笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
Feeling more midwinter cold these days. Of course we have delivery of winter vegetables. Also, we have many Chinese cabbages so I should think about something different than the usual recipes.
I didn't feel like going shopping because I was just lazy..... Lazy sweet lady...
So, then I could make 'Chinese cabbage rolls' with left-over rice.
材料 Ingredients
・白菜 Chinese cabbages
・残りもの玄米ごはん brown rice (cooked)
・好みの野菜(家にあったもの) any vegetables, such as:
人参 Carrots (dice cut 1cm)
干しシイタケ(キノコ類)Shiitake or mushrooms (dice cut 1cm)
ねぎ Spring onion Spring onion (chopped)
にんにく Garlic (chopped)
生姜 Ginger (chopped)
・トマトホール缶 (can of whole tomatoes)
Spices (salt, peppers, nutmeg, bay-leaves, chili-pepper powder)
・野菜ブイヨン Vegetable soup stock
1・鍋にお湯をあ沸かし、1枚ずつ剥がした白菜に火を通す(3~4分)。 ザルあげて、あら熱をとる。
Boil water in a deep pan then put Chinese cabbage leaves for 3-4min. Take out of the deep pan and leave on a basket to let them cool down.
Mix the diced vegetables, brown rice, chopped garlic, chopped ginger, salt and peppers in another bowl.
Put the fillings(2) appropriate amount on the boiled Chinese cabbage leaves(1) and roll them. (I put fillings(2) on the green part of the leaves (leaf apex side) at first then hold the side and roll.4・たこ糸で巻いてみた。
wrap up with kitchen strings.
Spread olive oil in a deep pot then line them in. Add crushed whole tomatoes. (This time I used 2 tins) Add spices and steam them over 30 minutes and done!.パカ~ん ・・・と中はこんな感じ。
Voila~! Inside is like this!
The rice makes it nice and thick. It's yummy!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking