujiwara.
Every time when I go there, I can enjoy flavors and dishes arranged with the best use of inventiveness and thought to seasonal materials and care for sensitivity of Japanese food.
A young couple runs this restaurant. Their courteous explanation of menus and quietness of manners are representative of their cooking. I can feel that they serve each table with sincerity. I like them!!
そしたら翌週、別のお友達のテラちゃんが私を’パワーランチ’に誘ってくれました。 こういう気持ち、繋がっているんですね。 さて、次はだれに’パワー’を繋げていこうかな。
Is was a lunch I took my friend to because I wanted her to raise her spirits and chin-up since she has been working hard recently, but seems like I got a chin up myself, too. Next week, another friend Tera-chan invited me to go out for 'power lunch' with me. Such emotions have been connected and communicated around people. So who shall I give the 'power' to next!?
や すひろの畑 Yasuhiro no hatake
TEL 028-624-7696
昼 11:30~15:00 ( L.O.14:00)
康ランチ ¥1700
夜 18:00~22:00 (L.O. 21:00)
定休日 毎週日曜日,第3土曜日
ラベル: Shop
最近のこと。About recently.
I had a big learning opportunity.
It's doing output.(What I mean by output is, explaining with words from your head, by writing or talking about what you've learned from experience by study or work.)
ある知人の女性から1本の 電話をいただきました。 「あすこさん、最近時間があるんだって?」・・
内容はその方からのご依頼。その方と個人的なセッションの時間を設けて、簡単なビジネスマ ナー(彼女が今までそういった研修を受けた経験がないため)や私なりの物事の考え方を教えて欲しいとのことでした。
最初、お受けしてよいものか考え込み、ちとせさんに相談してみたり、迷いました。 だって、私に何ができるんだろう・・・と。よくよく考えると、きっとその方からの’ご厚意’だと思いました。
I had a call from one of my friends. She says 'I heard that you have time recently. Don't you? ' It was a request to have private session time with her and teach her about simple business manners (she does not have training experience) and tell how I think for my attitude of mind. At first, I thought about agreeing to the request and asking to one of my mentors Chitose, because I was hesitant about what I can do for her...
I thought over again. Finally I thought that is an offer from her 'courtesy' even though she says request.
ご自身で開業もされていて、都内では生徒さんに講義を行う方。最近では新たなビジネスをスタートさせた、人生の大先輩です。私にアウトプットするという チャンスを与えてくれたのだと感じました。
She has her own business and does lectures for student in Tokyo. Although she started another new business with a partner, so she has seniority in life. I felt she gave me a chance to output. So I accepted her request with gratitude.
私はその方とお会いする前に、自分が今持っている知識をおさらいし、資料を作り、彼女とのセッションの中で、もしかして必要とされるかもしれない・・ことを引き出し て、次回のための自分への宿題にしました。
I had a run-through of my knowledge, made materials before meeting her although making homework by drawing from our session about what she might like to know for myself for next time.
帰り際、役に立てたかな、とか、分かり易かったか?楽しんでもらえたかな・・と反省してみたり。。 お互いの考えを伝えあったり。実は大きく成長させてもらえたのは私の方でした。ありが とうございました。
After the session, I always think back and regret about, was it able to help her? was it a clear guide? or did she enjoy? We talk about own thoughts with each other. Actually, she made me grow and learn a lot. Thank you so much.
I have been reluctant to step forward to output. But I studied deeply this time.
Output, has become one of my enjoyable subjects.
What I realize about family reentry is...
My husband, when he goes to the kitchen and drinks water, or gets fruit juice or vegetable juice in the refrigerator for drink.
「君も飲むかい?」 といって、私に声を掛け、私が’イエス’と言うときは、私の分のグラスを持ってきてくれる。
He always ask me 'Do you want to have some, too?' and brings a glass for me when I said 'yes'.
If he drinks just himself and without asking and bringing for me, it will be okay. He doesn't have to ask me if I want to.
But, he always taps not just for himself, and cares casually for others because living together.
Now, I pour 2 glasses since some time.
It is good to notice about partners words or doing from their kindness. Then you can examine your attitude towards it, too.
ラベル: Thinking
This weekend, there will be an interesting event held at Nikko Coffee.
It is called 'Kamimono matsuri' (Paper festival)
・Many kinds of paper on sale which has special designs by designers or illustrators.
・Original card-making workshop
・Paper wrapping class
そして日光珈琲オーナーの風間さんと手紙社 北島勲さんのトークショー
Talk show by Mr Kazama owner of Nikko coffee and Isao Kitajima owns Tegami-sha.
その他 And more.
Very interesting event for me since I like letter sets and cards!!
紙ものまつり Kamimono-matsuri in Nikko
2011 8.20 Sat -8.21 Sun. at Nikko coffee in Nikko
詳しくは →日光珈琲 Nikko coffee
→手紙社 Tegamisha.com
日光の続きを。Continuing the tour of Nikko.
昼食をとった後は、日光霧降高原チロリン村へ。実はこの場所も初めて。。 テラステーブルはお客さまでいっぱい。 みなさん、何がお目当てか・・・というと、’天然かき氷’
おどろくボリュームだけど、パクパクいけちゃいました。 地元日光産のブルーベリーのソース。
氷がさらっとしていて、頭がきーーんとしない。天然かき氷ってこんなに美味しいの?!っっていう感じでした。 チロリン村のオーナーさん。以前お会いしたことあったのでお顔存じていました。
お客様で忙しいのもありましたが、何気に出て来て、テーブルをサッと拭いて、お客さまに「ありがとうございました」っとお声掛け。 オーナーさんなのに、この何気ない身のこなし。 なんだかあたたかい人柄を感じました。だからかな、他スタッフの方が、忙しそうにしているのに、みなさんイキイキしていて、明るい雰囲気。 レジャーパークはこうでなくっちゃ。次回は4輪バギー乗りたいな。
After lunch, we visited Nikko Kirifuri ko-gen Chrorin-mura (activity leisure park). This is the first visit for me. There were many customers at the terrace tables. They are going for 'Tennen kakigoori' bowls of shaved ice with syrup. The ice is natural. I had one which was surprising volume but finished easily. Because of delicious sauce made with blueberries although the ice is shaved and tasty and I didn't get an ice cream-headache. How yummy the shaved natural ice is!!! I saw the owner of Chirorin-mura. I have met him before so I knew his face. Maybe because it was crowded but he came out to the floor then started to clean up tables and talk to customers cheerfully saying 'Thank you ♪ '. I felt his warm quality from that bearing. I think that is why all the staff are lively and the atmosphere is bright even though it seems like they are busy. That's the way the activity leisure park should be. umm I want to try 4-wheel buggy driving next time!
ツアー最終は大笹牧場へ。のんびりした景色を楽しんで、濃厚ソフトクリ―ム食べてきました。(はい、お腹パンパン) 帰り際、駐車場の向こうにある東屋は・・・ 「動物にふれた手はよく洗ってください」の看板の上に猿がこしかけてた。。3匹以上はいる。怖くて近づけなかった。
After that, we went to Oosasa bokujou (Ranch park) for the final of the tour. I had rich tasting milk ice cream. (Yes. my tummy was full!) . I saw a shady bower at the far side of the parking lot. A monkey was sitting on the sign saying 'Wash your hands well after touching animals'... There were 3 monkeys. I was afraid to touch them.
The tour was closing with my feeling that we enjoyed Japanese heritage, professional pride to work and nature. I am thankful to friends who took me to hang out. It was like a school trip since we were chatting and excited even in the car.
The other day, I got invited to go to a tour of Nikko.
I haven't gone to Nikko for awhile, so I was very excited.
At first, we stopped at Nikko Tamozawa Imperial Villa Memorial Park. I wanted to go there so it was a nice chance to visit. It is awesome. There is a meaning for each building and interior. Not just design or pattern, there are tree or thread differences of materials which are used for decoration and configuration. Although you can see the master works with it. And, people work there, and they give explanations respectfully while joking. It must be the heart of the confidence of one's own job and great care for visitors makes them be such nice guides. I am thankful that I could spent meaningful time. One hour is not enough for looking and listening to all. I want to visit there again soon. その後向かった昼食はお勧めの食事処。知っている人は知っている。匠の味。こちらのおやじさん、完全予約制一日一組限定のとんかつ会席をたった1人でやってる人。北関東 「伝説の料理人」の異名も持つそうです。教えてくれた方から、ブログ紹介禁止令がでてしまったので、写真1枚(笑)。気になる方はこっそり教えます(笑)日光某所。
We had lunch at a recommended place. Apparently it is well known among connoisseurs - the taste of a master (artisan). The owner/chef runs this restaurant alone with Tonkatsu course by advance reservation-only for 1 group in 1 day. Some people say that he is a legendary cook of north Kanto. My friend who told me about this restaurant, he doesn't want me to introduce the restaurant in blog because he would hope it remains a secret place. So I just put 1 picture.Sorry! I can tell in secret if you want. haha
But not only the taste surprised me. The chef is 87 years old now. I could feel his solicitude for customers about many things. I was so impressed I almost cried...(I must be a sentimentalist...?) He has to prepare the lunch course for customers by himself, so he wakes up at 5 o'clock in the morning and starts preparation. There are no cutting corners on his work. I understand why he is so popular and became a great cook.
ツアー続く。。 To be continued...
ラベル: Thinking
OK, let's do easy cooking for sweltering, tiring summer.... What? did I say so in cold winter, too?
Steam onions leaving the skins on for keeping the taste inside.
Beautiful lines with white and clear.
Sauce is mixed mustard, vinegar, soy-sauce, and little-bit of honey for hidden taste.
Without peeling can be ultimate lazy cooking? haha~
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
Finally!!! It is published!!
The book written by my mentor and friend 'Chitose'.
「30日で変わる本 自分をみがく方法」
It is called 'Self-Cultivation Methods' -Change in 30 days-' (my translation title)
I'm so pleased!!
In these years, I have been learning many things from her and having a relationship with her. These are condensed into the book so well.
What I think is great about her is 'She never holds back in her teaching'. So, this book pretty much embodies it.
Sometimes we laugh together or cry at the same things. The other day, I said to her 'I have got talk ', then she came and listened carefully and immediately helped me to find a solution even though she has a busy lifestyle. Like that time from moment to moment, I am thankful to have met her.
But, what is my favorite about her is... when we make jokes and point-out to make fun of each other.
My friend living in Barcelona, she is visiting home in Japan with her 2 kids.
博物館では恐竜ワールド展~ようこそ恐竜ラボへ!~ が催されています。
・・・・・っと、お~~っと、公園内を歩きだしてすぐ、ありますね~~。 恐竜の足跡。
辿っていくと博物館まで続いています。 なんだかこれだけでも喜んではしゃぐ子供(友人のネ)をみると嬉しくなりますね。
OKKK!! where shall I take the kids around.!! I got to hustle on it even though they could feel an unwelcome intrusion...haha. So I took them to the Utsunomiya-city Central Park since it is close to us.
Also the Tochigi Prefectural Museum is next to the park and they are holding the dinosaur world exhibition -Welcome to dinosaur laboratory.
We walk through the park to go to the museum.
......... whhhhh! There is a dinosaur foot print! Right after we started to walk in the park. We follow the prints to the museum. The kids were excited about them and I was happy to watch them.
中は写真撮影ができない場所が殆ど。 でも博物館では栃木県の自然や動物の紹介、恐竜ワールド展では恐竜の標本以外にも、発掘現場や研究内容の紹介など。
Photography is not allowed in most places there. They introduce nature and wild animals around Tochigi prefecture in the museum and at the dinosaur world exhibition, introducing excavation sites and studies.
帰りは勿論近くのOVAL COFFEEに寄って一息。
Of-course we stopped by OVAL COFFEE because it is close.
Yuki-kun played with me a lot.
Haruka-chan was sleeping well like doing yoga pose. (Supta Baddha Konasana:Reclining Bound Angle Pose). I'll try to take a nice picture next time!
Their mother is one of my friends. I always feel comfortable when I talk with her.
They grow up in Barcelona having many experiences as different cultures or differences in race. Grow up to good boys and girls!! Play with me when you next come back, too!!
ラベル: Friends
先日ある日の那須ツアー。Nasu tour for one day.
最初に寄ったのはチーズケーキ工房 MANIWA FARM。 頼んでみたのが甘夏チーズケーキ。
At first, we stopped at Cheesecake bakery 'MANIWA FARM'. I ordered amanatsu (sweet summer orange) baked cheesecake. Refreshing sweet sour taste from amanatsu baked with and rich cheese taste are spread in my mouth. Another cheesecake 'Yukidoke' had a fluffy smooth taste!!
お世話になった、鞄工房510の後藤さんのアトリエ。 さすが~~お洒落な工房です。実はこのストーブの上にディスプレイされているバッグ、わたくし狙っております。。ぺルー・アマゾンのシピポ族のどろ染め布を使用しています。やっぱりカッコいいな。
Then we stopped at Bag studio 510, Mr Goto's house. He had a great exhibition at Chez Keiko in June. That's just what I would expect from him. Chic interior. Actually this bag displayed on the stove is the one I want!! But I'm just waiting... The textile used is a mudding cloth (Chupakene) made by Shipibo people in Amazon in Peru. It is cool design..
そしてお次に向かったのは、後藤さんのお友達、ネコ人形作家 黍(きび)ねのサンと作家の中島たむむさんのご自宅、スタジオ寝猫夢さんにお邪魔しました。
とりあえず家中を見まわす目が止まらない(笑)。 関西弁のお二人のお話も楽しくて、過ごす時間があっという間。
Then we visit 'studio Nenemu' where is the house of cat doll artist Kibineno and writer Tamumu Nakajima, they are friends of Mr. Goto. It is a great house. I felt like I was in a story book. They express their unique world-view around the house, and I could feel the thorough care for making dolls. Which is for material of hair and dress and of course body of dolls. The artist says that she has experience working at the wardrobe department for stages and theaters before. I just couldn't stop my eyes looking around the house. Also it was fun to talk with artists and I felt time goes fast.
We stopped at another art gallery on the way back and enjoyed arts.
Whoooof, I enjoyed a lot!!! All in one day.
Picture : Mr. Goto and me
ラベル: Art
Yesterday, my husband and I attended the 'Oishii-kai' produced by natural cook Hiromi Adachi. Last time →here
おいしい会とは、あだちさんが、各会ごとに各作家さんの器とコラボレーションしてお食事を出してくれる、素晴らしい会。今回は笠間在住陶芸家のご夫婦佐藤りち”ゅうさんと奥さまのあつこさんがゲスト作家。 器を作る人、器に料理を作る人、器と料理で笑顔を作る人で造られる会。私は笑顔作り人。
The party is a great idea, held in collaboration each time with each artist's dishes used to serve Hiromi's cooking. This time the party was held using dishes made by Rijyu Sato with his wife Atsuko. The party was made by people who make dishes, people who make food on the dishes and people who make smiles with the dishes and cooking. Actually I was a smilist.
佐藤りち”ゅうさんの作品は以前ちらっとご紹介したことがありましたが、今回明るい日差しの中で見るターコイズは爽やかで、またガラリと違った印象。そして今回は作家ご夫妻のアトリエ兼住所での開催。 とても素敵なインテリアと沢山の作品を同時に楽しませてもらいました。
The art work by Rijyu Satou and Atsuko, I have introduced before, but this time the turquoise blue of dishes were different images with last time. I felt the color was brighter in the sunlight. The party was held at the artist's studio next door to his house, so we enjoyed neat interior and their other works all together.
今回のメニューは ~ビーングリーン&ターコイズブルー~
The menu called 'Bean green & turquoise blue'
Tofu and tomato Caprese salad
Green beans and Japanese yam -kanten-yose (kanten:vegetable gelatin)
Grilled cucumber with salsa sauce
Green beans sauce dressing salad
Deep fried pumpkin and wheat gluten with soy-curry sauce.
Soba (buckwheat noodle)
Two sweets!! 'marinaded watermelon and spiced
The dishes for the marinaded watermelon were given to all customers as a present. This is a nice surprise gift!
水出しコーヒー&水出しかぶせ煎茶 Natural coffee and green tea.
レシピはあだちさんのHPブログをご参考に!あと、この時の記録も→Hiromi Adachi's HP&Recipe Here
That is a great collaboration we enjoyed the foods and dishes, chatting, and the atmosphere, too.
だから寂しくはありません。それより素敵な出会いに感謝し、これからの長いお付き合いが楽しみです。 拠点はどこにあっても、ひろみさんのご活躍を楽しみにしています☆
This is my 2nd time to attendant this party and will be the last, because Hiromi Adachi and her family are going to move to Nara in western Japan. It's a shame....but also I got pressure to visit her in Nara, so I maybe I don't feel sad. I'm thankful to met her and looking forward to having a long-term relationship with her. I wish her the best of luck and happiness coming on her wherever she goes.
Me, Rijyu-san, Atsuko-san with Saku, Adachi-san and her husband Sekine-san.
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking