
★Radio Appearance ラジオ出演

いや~・・先日のラジオ出演は緊張したね~~。。 でもレポーターっていうのはホントすごい!!感動した!(笑) 
I was soooooo tense for the radio appearance the other day.... And I realized that the professional reporter is great!! I'm touched!!

レポートに来てくれたのはレディオベリーのクロスケくんこと、黒後聡さん。 爽やかボーイ。とってもしっかりしているのに、若干25、6歳? 緊張している私をリラックスさせるがごとく、打ち合わせの間も、とっても元気に明るく、アゲアゲでやってくれました(笑)。本番でも、ちゃ~~んと、ひっぱってくれたので、私もすっかりお頼み状態。 でも伝わったかな~。 終了後、クロスケさんといろいろお話しました。オフロードカーや、オフロードバイクにも興味あるそうです。お話が楽しかったですよ。

ラディオベリーブログ On radio blog → http://www.berry.co.jp/b-up/info/detail.php?topics_no=806

The reporter Kurosuke (Sosuke Kurogo) visited us. He is a pleasant guy. Also a steady person even though he is still 25 or 26 years old. He was trying to brightly bring me up during the huddle to make me relax since I was so nervous before going on air. Haha. Even during the broadcast, I was just relying almost entirely on him since he was a professional. I hope we did a good job.... After being on air, we had a chat for a while and it was fun. He says that he is interested in electronic music and off-road cars and bikes, too.

今回は偶然にも、以前講習でもお世話になった、鹿島田千帆さんの生番組。鹿島田さんに教わったことは守らなきゃ!!っとは思ったものの・・・・ やっぱり緊張で声震えてた・・。
でも、その後「ラジオ聞いたから~っ」ていうお客様も見えて、嬉しかったな。緊張して頑張ったかい あった(笑) 勉強になりやした!
As luck would have it, I had taken a speech study course from the main personality on the program, Chiho Kashimada, so I was trying to remember what I learned from her. ..But, I bet that my voice was quavering because I was nervous. After the radio show, we had some customers who said, 'I came because I heard on the radio! ' I was glad to hear it even though I had a very tense time. I learned a lot.

おっと、ラジオで紹介していたのは、悠日ギャラリーで開催中の「戸井十月 路傍の人 写真展」と27日の戸井十月 ギャラリートーク&チグリハーブライブ☆ 沢山きてくれるといいな☆
Oh yah, what I introduced on the radio was Jugatsu Toi's 5 continents travel photo exhibition which is being held at Yujitsu gallery, on February 27th. He will give a talk and there will be live Chiguriherb music. Don't miss it!


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