笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
It was extremely hot this summer.
'I can't work in the kitchen because it is so hot these days!' Now I can't say that for excuse to not cook anymore because there is a nice fall breeze from the window recently.
So it's about time to cook curry for one of my husband's favorite.
ベジレシピから、少々アレンジした「Cheesy Tofu Curry チーズ風豆腐のカレー」
なんといっても、短時間でできちゃうのが嬉しい。。 カレーというと何時間も煮込んで作る・・スタイルだった私は、初めて試した時には、こんな短時間で美味しく出来たのが少しショックだったくらい(笑)
This is "Cheesy Tofu Curry" picked from vegetarian recipe book and add some of my arrangement. It's mellow creamy curry seems to contain melted cheese. And like I said, you can make it in a short time. I used to spend a long time making curry to steam, so I was little bit shocked when I made this Cheesy Tofu Curry for first time because how easy it is to make the curry and how yummy it is. haha
トマトピューレ・豆腐・カレー粉・玉ねぎう・豆乳があれば出来ちゃいます。 他具材はその時あるものでアレンジしてね。今回私はキッチンにあった夏野菜を素揚げしてトッピングしてみました。それと玄米ごはんです。
For curry base, you only need tomato puree, tofu, onion, soy-milk and curry powder. For toppings, I put fried summer vegetables which I had in the kitchen. And brown rice.
材料 Ingredients
カレー Curry ~
・トマトピューレ Tomato puree 900g
・豆腐 Tofu 150g
・玉ねぎ Onion 1 個
・豆乳 Soy-milk 150ml
・カレー粉 Curry powder 3 tablespoons
(お好みでガラムマサラ garam masala powder as much you like)
以上をミキサーに入れてソース状に。 その後鍋で15分程煮て、塩で調節して出来上がり
Put curry ingredients in a mixer to make sauce then put it in a deep pan and steam them for 15min. Add salt last.
トッピング材料 Topping ingredients ~
その日にある野菜を素揚げ bare-deep-fry any vegetables you have in the kitchen
カボチャ /茄子/ 人参/じゃがいも
Pumpkin/Eggplant/Carrot/Potato ・・
Molokheiya・・Spritz brown flour and fry in quick for making crispy.
Goya (bitter gourd) ・・Boil sliced Goya in hot water quickly (1 or 2 min) then squeeze to remove the water well. Then fry to remove the bitter taste and make yummy chips.
The colorful pink thing on the side is dried-berry which I got in a shop call ' lavedone' in Utsunomiya. It is good with curry & rice.素揚げの野菜以外でも、オリジナルレシピでは、水煮の豆をいれたり、刻んだほうれん草などもGood。
The original recipe uses boiled lentil beans to steam with the curry or it is good to put chopped spinach instead of fried toppings.
The colorful vegetable curry contrasts favorably with the black colored dishes which are works of pottery artist Satoshi Yokoo in Mashiko.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking