笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
今日は、鹿沼市出身の溶接作家、高橋洋直さんの個展を覗きに行ってきました。場所は素敵なギャラリー east fieldさんです。
I went to Hironao Takahashi exhibition, he is a weld artist from Kanuma in Tochigi. The gallery is call 'east field', it's a nice gallery.実は彼のお母さんには私が子供の頃から世話になっていて、家族?親戚?のような方。そして高橋さんの作品は昨年の結婚祝いに、そのお母様からプレゼントで頂いてました。パイナップルのライト。
Actually, his mother is one of my good friends and she is like my family since she cared for me sometimes when I was little. We have his art work, a pineapple light stand which I got from from her for our wedding present and we use it on my husband's desk.
とはいうものの、個展に伺うのは始めて。。 こんな言い方失礼は重々承知ではありますが・・ 期待していた以上。鉄を溶接して創っているのですが、鉄でできているのに、温かさを感じる。。。
Also I have another his works in my room in my parents' house. But having said that, this is the first time to go to his exhibition. I don't mean to be rude, but.... it was even better than I expected!
He uses iron for his welding work but can feel warmth even though it is created with iron. It is formative art giving sensitive, comicality, sexiness, and cute atmosphere more than the image of the material iron.
た・い・へ・ん気に入りました。 見に行ってよかった。お気に入り作家発見です。
I like it veeeery much! I'm glad that I visited them. Found another favorite artist.高橋洋直個展 「タダソレダケ」
art&craftギャラリー east field
Hironao Takahashi Exhibition 'Tada Sore Dake'
7th Feb-14th Feb 2011
at art&craft Gallery east field
323-1 Koshiro Nikko Tochigi
open: 10:00-16:00
ラベル: Art