笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Genuine stone accessories by Mika Hoshino. I posted sometimes about her in this blog .↓
・Harue & Mika's Exhibition 小林はるえ・星野美加 二人展 2009
・Harue Kobayashi & Mika Hoshino exhibition 小林はるえ・星野美加 一石一衣展 2010
・mi-scendo Mika Hoshino のアクセサリー
ずっと応援している人だから、本当にホントに嬉しいです。 This time!!! surprisingly! Mika has debut for accessory fair at Tokyu Department store in Shibuya Tokyo. I'm so glad since I'm one of her supporters.
Then again, it is not an easy place to have a fair. Because it is a famous and big department store in Tokyo! It is so nice to see that person who I've been supporting and is recognized by other places, too.母と応援に行ってきました。
So I went to the fair with my mother.
She was showing to customers who are interested in her work. She has shone brilliantly.
I saw a customer got earnings and wore them out of the store. Seems like my mum also was particularly pleased watching Mika doing so well.渋谷東急百貨店 1F クリスマスビーズジュエリー展
2011年12月25日まで お近くの方は寄ってみてくださいね
Tokyu department main store 1F Christmas jewelery fair
Until 25th December, 2011. You might find something goooooooD
以前よりミカさんと相談していた、大人のアクセサリー作りを楽しむ 『ビーズジュエリーレッスン』」を、私のこの古い家を利用して2012年早々から始めることになりました。お楽しみに。
2012年~ 毎月 第3土曜日 13:00~15:00 6000円/月1回(材料費込み)
More Information!!
Mika and I are planning to set up "Natural stone accessory lessons with Mika Hoshino" at my house from early next year.
2012. 3rd Saturday every month, 13:00-15:00, 6000yen/lesson
ラベル: Art, Chez Keiko, Friends