
実家のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでは24日より「川俣 征 陶塑展」―ピエロたちのメルヘンの世界―が始まりました。
My mum's art gallery Chez Keiko has started the exhibition 'Isao Kawamata ceramic Pierrot exhibition - Pierrot's fairy tale world. ' from 24th of July.
Mr. Kawamata is a popular artist with ceramic Hina dolls. I was wondering how the works will be. It is unpredictable until the installation date since this time is the first time in a long while (some years). Love it? or scary Pierrot clown?...haha.

でも、さすが川俣さん、期待以上。みごとに「やられた!!」という感じです。 以前から、他の陶芸家さんより、川俣さんの技術はすごいですよ・・(簡単にできるものではない)と伺ってはいたのですが、私はデザイン性の高いところも好きなところです。
But!!! Only he could do that! It was more than expected. I felt ' He got it!' great!. I have heard from a pottery artist who is a friend of mine that Mr. Kawamata has great skill. (It is not simple technique he uses.) Although I like his design, too. I can see carefulness of creation and individuality (design sense) for each doll with all of their facial expressions, costumes and back scenes.

They are atmospheric display with books.

「あら、このピエロは若くて、まだ無邪気さが残る駆け出しのピエロね!」や、「きっとこのピエロは帽子を忘れてきちゃったおっちょこちょいだわ」等々。 その言葉に対し、またピエロがおどけた表情を返しているようでした。
There are many customer from the first day. I enjoyed their comments.
'Wao, this Pierrot is still young and must be a fledgling Pierrot! because he has an innocence. '
'May be he is a goosey Pierrot! Because he forget to have a hat! ..etc. I felt like Pierrots are smiling back to them with a droll smile.

A part of message on the flyer says that 'Pierrots cover their own real emotion and give laughs to the people. We'd like to have the help of Pierrot at such a time.
By chance, I thought 'Yah,,,Pierrot are kind. So please see them and have laughs and chin-up! It is fun to see and compare each of their faces and costumes.

川俣 征 陶塑展 カワマタイサオ トウソテン 
Isao Kawamata ceramic Pierrot doll exhibition
- Pierrot's Fairy Tale World-

24th -31st of July 2011

at Chez Keiko


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