笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
お気に入りのお店、宇都宮のチーズ専門店 ラヴェドンが遂に2号店をOPENしました。
My favorite cheese shop in Utsunomiya-city ' fromagerie l'avedone' has opened a 2nd shop in Utsunomiya. Actually, I like cheese. Even though we do vegetarian style diet in the house I brought back cheese from the shop.
I have changed how I enjoy cheese since I met the shop l'avedone. Before that, I ate as much I wanted without thinking but now, I enjoy to compare the taste of good quality cheese little by little and enjoy. I could say 'enjoy to eat in moderate quantities '.
そのラヴェドンさん、ついに2号店 楽しみでしたよ~。
I was looking forward to see their 2nd.
Because the madam, she is my secret idol. She is a smart woman and has an inner fortitude as a female entrepreneur. Also she has shiny beauty like a cheese.
旦那様へのお土産に・・コンフィチュール(ジャム)。チーズではありませんが、さすがこだわりマダム。南仏のCALANQUET(カランケ)というブランドのもの。 私が試食して選んだのは”さくらんぼとバルサミコ酢のコンフィチュール” 甘酸っぱいサクランボの甘みと、バルサミコのコクがほどよい感じです。ボトルもかわいい。ただ甘いだけのジャムが苦手な私が気に入りました。これだったらベジタリアンの旦那様も・・・楽しめます。
I visited the 2nd shop for the first time the other day. I found another good thing.
Present for my husband... confiture (jam) . It is not cheese but just as expected from the madam's selection. The brand called 'CALANQUET' from south France. After I tried some, I chose 'Cherry and Balsamic vinegar confiture'. It is good taste from sweet-and-sour cherry and savory flavor with balsamic vinegar. Cute bottle. Usually I don't like just sugary jam so I like this a lot. Also my vegetarian husband can enjoy.まずは、朝食で作ったアスパン(アスコパン:超簡単特性パン 今回は玉ねぎとセロリ入り)に。
First, I tried with Asu-pan (asuco bread: my very easy special home-made bread This time I put onion and celery in side).
Put on roasted sweet potato.
そして、やはりチーズに合うコンフィチュール・・ということで、ベジチーズ(生カシューナッツで作ったリコッタ風チーズ)に添えてみました。 このコンフチュールに添えてみたい・・というだけで、時間をかけてベジチーズを作るMe・・・食欲の秋・・・?
トワジエム・ラヴェドンに行ったら、是非試してみてくださいね。 And, I heard that this confiture is good with cheese...so, try with 'vegetarian cheese' (like ricotta cheese made with raw cashew nuts). I took time making this vege-cheese because just wanted to have and try with this confiture... How I love eating - because of the Autumn season?
It was meltingly yummy!
Get and try!! If you go to 3ème l'avedone!!
3ème l'avedone トワジエム・ラヴェドン (Cheese shop)
〒320-0803 栃木県宇都宮市曲師町3-15
Tochigi-pre Utunomiya-city Mageshi-cho 3-15
☎ 028-633-7100
ラベル: Shop