笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
A bead necklace I got a long time ago. I like it, but don't have so many chances to wear and don't know why but had it sit in a cabinet for long time. That's a waste.
というわけで、思い切ってmi-scendo の星野美加さんにリフォームの相談してみました。 天然石と合わせて、私が好きそうに・・・等々。ようするにおまかせです。
So I decided to ask to Ms. Mika Hoshino (mi-scendo) to reform. Maybe it will adjusted by her with some natural stones in a way she thinks I might like...etc. Yes, I'll just leave to her. Yes I'm that kind of customer.ですが、私のアクセサリーは半分以上美加さんの作品をなので、好みもわかってもらえている&彼女のセンスには安心しておまかせしてしまいます。
Although half of my accessories are her works, she knows my favorite and I like her taste so I can trust her to create one for me.
Her accessories are individual, simple, yet elegant. Although it fits me perfect because I don't have interest to wear expensive jewelery. They (natural stone accessories) are heavy rotated items since I always carry one or two of them in my bag since can match with any type of dress like business suits or casual wear, so sometimes I switch them depending on the place.
mi-scendo 美佳さんのアクセサリー新作とリフォームの相談はシェイ・ケイコでもできるんですよ。→ココ
You can check the new works and ordering reformation at Chez Keiko →Here
やっぱり。 大大大満足以上です! 長さを調節して、短くする時は半分をブレスレッドにもできるそう♪
持っている服にも合わせやすくなりました~~☆ ウレシ。やっぱりMeって女子~~☆
Taraaaaaan!! voila~~!! This is after reformed.
I knew it!! More than loooooooove it!! It is able to adjust the length so half part can be a bracelet♪ It becomes nice fit with dresses which I already have. Ummmmm I am a girl you know☆
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Shop