笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
これ、母が30年前以上に履いていたブーツ。These boots were used by my mother over 30 years ago.
先日、今年もお世話になろ うと出してきましたが、結構傷みも進んでいるので一度靴屋さんに、手頃な値段で出来る限りの(ヨクバリ?:笑)ケアをお願いしてきました。
I pulled the boots out and have been using regularly these winters.
The other day I pulled these boots out for this winter but decided to take to a shoe repair shop and ask them to do as much as they can with reasonable price since the boots have been damaged.
こ のとおり、色もかかともキレイに戻ってきて大満足。
As seen the picture, they have come back with color and heels seem new so I'm very satisfied!
They can be used several more years now. But if I look close, some parts of the leather has broken away or got crack... I heard that these damages are difficult to repair even for the repair shop.
修理屋さんと話して気付いたのは、母が履いていた頃と、私が履き始めめた数年前までの空白の時間に傷みが進んだようです。 や はり履かない年でも、ちゃんとオイルを塗るなどをしてケアしてあげると革も大切に残せるようです。
母が行きたい場所に連れていってくれたブーツ、 私の行きたいところに連れていってくれるブーツ、今も昔もそしてこれからも。ずっ と使い続けていけたらと思ます。
I realized by talking with the repairer that the boots had been deteriorating rapidly during the blank time of when I start to use the boots from my mother finished to use, even if you don't to wear the shoe for season, it is better to put oils on to take care of it.
The boots took my mother wherever she wanted, the boots take me to wherever I want. I hope to be able to use for years to come.
ということで、修理屋さんから戻ってきたブー ツ。今日は年代ものの靴に合わせて?(笑)服もコーディネートしてみました。
高校1年生になる頃に買っ たスカート。
So, since that, the boots came back from shoe repair shop, I coordinated cloth with the old boots.
The skirt which I got when I was 16 years old.
The knit which I got 10 years ago.
The shirt which I got 8 years ago.
Yah, I am a person who keeps my favorite things for long long time.
そ こに先日紹介したaffordanceの小川さんのバックをちゃっかり持ってみました。
新しい服にも、そして年代物の服達にも、どちらにもいける 万能バックでした☆
The bag I'm holding shrewdly is Mr.Ogawa's from 'affordance' who I introduced in the previous post.
It seems to match with new cloth as well as old.
Yes, I will take care of it!あっ、ちなみにこちらも現在Me愛用中のママのおさがり、20年前のブーツ。
These are my favorite boots I got from my mother. My mother used to wear them over 20 years ago.
悠日ギャラリーでは、23日より、affordance 革鞄・小物展が始まりまりました。
'affordance leather& gadget Exhibition is being held in Gallery Yujitsu from 23rd of November through 4th of December.作り手の小川さんが、企画・仕入れ・試作・生産までひとつひとつ丁寧につくった皮鞄や小物。普段は東京で活躍している若い作り手さん。爽やか君です。
The bags and gadgets are hand-made piece by piece from designs by Mr. Ogawa, then purchase, pre-production and to the production. He is a fine young artist working in Tokyo now.
Actually, when I first felt them, I was surprised how soft and lightweight the leather was, more than I expected by seeing pictures before. 'Well-made' is my first impression. We'll take good care of the artists like him. Most people are surprised how pliant and lightweight they are.
I entrusted him with the decoration for the exhibition this time.あれ・・バックが中に浮いている・・・・・・
Hooow?! Bags are suspended in the air........
Yah, I knew it, create neat decoration since he is an artist!
小川さんはライブペインターとしても活躍しており、ライブペイントを施した帆布を、キャンパストートに作り替えてもいます。色がカラフルでキレイ・・ もちろん一点もの。
Also he works as a live painter so he makes canvas tote bags by his paint work. It's pretty colorful isn't it? Of course they are one of a kind.
This is corroboration work with a Japanese painter, Mr.Daisuke Kagawa.
Mr. Ogawa is going to do live paint with music live from 'rabirabi' 28th of November at Yujitsu cafe.
The exhibition is being held until 5th of December at Yujitsu Gallery.
ラベル: Art
先日は友人のTakashi Shinoharaくんの結婚パーティー。彼は中学生の頃からの友人です。アメリカで音楽の勉強をした後、現在は東京で音楽活動しています。
仲良しの友人をあつめたアットホームなパーティ。The other day I went to a wedding party for my friend Takashi Shinohara. We are good friends since when we were junior high school students. He studied music in America and now is playing in Tokyo. The party had a cozy atmosphere with his good friends.
奥様のはスキューバダイビングを趣味とするアクティブウーマン。 ふとした時に見つめ合う二人がとってもキュートなカップルでした。
His wife is an active woman since her hobby is scuba diving.
They are such a cute couple specially when they glance at each other momentarily.
そして、彼の好きな曲’Stand By Me' をカバーしたのを聞いた時は、自分たちが一緒に遊んでいた学生の頃の風景が頭をよぎり、なんだか嬉しくて涙出そうでした。
Of course he did music live!!
All his friends were listening to his play, it was not like listening to a 'friend's play', listening with their eyes from 'musician's play'.
It was pretty intense.
And then, when he played a cover of one of his favorites, 'Stand By Me', I was happy and almost cried because it reminded me that we spent good school time together when we were students.そして都内でのパーティー。
The party was held in Tokyo, so old faces got together and rang good old days of memories.
Some are popular hair designers or graphic designers...etc now. But we still can talk without constraint and natural talk goes back to old days. Talk hasn't changed from when we were students.... Has it, Takeshi 'Rock 'n Roll' Yuzawa?
It was a relieving night...
Shinohara's original music.オリジナル曲 デジカメ撮影ですが。。折角なので
I took video with my digital camera so the sound is not great but...
ラベル: Friends
I went to a wood carving class today.
I wonder whether I can make it?
When I was an elementary school student, we had soap carving class but I didn't like my work because that was a squared rabbit.
When I was a high school student, we made a drawer with woodcarving but I wasn't comfortable with it.
However, I was holding a carving knife since there is a something I wanted to make.
The teacher is Mr. Toshio Yamada, a carver from Nasu and organizer of a wood museum in Nasu. He is a nice and warm person like the warmth of wood.
皆黙々と彫る Carving silently.
彫る Carving.....
彫る Carving.....
I also was carving for the sake of it and finding my self. It can be the time to reflect on oneself.
Eventually, start to get into thinking about how I can make carving track beautifully? or how can I make the balance for shaping?.... Yah I know that it's too early to think about.
It is fun to be immersed in making. It can be a time releasing my eye from usual life even just for a moment.
何を造っているかって?? What am I making?!?
This is a present for some one, so I can't tell yet..
News today!!
One of Asuco's vege-recipes appears for the first time in the Yujitsu cafe -Lunch set today.
They decided to make vegetable recipe since they have good organic produced vegetables made by the owner's mum in the kitchen. So I suggested some vegetarian cooking to them.
Yeah! Also customers can have fresh vegetables then.
On the right side, Chinese cabbage steamed with white wine and soy-milk sauce.
In the center, sweet potato tossed with mustard.
左、大根サラダ ドライトマトとハーブドレッシング
On the left, radish salad dried-tomato and herb-dressing.
And potato soup which I have posted in this blog before.
I will enjoy introducing vege-recipes like this, some times now and again.
ラベル: Art, vegetarian cooking
Sawubona.(Hello.) サウボーナ。
Unjani Mfana and Sisi?(How are you boy and girl?) ウンジャーニ ムファーナ アンド シィーシィ?
The foregoing greetings are “Si-Swati” which is a local language of South Africa.
My friend Sato-chan seems to like to use such language recently.
I wonder if he also would learn how to ride wild animals. Would be great.
He is my good friend. We met at our previous job.
アートギャラリーのこともやっています。ただ、美術鑑賞して販売するだけの、そう華やかなことばかりではありません。だ・か・ら 楽しいでのです。
Anyway, I have been asked what I am doing recently... from some friends.
I do something for an art gallery but however, it is not such a colorful thing. Only of the art appreciation and sales.
That's why it is fun to do.
do carpentry
making electric wiring
making shelves前職でレンチの使い方、ドライバーや電動ドリルの使い方を教えてもらったのが役に立っています、
I learned how to use a wrench, screwdriver or electric-drill at my previous job so now it is helping me. And, I used to wear safety shoes since I was walking around the pit for vehicles, I thought that I don't need the safety-shoes anymore but seems like I can use still now.
Today, we were moving the 'Rijyu Satou Exhibition' to another gallery because it has extended the date due to popularity
Adjusting lighting on the step-stool.このペンダントライトの電気配線、自分で作りました。
I made electric wiring for these pendant lights.
Isn't it nice?!
Rijyu Satou Exhibition, you might be able to enjoy seeing from another angle!
All told, I am enjoying my new life style☆
ラベル: Art
Today was 2nd physical measurement as a voluntary human subject continuing at the Department of Sensory and Motor Control, Kitasato University Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
I got attachment for the university campus this 2'nd time...
今回の測定は This time measurement
①血液検査 Blood test
②血管機能検査 Vascular function
③自律神経機能検査 Autonomic function testing
④ 運動機能検査(歩行,バランス) Exercise function testing (walking, balance)
The measurement facility in the room seems new ... I was excited to be a gunia pig. We measured my bendability and balance, also.
I can tell that the students wanted to help many people and also they love yoga. So I like their earnest attempt.
I'm excited to see the research findings.
On the other hand, we are talking that the way of measurement, the physical performance measurement can be easy but relaxing or stress-releasing and are difficult to show the affect with numbers.
Yah, it can be true. But at least for me, it already proves how yoga gives good mental and physical effects, so I wish yoga can be helpful for many people in that way, too.
ラベル: Yoga
Hi, some friends asked me about how was the design festa so..世界中からアーティストが集まり、そのブース数なんと2800以上。。
Over 2800 booths got together from around the world. There was excitement as may be expected. So we tried to not bow to pressur from them and introduce BONSAI. We got comments like
'It is cool!!',
'Never seen before' or
'This can be today's top 3'. These words are nice and I was inspired to keep working hard.どこかのメディアからもインタビュー受けたり。。ちなみにこの方達、コスチュームはすごいのでビビりながら応対してましたが、礼儀正しくて、高感度のある集団でした(笑)
I had interviews from some media. Actually, their costume looked unusual... so I was kinda freaked out at first, but they were polite and nice.
My father. He visited (to help?) and left the his designed & made aluminum BONSAI pot. It looks cool, doesn't it?勿論、出展だけが目的ではありません。ナ・ン・パ★ムフッ・・ いやいやボーイズじゃなくて・・・(したいところだけどぉぉぉ)、アーティスト。 世界中で活躍している人も含め、沢山の出会いがありました。今後どんどんコラボレート企画していきたいです。逆に私達のギャラリーの質問をされることが多くて、ありがたいですね。 おまけに私好みの洋服を作っているアーティストも見つけちゃって。。嬉し♪♪さっそく服をオーダーしちゃいました。ムフフ
Of course! the aim wasn't only to make presentation. I picked up some people. Oh yes, it wasn't cute boys!! (would be nice? haha) Artists!! I had many of encounters including people who are performing around the world. I am excited to make collaboration work together with them in the future. The other hands had asked about our gallery, that is nice for introducing ourselves. Also, I found my favorite clothing artist, too. So I already ordered a one-piece for my self.!!♪♪そして新しいお友達もできました。。ボストンテリアのテスちゃんです。以前ボストンテリアを飼っていたので、思いだしてうるうるしちゃいました。フェスタの疲れもテスちゃんに会って癒され・・会場近くに住む友人チカッポ(テスママ)も遊びに来てくれました。めちゃめちゃ助けてくれました。ありがとう!!
Further more!! I got a new friend!!!!!! A Boston-terrier named Tesu. I used to have a Boston-terrier before so Tesu reminds me of that and makes me almost cry. Tesu is such a cute puppy. I felt at ease with her even though I had hard work at the festa. Her owner and my friend Chicappo lives near the place so she visited for us and helped me a lot! Thank you Chicappo & Tesu!!
ラベル: Art
I was having a day-off today, and went to my parents house after a long interval.
There it is the best time to view maple leaves turning a deep red color next to the threshold。
あ~~いいねぇ 秋って。。
Ohhhh, How beautiful Autumn is!!
These days, I couldn't have time to breathe easily since I'm being pressed by duty for something I have to do.
I found the unabiding time for looking up thanks to the maple tree.
Thanks to the people who support me.
That is you.
ラベル: Thinking
はふゥ~~~ 今日も一日早かったなぁぁ~~
Phew, today also goes fast.....
As always, I was on the way to home driving and an easy recipe ran around in my head.
This week, we got delicious seasonal radish and salad spinach from Vege-farm Nakaya.
So, I decided to make 'Radish soup spaghetti and potato salad. Only takes about 30min!!
'Radish soup spaghetti-Jap style'
・葉付きカブ Radish (with leaf)
・玉ねぎ、もしくは好みの野菜 Onion (or your favorite vegetables)
・和風だし汁 Japanese soup stock
・塩・しょうゆ Salt & Soy-sauce
・柚子の皮(あれば) Yuzu (Japanese citron: if you have)
Prepare hot water in a pasta pot
Cut radishes in to bite-size pieces
Cut mushrooms to the proper size
Slices onion in to 5mm
Put all '2' vegetables in to a pan with Japanese-soup stock.
Add salt and soy-sauce and steam until radish is cooked.
Finally, put coarsely cut radish leaves and olive oil then mix with boiled spaghetti.
Put chopped Japanese citron skin on top.
Why radish is sooooo gooood?!
”じゃがサラダ” 'Potato salad'
Boil potatoes
Cut boiled potatoes to the proper size (don't get burned!), mix with salt, peppers, chopped marinated dried tomatoes and coarsely cut salad spinach and you are done!
It will be a good mix with mayonnaise or mustard instead of dried tomatoes.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
Finally.... after 22 O'clock........
We finished doing the installation and decoration for "Riju Satou pottery art Exhibition" held at Yujitsu gallery from tomorrow.
It was a lot of work so I should be tired...
But, to see good things has a healing power also.
I took this from my mobile phone.
I enjoyed to do that since I could do decoration whatever takes my fancy.
This is the exhibition which I handle for first time.
This is a part of one of the works. A pendant light. This is my favorite one.
I wish many people will come and see his work.
ラベル: Art