笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
最近のお気に入り、 Trader Joe's のショッピングバッグ
My favorite recently, Trader Joe's shopping bag.
アメリカにTrader Joe'sトレーダー・ジョーズという、人気の大手スーパーマーケットがあります。
There is a popular major supermarket called Trader Joe's in US. There is one of the shops where I want to go when I go to US because they have many selections of organic foods and products for vegetarian.
キャリータイヤもついてるし、大きさもヨガマットが入りそうだから、都内のヨガイベント持ち歩き用に買ってみたのが本音。 これでヨガマットも、着替えを入れて持ち歩いても、肩凝らない。。
When I went to US last time, we went there right before going to the airport and got some kinds of raw nuts and food products which I wanted. And the shopping-bag. Actually I got the one for carrying my yoga stuff when I go to yoga events in Tokyo where I don't have a car since it has a carry tire, enough size to put yoga mat and clothes, so my shoulders wouldn't get stiff to walk and carry around.
保温・冷構造にもなっているし、行く時には畳んで持ち歩ける。 豆乳パックやワインなど重いものを入れても、コロコロして楽に帰って来られたので、便利便利!!やっぱり使い道はショッピングバッグかなぁ・・・。気に入った物って、いろんなことに使いたくなっちゃう。Although, the other day, I used it for shopping when I went to the supermarket near by our house. The bag is designed to hold warm and cold and able to fold away in hand on the way. I could come to home easily even though I had soy milk packages and wines in the bag. It is useful! ummm...should I use it for as a shopping bag?!! Something my favorite makes me want use many ways.
Note: the red Ω sticker on the bag is my favorite yoga wear company's sticker. Although the shop I got to is in US.←こちらは数年前に友人がお土産でくれたTrader Jonesトレーダー・ジョーズの布ショッピングバッグ。普段用ヨガバッグになっています。
←This is a Trader Joe's red fabric shopping bag I got my friend as a souvenir some years ago. I use for as a my yoga bag for usual.