笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
What the hell am I doing?!!はい、今日は神奈川県の北里大学医療系研究科の研究室にて、被験者としてボランティアしてきましたよ。
Today, I went to the study room at school of allied health science of Kitasato University in Kanagawa-prefecture to assist as a voluntary human subject.
The contents are 'The efficacy of Yoga from the point of view of the motor function barometer and the cardiopulmonary function barometer - Counterpoint with the general healthy adults'. Yah, it sounds deceptively difficult, but I just do what I was asked to do..
These are part of the revelations of scientific study about yoga practice have a favorable influence to human body and mind. And the ultimate purpose is to use aggressively for a physiotherapy course or other medical reason.
I deeply agree with this guideline. I feel myself that human body and mind can be greatly influenced by yoga. Therefore I decided to cooperate with this study to scientifically prove something I appreciate.北里大学のキャンパスはゆったりとした心地よい雰囲気。どうやら学園祭が近いようです。準備に追われている学生さん達で賑わっています。
Kitasato University campus with a welcoming atmosphere. Looks like some students preparing for the school festival in near future.
This time is cardiopulmonary exercise testing and muscle and breathing function measuring.
Next test will include a blood test.
I hope that yoga can help many people to succeed in maintaining their health.
ラベル: Yoga