笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I went to Thursday Night Fever, a street market with several popular cafes and shops which have set up stands on the 1st and 3rd Thursday night of every month at a central Utsunomiya spot just in front of Futaarasan shrine. We expected that it will be cold outside so I took a fleece jacket with me which I got from mum in US to keep myself warm.
What I learned tonight is.....If you make sure to wear warm clothes, you don't have to care a bit even though it's chilly outside.
First of all, I tried a cup of hot wine by 'MIYOSHI cafe'. The perfect balance of spices makes for a tasty flavor. Oooops! I finished before taking pictures! Excuse me!
Next, I had Irish coffee by a shop called 'Old beans'. I asked for no sugar. Authentic roast coffee with liquor. What dainty bits! Oooooooooops again! I drank before taking pictures ! Sorry!
I got a little drunk and also can feel refreshed by the chilly air on my cheek.そこに、極めつけは’サカヤカフェ マルヨシ’さんのドーナッツ。ほかほかドーナッツ。めっちゃマい!! こんなドーナッツ始めて!!なくらい。あたたかいドーナッツってこんなに美味しいの? なんと、お替りで2コめ買っちゃいました。 お~~っと!!かろうじて今回は一口分残ってた! 写真にオサメラレタ。
Finally, I tried donuts by 'SAKAYA cafe MARUYOSHI'. Hot donuts. Veeeeeery goooood!! I had never as good as these donuts. I bought one more. Ooops! I nearly finished but I got 1 bite left and could take a picture of it.Haha.
なんかこのマーケット、クオリティ高いっす。 Meもいつか出店できたらいいな。。
I feel that these markets are high quality. I wonder if I could join the markets someday...
We walked back to home with warm and comfy feelings and a good buzz on.
Ahhhhhh,, what a nice night!!
ラベル: Shop