笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
I will post another recipe today. Jon and Cathy made a Calzone party for lunch.
First of all, prepare dough. Mix ingredients listed below and allow to rise to make dough. This time, they used a home bakery machine for it.生地材料 Ingredients:
・セモリナ粉 Semolina 2/3 Cup
・小麦粉 White flour 31/3 Cup
・ぬるま湯 Warm water 1 1/2Cup
・イースト Yeast 2 Tbsp (スプーン)
・ハチミツまたは砂糖 Honey or Sugar 1 Tbsp (スプーン)
・オリーブオイル Olive oil 3Tbsp
・塩 Salt 2 Tbsp (スプーン)
Spread the dough into a disk.
Put any chopped ingredients you like. This is party time for everyone making their own putting whatever they like. It is a fun time. Whose is better?!!
The ingredients we used this time are below. (Chopped into pieces)・モッツアレラチーズ Mozzarella
・パルメジャーノチーズ Parmesan
・マッシュルーム Mushrooms
・赤ピーマン Red bell peppers
・玉ねぎ Onions
・オリーブ Olives
・にんにく Garlic
・アーティチョーク(水煮してあるもの)Artichoke(prepared) →
This time we put fresh thyme leaves because we had in the refrigerator. Usually they put spinach, too. So you can use anything you like for fillings.
Fold them in half and seal the edge. You may use a fork for sealing them. Coat them with olive oil to make brown when baking and put powder cheese or thyme for appearance.
←They looking at mine and said 'Look like Asuco got a lot of stuff in that!' Yah,,, I told them ' I made it with the image of Pike's peak! It was an excuse..... haha.
オーブンで15分~20分 焼き上がったのがこちら。トマトソースと一緒に。
These are done!! Serve with tomato sauce. Bake them for 15~20 min in the oven.
美味しそうでしょ! Looks yummy!! Don't you think?!
もちろんウマっ!! Yah!! This is great!!
I'm going to add this recipe into my home party repertoire!!☆
ラベル: Colorado, Family, vegetarian cooking