笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
We came to the town at the foot of Pikes Peak, Manitou Springs takes 20min by car from the house. (In Colorado, there are some places has name with 'springs' which has meaning of a natural source of water)名前のとおり温泉観光地で、おもちゃ箱の中の家のような可愛い建物が続いています。街中にはいくつかの飲泉場があり、そのうちの3カ所を見つけました。もちろん・・・試飲。炭酸ミネラル水。う~~~~ん。。。不思議な味。それぞれ微妙に違う気がしました。源泉も違うそうです。
As meaning of the name, here is a tourist spot and you might find many pretty houses or shops like toys on the street. We found 3 of drinking spring spots in the town and of course we tried. There are supposed to be several spots around the town. Carbonic mineral water. Ummmm, not too bad. Seems different taste at each spring.
Another find is an amusement arcade. It is called 'Penny arcade'. Yah, you can play with a penny (1 cent). It was little bit packed place with people. Oh! mmmmm, seems like my husband found one...I know he likes game play. I saw some old games, too. Feels like time-trip in back.ちなみにこちらのペニーアーケード、2日後の新聞で取り上げられていまし
た。’マニトウスプリングスにあるアーケードアミューズメントは時間を戻したよう...' やっぱり同じこと感じるのね。
In fact, this penny arcade was a article on the news paper 2 days after our visiting.. "Going to the Arcade Amusements in Manitou Springs is like stepping back in the time..." Oh,yah, same thought here, too.
隣にはキーボールと呼ばれる店、なになに?ボールを転がして、数メートル先の各点数の穴に入れて得点していくゲーム。点数によって景品と交換してもらえる みたい。結構難しいけど、楽しい。
The next building with a sign 'SKEE BALL". What is that?? It is rolling balls to put in to each points hole and get score. The accumulated score can be exchanged for prizes. Little bit tough but I had fun.
ランチは街中のエルサレム・カフェでベジタリアンプレートを。味付けしたライスをブドウの葉でつつんだものはちょっ と酸っぱくて印象的な味。
We had vegetarian plate at the Jerusalem cafe in the town. It was an interesting soured taste thing with seasoned rice wrapped with grapevine leaf.
ラベル: Colorado