笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
古来の日本建築の家は、夏の暑さをしのぐために通気性良く造られ ています。
はい、そのため寒い!!!!!! 寝るとき頭寒い。
USのパパ が去年旦那さまにプレゼントしたものですが、温かくて、心地よいので今年は私のパジャマになりました。
I'll introduce a necessity for this cold winter. It is one of my favorites.
Japanese old traditional houses are designed for good ventilation to beat the heat in summer. So it is very cold in the house in winter!!! I can feel that my head is cold during the middle of the night!!
Then, I found and am using a black hood to wear in the bed. My husband got it from his dad in US last year but this year I use it as pajamas because it is warm and fits nicely.
悪気もなく「いつ もと変わらないよ☆」と言われました。
I asked my husband, "Am I not looks pretty with wearing this black riding hood?"
He said, "It's no different from usual"
I have mixed feelings...ちなみにこちらは赤ずきんなら ぬ、赤りんごちゃん。
Speaking of riding hoods, this is a cutie apple like Little Red Riding-Hood. My friend Eitan.
When we are walking on a street, people turn to look at him. Why he can be pretty red hood?もう一つのお気に入りは、近所の和食屋さん「うおよう」でいただく「ひれ酒」。ふぐのヒレを炙ったものをお燗に入れて飲むものです。
香ばしい香と、御だしがほどよ く、身体が温まります。 はい、もう一杯!。
Another favorite is 'Hire-sake (blowfish sake)'. Which I can have at a Japanese restaurant near by us called 'Uoyo'. That is roasted fin of blowfish in a hot sake.
Enjoy the roasted flavor and taste with sake and warming up your body. Give me another, please!!
ラベル: Thinking