笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
旦那さまの実家があるコロラド スプリングスに到着しました。
We arrived at Colorado Springs where my husband's parents live.
We are going to stay here and spend time for Christmas together.家に入るなり、大きな2つのクリスマスツリーが目に入ってきました。
As soon as I entered the house, 2 big Christmas trees caught my eyes.
Seems like, Christmas is a big project since they decorate the trees and send Christmas cards.
とてもきれい・・ They are beautiful......
Some Christmas ornaments are favorites and each can have its own meaning.こちらの白いベルは旦那さまが生まれた年から飾っているオーナメント。名前と年が書かれています。
This white bell has been decorated since my husband was born. His name and birth year is on it.
Also this seems unusual - a Santa Claus his mum got in France when she was a baby and decorated since then (Père Noël).
Isn't it nice how the ornaments are selected?ツリーの下には家族同士で贈り合うプレゼントを置いておいて、25日のクリスマスの朝に皆で開けるのが習慣です。
Their custom is to put presents for each other under the Christmas tree and open them in the morning on the 25th of Christmas day.
Ho Ho Ho Ho Looking forward to opening it!!!