笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
3日間のヨガのワークショップが終わりました。アメリカ人のスコット・ハンドリックス先生Scot Hendricksを迎えて、Kula smile ヨガスタジオで行われました。
I finished with 3 day yoga workshop. The yoga studio called Kula smile invited Scot Hendricks (American) as a main teacher.
This workshop, I felt tensioned and impressed over and over again. Why I tensioned is my husband has asked to interpretation for this WS, so I joined the ws for supporting for him, too. I think he tried hard and good job with this even though it was the first time to do.
What I impressed about is...Scot's work. Has strictness, warmness and there are humor, too.
Why practice yoga. What yoga is?
Where you focus with your consciousness, how do concentrate and what create of inside of own self. Explanation for physical things are always reached to the part of mind.
Poses which I usually do with out hardness becomes more deep and difficult pose by construe of each. He teaches Ashtanga which is the kind of yoga ruled with step up as you can do and clear each poses on each number, so you can't proceed to next step with out. Come-back and proceed and come-back again for step up own level.
What is important is not challenging difficulty with just surfaces and stepping forward.
Observing presence in your self and creating the energy from the core part of your body and exploring futher more and deeply is important even though staying in the same pose.
For breathing, not just breathing, improve the quality of your breath.
These words are able to substitute with your lifestyle.
So, of course I had many new discoveries, learned, awoke and was impressed by the workshop. Thank you so much Scot!!
ラベル: Yoga