笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
It should be the time for excitement for sakura (Cherry tree) little by little in usual years...
I served sakura flowers on warm tofu with sauce made by thickening soup-stock with cornstarch. It makes me feel a little relieved.
There is a soul (mind), healed by sakura and is sought after in any circumstance.
Because I'm Japanese.そして、べジファームナカヤさんから、美味しいカブが届きました。
Also we got delicious radishes from Vegefarm Nakaya.
Serve with simple style, put on some salt and avocado oil.
I support our local vegetable farm.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
When I was looking at the bookshelf, I found and opened a book which I got from my mum. It is called "Himekuri monogatarari" (page-a-day story)以前も読んだことがあるのに、グーーーンと今の私の心に響いた1つ。きっと前も響いていたのに違いないが、今回もまたちょっと違う。。
看板を かかげて 歩け 看板を だれのものでもない 自分の
There is a poem I had read before but it was just resonated with my mind now. It is like I was shaken.
A poem by my favorite poet Mitsuo Aida
Hang your sign and walk, the sign of your life is yours and belongs to no one else.
I pondered over doing this translation because of my English but just tried anyway... I think there is an English translation of his poem book.
ラベル: Thinking
以前このブログでも紹介した南アフリカにボランティアに行っているサトちゃんがギャラリーを訪ねて来てくれましたぁ。ココ1 と ココ2
Today, I had a nice visitor..... A friend Sato-chan who is a volunteer in South Africa - I have already introduced Here and Here before on this blog.
Yes, I was giddy with excitement over meeting him! Well, he is handsome and a nice guy♪ haha~
But! having said that this temporary return is because of the earthquake. He said that it was huge news and the tsunami pictures are making the front page on most newspapers but except that, there wasn't specific information he could get. So, he was worried about his home in Japan.
There was no big damage in his parents house. This Utsunomiya city area is considered the lesser disaster area in Tochigi prefecture.
当然、活動している地域の人達というのは裕福な人はかなり少ない。生徒達の中でもパンを一斤買ってそれのみを一週間の中で食べ続ける人や、ラ ンチのブレイクタイムなどでも何も食べない生徒もいる中でその様な大金を寄付してくれたのでした。
In the field, where he is teaching and told to students about his temporary return to Japan since the earthquake, there were so many words of encouragement and donations from them.
Of course the people in the field don't have much money. There is such big donation from people such a student eats only a loaf of bread for a whole week or another student doesn't eat lunch at lunch break because there isn't enough food. Sato-chan was shaking and cried. The donation will be sent to Japan through Red cross society of South-Africa.
He is going back to S-Africa in 2 days. I wish to ask him to say thank you to the kind people in South Africa from us. There is mutual support around the world.
We had a catch up over chatting, and had stimulating time. Also I can see that he has become a more dependable person. Good luck!
After saying goodbye, I had another lovely visitor... It might be called Black-faced Bunting bird.They were flying around in front of the door. It also makes me feel energized. I wish the nuclear accident will be clear soon....
ラベル: Friends
We are going to re-start "Kyoko Shimada pottery exhibition" at Yujitsu gallery which has been postponed due to the earthquake. This time is my first big event since we use all 3 gallery spaces.
On the day of the earthquake, Mrs Shimada and I were doing preparation to decorate for the exhibition. We talked about decorating this way and about starting the exhibition next day. I was excited about finishing the site.
ギャラリーの中に残してきた作品がとても心配で、余震が続く中、何度も確認に行きました。(モチロン真似しないでくださいね)既に飾っていた作品を寝かせ、布生地をかけたり。 2点は割れてしまいましたが幸いにも他の作品は無事でした。
Then, the quake occurred and we got out of the building. During aftershocks I went back inside (Do not attempt if you are smart!) because I was worried about the pottery works we left in the building. I laid them flat or covered with some cloth those which had already been decorated. 2 potteries are damaged but other works are non damaged luckily.
Mrs Shimada is living in Mashiko town. Mashiko had devastating damage around the town, if her works were in her workhouse in Mashiko, most works would have been lost. We are lucky because we have moved most works in the gallery already.
I had a lot of work and preparation for the gallery talk event on the 12th which is canceled, actually I felt down but since we can start, it is very lucky situation. Healed though her works. I hope that many people visit.
そうそう、先日新聞に載った、「島田恭子 陶展」の記事、この写真私が撮ったんです。
Oh, yah, the article about 'Shimada Kyoko pottery Exhibition' in a newspaper, I took the photos. I feel glad.
Also, I want to say thank you....
ラベル: Art
What I can do now.
I thought what I can do now for the people in the serious disaster area is to save electricity and to fund-raise. So I sent some money to the place where I can trust, I hope it will help them even though it is not so big money.
I feel chagrined that I can't assist directly and only can fund-raise for the people in the serious disaster area. But I saw an article about someone saying that when she got in a serious disaster before, she took heart by active people around the neighborhood.
これから近隣の県で比較的被害が少なかった私達ができることは、被害に遭った方達と一緒に落胆することではなく、元気な私達の手を差し伸べて、その方達が 立ち上がるお手伝いをすることです。
Now on what we with relatively small damage can do is not losing courage together with serious disaster victims, extend our energetic hand to the sufferers and help them to stand up.
As in moments when someone pulls up hands and tries to help stand up when you are depressed and collapse. Don't you have that kind of memory when you were a child?
身近なところでは、大地震の翌日、両親に付いて益子町にいる作家さん達を尋ねました。益子町は思った以上に被害を受けていました。陶器を焼く窯や陶房も壊滅状態の作家さんもいました。 丹精込めて作陶した作品の多くも失ったそうです。次期の個展のために準備していた作品の多くも無くなりました。正直、口には出さずとも私自身もショックでした。
Also, what can I do as a gallerist with my job even though I just started and am an amateur.
On related topics, I visited some artists in Mashiko town (famous pottery town in my prefecture) with my parents the day after the earthquake. There was more damage than I expected. Some artists suffered catastrophic damage to their kilns and their workhouses.
They lost many of their painstaking pottery works, also lost their works which had been prepared for next exhibition. Actually I was shocked, too.
What I do at the state of seeing that situation is, not lament together that "Sorry for that", "That's arduous." I should attempt to back them up and keep their spirits up. Their town is called 'Mashiko', a proud traditional craft cultural area we have around, I feel that I can protect them through my work as a regional gallery worker.
Despite I'm writing this, my parents went and brought foods to Mashiko again even though saying 'We almost ran out of petrol!" (Most gas stations have been sold out of petrol in my town today) .
I have to follow them in their action.
ラベル: Thinking
Our house got some damage around, but my husband and I are OK.
The cabinet with all our dishes fell down, so it is a big mess now.
But now, I'm just praying for people's safety who got huge damage and recovery efforts for them as soon as possible.
Thank you to my family and friends who sent me e-mail. We are OK.
ラベル: Thinking
My days recently.... Actually, I have been depressed and thinking a lot. Furthermore I feel frustrated about my heart being effected even though I knew that it is such a narrow and small-world story.
Some friends sent me mail or e-mail, or people and family meet and give me encouragement. I was supported and ponder the meaning of each of their words.
The other day one of my mentors Chitose and I were talking and she said, "If you feel upset for irrational words from someone, you should respond philosophically. That is a trick and then you won't have regret. "
Yah, I think it is true. Anger to anger does not exist. Anger is not good for health or mind. I have an acute feeling about that watching myself and others. haha.
何気なく買ってみたり、偶然アメリカの友人から送られてきた本。素敵な言葉が沢山つまっていた。 そしてあらゆるところで聞いたり、知ったりする言葉。心に届く言葉。。それらが元気づかせてくれた。。なんだか勉強させられてるなぁぁ。。本当はこんな毎日に感謝なんだろうな。
And I realized another thing... At such times my learning situation is so many things or affairs are coming. Or might be I am affected more than usual. Books which I bought on impulse or my friend in US sent to me. Beautiful words are condensed into them. Also I hear and find many good words around, and receive them into my mind. They make me chin up. I feel I learned a lot day by day. I should be grateful for such days.
ラベル: Thinking
The other day, I got call from my great aunt we haven't seen for years. She said that she wanted to say thanks to me about what I wrote in a mail which I sent her last year. I wonder why now? But I think people sometimes flash across in their own mind someone and thank them...may be that kind of thing?
「人が発する言葉には、2つの種類がある。 人を喜ばせる言葉とそうでない言葉。あなたは喜ばせる方を使える人になったんだね」と。
She said....
"There are 2 kinds of words for people. One is the words for making people happy or the opposite. So you become a person who can use the word to make people feel pleasure."
I was glad to here it....or so someone thought but, actually I realized that I'm being a griper recently...
Pessimistic words can change an atmosphere instantly and the life with accumulation of every day could also change. So we have to know the instruction carefully. I'm thankful to my great aunt that she gave me a chance to look back over my self in nice timing.
ラベル: Thinking
The other day, I got some organic oranges from my friends.でも夏ミカンって、皮が厚くてな~~んかもったいない。。 ということでオレンジピールをつくることに。。
This kind of orange has a thick skin so I decided to make orange peel.
First of all, my husband could help to shave skins off. Good boy! Oops, I asked him to shred only the yellow part of surface because it is bitter so white part should be left on. Anyway, thanks for helping.
最後の1回は火を止めてそのまま一晩置いておきました。 翌日少しの水と、ミカンの8割くらいの砂糖を入れて、煮詰まるまでゆっくりじっくり火をいれて待つ。1時間程。その後は乾燥させて出来上がり。 普通はグラニュー糖を使うようなのですが、我が家にあるのは、きび糖。 そのためか、若干色も茶色っぽい? 砂糖が少なかったのか仕上がりがやわらかくなってしまったようなので、チョコレートでコーティングしてごまかしてみました。オレンジピールチョコレート。Cut the skins (white part) to any size. Put them in a pot and boil with water, repeat this 3 times. After the 3rd time, I left them in water for 1 night. Next day, add sugar (80% of weight of skins) and a little bit of water then steam with low heat until simmering down. Wait until the water has gone, about 1 hour. Then, leave to dry and done. Usually people use white sugar but I only have mais brown sugar, so it makes a darker color? Also, I think they are a little bit softer because there wasn't enough sugar? Finally, I decided to make up by coating chocolate. Orange peel chocolate.
見た目はいまいちでしたが、まぁ、第1回めということで。。。(笑) 味はミカンのビターな味もほんのり残り、ミカンの香りと、美味しかったですよ。
After leaving for 2 or 3 days, it has become nice and hard. Doesn't look great but it is OK for first try! haha. Taste is good to have a little bit bitter and orange flavor. So now, how shall I use the surface skins which were shredded first. I dried them outside for a few days. It might go into blend tea or put in the bath? It is fun to think of ideas!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
This is news!! March 3rd, tomorrow night, we are going to join an event for the first time, Thursday night fever which has been held on 1st and 3rd Thursday nights every month at Banba Shimin Hiroba.
フルーツカレーも~! フードはワンコインで500円。
The vegetarian tacos which I posted on this blog before will appear. Also the fruits curry, too!! Foods will cost 500yen each.
Your dinner is there!!!