笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
During the trip to the States this winter, I was carrying the book 'Harukanaru Guevarra no daichi- (means like 'Long road of Guevarra' written by Jugatu Toi". This is Jugatsu Toi's journey record about his 30000km run through the South American continent. 120 days with a HONDA Africa twin motorcycle because it is guided by a spirit of worshiping Che Guevarra.
どこか土埃のにおいがしてきそうなのに、書かれている言葉の端々に繊細な洞察が感じられる文が面白い。 一緒に旅をしている気分だった。
Even though it smelled a little dusty, it was also an interesting story since I was able to feel sensitive insightful sentences from fragmented words. I felt like I was traveling together.そんな戸井十月さんのユーラシア5大陸走破行の記録、「戸井十月 写真展 路傍の人」が悠日ギャラリーで開催されています。
So Jugatu Toi's 5 continents travel photo exhibition is being held at Yujitsu gallery, on February 27th. He will give a talk and there will be live Chiguriherb music, so see you there!!
ラベル: Art