笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
The other day after work, I drove to Kasama-city in Ibaraki prefecture to participate in the Kasamado exchange party.
‘Kasamado' is a kind of gathering and party with many artists in Kasama-city or Tsukuba-city in Ibaraki-prefecture. But, my heart was pounding because I tend to be shy with people......
But, they are so friendly and there was merriment.
開催場所も素敵!! 岩間第一分校。今は廃校になった、小学校だったところを、現在はイベントやアート活動などに使用できるそうです。
The place was neat, too!! It is called Iwama daiichi bunkou. The old building was used as an elementary school but is now closed. People use for events or art works now.校庭の木には小さなツリーハウス
Cute tree house at the ground.
We arrived there around sunset and an artist was working on decorating his iron work.ん??大きな鉄板
Wao!! huge frying-pan!!
They had BBQ and huge okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), it was fun.
There were pictures projected by photographer Nakamura after dark.最後はやっぱり花屋台カフェさんの美味しいコーヒーでしょうっっ!
Finally, I had tasty coffee from 'hanayatai cafe' (food truck cafe) .
I had a great time and felt that anything that 'connects with something' has meaning in our life.
Thank you to everyone at 'Kasamado' !!
ラベル: Art
Recently, sometimes friends comes to me asking for advice about losing interest in their life, feeling down, feeling of weariness, or always being sleepy.
What happened?
Feel tired?
Seasonal things?
Stress by the earthquake?
It can think of many reasons.
Sometimes I also have that, too.
I was helped by Yoga and SHINBI walking even though most days are such days.
I could feel that coming back on such of days when I neglect those for a while .
だから最近相談をもらった時のアドバイスは無理せずに 「身体を動かすこと」
So, recently when I tell friends my advice, I say `do exercise ' reasonably. I know that is a not special advice, but sometimes it is not as simple as it seems for someone....
Move your body, deep breath, slowly inhale, then exhale more deeply. At the same time, release your stress or ambivalence with the breath from inside of your body.
Although, when you walk, look forward, increase the length of stride, raise angle of mouth (smile!) .
It is makes me feel fresh.
先日、用事の合間にちょっと寄れたのが、宇都宮オリオンスクエアで開催していたデザイン協会イベントDESIGN ONE DAY震災チャリティーイベントでした。
The other day, I visited an event for earthquake charity called 'DESIGN ONE DAY' presented by a design association held at Orion Square in Utsunomiya City.
あったあった! 友人の武田慶子ちゃんがデザインしたポストカード。
Oh! I've found it!! The post cards which were designed by my friend Keiko Takeda. I reunited with her last year when we met each other after a long time years ago. Now, she is the mother of 2 boys and practicing as a graphic designer. When I talked with her, I liked that she is striking a good balance.
Her studio HP DESIGN STUDIO CO.MOCHI ('comochi' means 'with children')
I think it can be hard work to walk your own path while raising children at the same time. so I just can see in the mind's eye even though I don't have child yet, but I think raising children is huge work because it is raising 'human's mind' which is existing other than yourself. I imagine that it can be slow speed to come the way since spending a lot of time for raising children.
And also like her, I want to care to step forward in my own life, too.
What's important is we should keep and understand our own pace and not get sway by circumstance or surroundings. So it mustn't rush for whatever...
I feel such things when watching ladies because there are many great mothers around me and can be role models. I think that their appeal is inspired by raising children also.
Vegetable slicer 'Saladakko' has joined our kitchen friends in my house for 2 months now. Actually, I found out about 'Saladakko' from my friend Atsu-chan. She likes raw food but I was thinking to get this for a while because my kitchen is small and already crowded. Finally, I decided to get it. I got two and gave one to a friend who always helps me and I wanted her to care for her health. (I hope she likes saladkko!!)このスライサー、野菜をスライスするだけではなく、にんじんや大根、ズッキーニを長い麺状にできてしまうんです。
購入以来大活躍!!やっぱり買って大満足~。 いつもの食事に簡単に1品増やせた感じ♪♪ しかも生野菜!いろんなレシピを試すのが楽しい!
This slicer is not only for slicing. You can make vegetable 'noodles' with carrots, radish, zucchini, or others. I feel it is very useful since I got this, and was glad to get it! I feel that I can add dishes for meals easily with all fresh vegetables! Now enjoying to try many recipes.
Sauce made with Chopped dried tomato, cut olives, basil leaf, cut tomato, olive oil, little-bit soy sauce and vinegar mixed then add to radish 'noodles' cut by Saladkko.●こちらの応用で、ソースの内容をある季節野菜、切ったズッキーニや新玉ねぎのみじん切りに、レモン汁、オリーブオイル、塩、胡椒のソース&大根のサラダッコ
Recipe for sauce made with any seasonal vegetables in your refrigerator. Cut zucchini, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, add to radish 'noodles' cut by Saladkko.
Crispy Chinese noodles, salad green leafs & onion slices by Saladkko. Put any dressing you like.●パスタに、グリーンパスタソース(一晩水に浸した生ナッツ、オイル、レモン汁、青菜、塩、胡椒をミキサーでペースト状)に、温かいだし汁、だし汁でさっと火を通したシメジ&ある野菜のサラダッコ(今回は玉ねぎ麺状) でトッピング
Pasta sauce: green pasta sauce (one-night soaked raw nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, green leavess, salt, and pepper put in mixer), warm soup stock, cooked mushrooms with the soup & vegetable noodles by Saladakko (this time I made noodles with onions), put everything on wheat pasta.
良きパートナーです Good partner now☆
disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Saladakko's company! ;)
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
続きまして~今日からはギャラリー悠日にて、山田元子 個展’みぶんか’ が始まりました~~。
From today, once again, there is Haruko Yamada Solo Exhibition -Anaplastic- starting at Yujitsu Gallery (my office).
Haruko Yamada shaped these by hammering and tapping copper and other metals. She is a young and highly motivated person. Also, she is our favorite artist at Yujitsu.
She is a not a very big or tall person, but her works have a powerful impact and also humorous overtones with infectious humor. I like her conception and point of view.
Tonight, we had dinner together and talked.
She is an artist, a woman and a challenger... I got inspiration and we sympathized with each other. Thanks! Haru-chan!
Her works are worth a look!! We will hold a gallery talk and dance performance by Miho Osoda (entry is free) on July 2nd, 2011 (Sat) at Yujitsu gallery.
I wanted to take some pictures but I couldn't because it was busy today.
This picture was taken by my friend, showing one of her works and me !!!↓↓ cute!!? Don't you think? Why don't you come and try it on!
ラベル: Art
今日は鹿沼にある母のギャラリー、シェイ・ケイコにて明日から始まる後藤 敏雄 鞄工房510展の搬入に行ってきました。
後藤さんの作るバッグの特徴は、質の良い皮と縫製に、酒袋を使ったところです。酒袋とは、江戸時代より日本酒を造るとき、もろみをいれて搾り、柿渋につけた木綿の袋のことで、現在は使われていないそうです。いわば使い終わった古布だそうです。なので色も一つ一つ違います。Today, I went to my mother's gallery to help prepare for Goto Toshio's bag exhibition, which starts tomorrow. The points of Goto's handmade bags are good quality leather and sewing techniques, and the use of sakabukuro fabric. Sakabukuro are persimmon tannin-colored cotton bags which were used for making sake (Japanese liquor) since Edo period. Fermentation rice broth was strored and pressed. But not used today so it is old, used textile. They are naturally colored and each has a different color.
実は私も以前祖母より、この後藤さんのバッグをプレセントしてらったのですが、一番驚いたのは、海外に行ったときに、どこに行っても褒めらたバッグでした♪ もちろん日本でも!→
Actually I have one of Goto's handmade bags which I got from my grandmum. I am surprised that when I visit abroad, I receive a lot of praise on the bag from many people. Of course sometimes in Japan, too. This is the bag. → Every time when I hear"I like your bag!" I had trouble explaining about sakabukuro in English. The way of becoming sakabukuro is a little bit complicated.
なので今回の企画展はとっ~~ても楽しみでした☆また、新しいデザインや形もあり、モチロン今回も期待以上!! 今回は、しな布(科(しな)の木から糸を紡ぎ、布に織り上げる伝統工芸)のバッグや、古い着物の帯で作ったものもあります。自宅の箪笥の中にしまってある使わない帯を、持ちこみでオーダーすることも可能だそうです☆ お後藤さんのバッグは、ご本人もお洒落な方なので、色合わせが絶妙。So I was excited for the exhibition this time. Also I enjoy this far more than I expected because there are new designs and shapes. There are bags which use shina-fu (traditional textile craft made by spinning and weaving from Japanese linden tree) or made from used beautiful obi (kimono sash), so you can order to make your kimono belt which has been sitting in your closet for awhile. Goto has style so I like his color matching.
We took out the bags from their covers and chatted with the artist...... That was fun time. I post some pictures of his work. Can you guess which is my favorite?!!? ♪
ラベル: Chez Keiko
The other day, we went strawberry picking which is an annual event. It is so exciting every year and waiting for the invitation for the strawberry picking... ”OK!! we are ready!! and wait for so loong!! like this, when I hear from Machami.
昨年に引き続き→昨年レポート & イチゴクランブルレシピ
This year again→Report from last year & strawberry crumble今年もヒナちゃんが
Sweet girl Hina helped me..... Hina picks and I eat ...over again... and over. She is so nice.そして今年のイチゴちゃん達は・・
キビ糖を少しまぜてミキサーでソース状にして冷凍庫へ。これでしばらくの間、イチゴのアイスが楽しめます。 冷凍しておいた、手作り甘酒と豆乳少しと冷凍イチゴソースで白とピンクのアイスクリーム。
The strawberries this year!! Turned into..
Mix with brown sugar, make into sauce, and put in the freezer. So we can enjoy strawberry ice cream for awhile. Frozen Amazake, little bit of soy milk and the strawberry sauce in a mixer. White and pink ice cream!
The usual strawberry liquor
今回のメインは!!! ローフードレシピのイチゴのタルト。
熱を加えず、フレッシュな材料で、砂糖も使わないの・・・。 ステキでしょ☆
What main dish will it be this time!!!! Strawberry tart by raw food recipe.
Tart pastry is mixed with raw almonds and raw walnuts which are soaked in water overnight, cocoa, sweet almond oil, water soaked dates and coconut powder made into paste in a food processor. (Actually I use a blender instead of a food processor because of I don't have..) Also I added some of the raw walnuts left in this. Press them into the bottom of the pie plate.
Prepare filling. Strawberries, raw cashew nuts (over 4 hours soaked), and lemon juice are put in the mixer together. Also I add some raw walnuts. Pour into the tart pan then decorate with cut strawberries and done! Am I a genius?! haha! Here is a yummy raw food desert! The fillings are a little soft so it might come out after you cut them. You can put in the freezer if you want.
Non-heated, fresh, non-sugar.... So sweet isn't it☆
ラベル: Friends, vegetarian cooking
The other day, when I was driving, there was the song 'Toire no kamisama' (which mean 'God in the restroom') by Hana Kamiura which is a hit song from last year in Japan, and it reminds me of something.
English reference link→ here 1 / here2
母と同業の仕事をするようになって半年以上が過ぎました。(母のギャラリー シェイ ケイコ→here)
Six months have passed since I changed my work to doing the same profession as my mother.(her art gallery Chez Keiko →here) I thought my mother was just having fun and was happy with her job but now I can understand that in this job you actually have to be concerned about many things.
これを何度も何度も繰り返しながらトイレ掃除。 家族はもう慣れているのでなんとも感じでいませんが、きっと外の人が見たら驚くでしょう。。。 実際に朝早く来られた、ある作家さんに「やっぱり何か違うと思ったぁ~笑」と言われたことも・・。Meanwhile, there are some things I do like her. One of those is when I clean toilet.
Every time my mother starts an exhibition, when she cleans the toilet every morning, she loudly says " Thank you for welcoming customers comfortably into our house. Thank you" (some times she changes the words to 'thank you for giving my family good health'.)
She repeats this during toilet cleaning. My family and I don't think anything because we are used to hearing this but it is so surprising if someone came from outside and saw...
Actually, an artist saw it and she said "I thought there was something special about you!"
もしかしたら・・ですがこれも母の仕事場が、すてきなお客様や作家さんに恵まれる秘訣の1つなのかな・・と。 よし、私もこれを続けていこう。。
Until some years ago, I thought this was strange... but now, I do same thing.
Every morning when I clean the toilet in the office, I say the words inside of me or mumble to myself even though I'm not saying loudly like my mother.
Strangely, if I do this, the faces of customers who visited me or people who have helped me in daily life come up in my mind. In mysterious ways gratefulness comes to mind.
I wonder if this is how my mother enjoys meeting good customers and artists in her job... Yes, I will continue this for a long time.
ラベル: Family
I had the day off, and my husband also had so this was first time in ages.
I asked him "So, will you invite me for a date? Because we haven't gone in so long"
He usually doesn't pick the date place for us.
On the day, he picked to go to Kawarazuka -kofun (ancient burial mound) in Nagaoka of Utsunomiya-city. (Is he Indiana Jones?!) We went by bicycle and took a short hike.さてさて、サイクリングは嫌いではありませんし・・・数年前に買ってもらったLouis Garneau を走らせましょ。
So, I like cycling.... also I can take my Louis Garneau bicycle which I got from my husband a few years ago.
The cycling course he found recently in that neighborhood. The cycling route started beside the road next to a supermarket and quiet residential area and continue to up to the north. The road was easy to ride.
Can you find him?
We always have distance like this..
Is this a date?そして瓦塚古墳入口。ここ近辺では一番大きいそうです。サイトをみつけました→ココ
Here is the entrance of Kawarazuka -kofun(ancient burial mound) which is the biggest kofun around this area. I found a site→here日差しが強い日でしたが、グリーンのドームに包まれている心良い森林浴。のんびりの午後。
The day was strong sunshine but I was feeling comfortable in the forest. It was like being surrounded by a green dome. It was a restful afternoon. Glad to come.
ラベル: Family