笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I found another of my favorites!
The other day when I stopped in a cheese shop call 'fromagerie la'vedone ' I got some used boots from the madam for a low price. She said ' we had flea market in the shop the other day and not much left for goods but you can check if you would like ....'
Then I found it in there which led to think me that 'it was waiting for me!!' haha..
It could be not so many people choose because of the distinctive design and color. But it caught me good. It was shining in obscurity.大好きなターコイズブルーのカラーにフリンジが私のオシャレ心に・・・ムフフ。フフフ。
I like the design with my favorite color of turquoise blue and the fringe. It makes me feel happy even in these cloudy days.
Thanks to the madam!! I'll take good care of them!! ♪
お知らせ:急きょ決定。明日の朝レディォベリーの生番組に、悠日ギャラリーの紹介で5分程おじゃますることになりました。B-UP 10:17分前後 です。緊張して震えるMeをお楽しみください。
Info: On very short notice, I 'll be on the radio for 5 min tomorrow morning to introduce Yujitsu gallery. The radio program is called 'B-up' 10:17 am. Enjoy my nervous voice.
ラベル: Thinking