笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
実家のシェイ・ケイコでは、手作りの服、小林はるえさんと天然石アクセサリー星野美加さんによる’Icigo ichie一石一衣展'が始まっていました。
Harue Kobayashi (handmade clothing) & Mika Hoshino (natural stone accessories) exhibition has been held at Chez Keiko (my mum's gallery).
I have introduced the previous exhibition in this blog last year so this is an annual event for the fun which keeps rising every year. So many people came already this year, too.はるえさんは新作も何点か。形にこだわり、布地にこだわり。。袖と身頃の部分の布を変えてみたり、と工夫がこらされています。
高級なダイヤや、パールではないのにね。。 だから、天然石って大好き。個性が出せます。
Harue is introducing some new collections of her work. Unique style and textiles or using different textile for sleeves and body parts. They come with a twist
Mika tried to make wild-designed natural stone accessories this year. There is no-one equal to her in her work, that is sure. Ahh, my accessory collection will go on increasing... But, many times I get praise from people when I wear accessories made by her. Even though it is not expensive jewelry like a diamond or pearl neckless. That is why I like natural stone. I can express my identity with that.
Wooo, it seems I can't stop talking about fashion things... I should stop... Haha
小林はるえ、星野美加 二人展
「一石一衣 ~Ichigo ichie~」
Harue Kobayashi & Mika Hoshino exhibition
'Ichigo ichie'
The exhibition is being held until 11th of December at Gallery Chez Keiko.
ラベル: Chez Keiko