笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
We had 2nd anniversary for our wedding the day before yesterday.
We got a lovely congratulations card from my husband's parents in Colorado. It is very a grateful thing that they remember and are happy for this anniversary.
We've been married for 2 years but hanging together for 10 years.
The things that he does that remain unchanged before and after marriage.
Saying 'greeting' or 'thanks' for not just words and telling facing each-other even though between family living together.
If he stays home and I go back the house, he comes to the door and says 'Okaeri:welcome home '.
If I go out first, he comes to the door and say 'Itterasshai :Have a good day and take care!'
When we have dining, he says 'Oishii Arigatou : Delicious, Thank you!'
Even if we having busy days, these simple gestures makes saying words with eye contacted even for the moment and becomes pleasant gestures.
Maybe people would say and I have heard that there are some things want to change about each other, since couples are basically other people. It is natural. But, I think back about several other things ''what I'm happy with him remains unchanged however' on the day. I'm grateful for everlasting with my husband.
3日間のヨガのワークショップが終わりました。アメリカ人のスコット・ハンドリックス先生Scot Hendricksを迎えて、Kula smile ヨガスタジオで行われました。
I finished with 3 day yoga workshop. The yoga studio called Kula smile invited Scot Hendricks (American) as a main teacher.
This workshop, I felt tensioned and impressed over and over again. Why I tensioned is my husband has asked to interpretation for this WS, so I joined the ws for supporting for him, too. I think he tried hard and good job with this even though it was the first time to do.
What I impressed about is...Scot's work. Has strictness, warmness and there are humor, too.
Why practice yoga. What yoga is?
Where you focus with your consciousness, how do concentrate and what create of inside of own self. Explanation for physical things are always reached to the part of mind.
Poses which I usually do with out hardness becomes more deep and difficult pose by construe of each. He teaches Ashtanga which is the kind of yoga ruled with step up as you can do and clear each poses on each number, so you can't proceed to next step with out. Come-back and proceed and come-back again for step up own level.
What is important is not challenging difficulty with just surfaces and stepping forward.
Observing presence in your self and creating the energy from the core part of your body and exploring futher more and deeply is important even though staying in the same pose.
For breathing, not just breathing, improve the quality of your breath.
These words are able to substitute with your lifestyle.
So, of course I had many new discoveries, learned, awoke and was impressed by the workshop. Thank you so much Scot!!
ラベル: Yoga
お気に入りのお店、宇都宮のチーズ専門店 ラヴェドンが遂に2号店をOPENしました。
My favorite cheese shop in Utsunomiya-city ' fromagerie l'avedone' has opened a 2nd shop in Utsunomiya. Actually, I like cheese. Even though we do vegetarian style diet in the house I brought back cheese from the shop.
I have changed how I enjoy cheese since I met the shop l'avedone. Before that, I ate as much I wanted without thinking but now, I enjoy to compare the taste of good quality cheese little by little and enjoy. I could say 'enjoy to eat in moderate quantities '.
そのラヴェドンさん、ついに2号店 楽しみでしたよ~。
I was looking forward to see their 2nd.
Because the madam, she is my secret idol. She is a smart woman and has an inner fortitude as a female entrepreneur. Also she has shiny beauty like a cheese.
旦那様へのお土産に・・コンフィチュール(ジャム)。チーズではありませんが、さすがこだわりマダム。南仏のCALANQUET(カランケ)というブランドのもの。 私が試食して選んだのは”さくらんぼとバルサミコ酢のコンフィチュール” 甘酸っぱいサクランボの甘みと、バルサミコのコクがほどよい感じです。ボトルもかわいい。ただ甘いだけのジャムが苦手な私が気に入りました。これだったらベジタリアンの旦那様も・・・楽しめます。
I visited the 2nd shop for the first time the other day. I found another good thing.
Present for my husband... confiture (jam) . It is not cheese but just as expected from the madam's selection. The brand called 'CALANQUET' from south France. After I tried some, I chose 'Cherry and Balsamic vinegar confiture'. It is good taste from sweet-and-sour cherry and savory flavor with balsamic vinegar. Cute bottle. Usually I don't like just sugary jam so I like this a lot. Also my vegetarian husband can enjoy.まずは、朝食で作ったアスパン(アスコパン:超簡単特性パン 今回は玉ねぎとセロリ入り)に。
First, I tried with Asu-pan (asuco bread: my very easy special home-made bread This time I put onion and celery in side).
Put on roasted sweet potato.
そして、やはりチーズに合うコンフィチュール・・ということで、ベジチーズ(生カシューナッツで作ったリコッタ風チーズ)に添えてみました。 このコンフチュールに添えてみたい・・というだけで、時間をかけてベジチーズを作るMe・・・食欲の秋・・・?
トワジエム・ラヴェドンに行ったら、是非試してみてくださいね。 And, I heard that this confiture is good with cheese...so, try with 'vegetarian cheese' (like ricotta cheese made with raw cashew nuts). I took time making this vege-cheese because just wanted to have and try with this confiture... How I love eating - because of the Autumn season?
It was meltingly yummy!
Get and try!! If you go to 3ème l'avedone!!
3ème l'avedone トワジエム・ラヴェドン (Cheese shop)
〒320-0803 栃木県宇都宮市曲師町3-15
Tochigi-pre Utunomiya-city Mageshi-cho 3-15
☎ 028-633-7100
ラベル: Shop
The other day, I got a lot of chestnuts from Atsu-chan's mother. Autumn is almost here!
しかし栗って・・・皮むき大変なんですね。。美味しいものができる事を、ひたすら願いながら皮むきしました。 沸騰したお湯の火をとめて、栗をいれて3分ほど待つ。それから鬼皮を剥き、渋皮は包丁で剥いていきます。 はい、もちろんここでも、、”頑張ってる若妻大作戦”怠りませんよ。これみよがしに一生懸命剥いた皮をキッチンに置いてみました。 By the way, It is tough work to peel the skin of chestnuts. I was wishing that it will be delicious cooking while intensely peeling the skin. Make a pot of boiling water and turn off heat. Put the chestnuts in and leave for 3 min. Then peel the hard shell part and use a knife to remove astringent skin. Yes, I don't forget about my ''Good young wife project" here. I conspicuously placed a lot of the shells in kitchen to show to husband 'how I work hard'. I don't know if he realize...
今年は、栗の甘煮に挑戦。我が家は白砂糖を使わないので、キビ糖、黒みりん(7年熟成もの)、ゆずはちみつ。 黒みりんを使ったため、色がきれいな黄色にできませんでした。
I tried to make chestnuts compote this year. We don't use white sugar so I use sugar cane, 7 years-aged black mirin (sweet rice wine for cooking), and yuzu honey. Usually chestnuts compote a is pretty golden color but mine was not because I used black mirin.見た目は・・・・・改良が必要だけど、味はやさしい甘さに、ほんのり柚子のかおりに仕上がりました。やはり7年熟成黒みりんは味にこくがある。次回は色とつやを出したいな。
Looks...isn't great. It needs modification for next time, but taste is mild sweetness, with a light yuzu (citrus) fragrance. 7 years-aged black mirin has good body of taste. I want to try have more pretty yellow color and glaze next time.
If you want, you can make 'marron cream' with adding a little bit of soy milk and make paste with them.皮を剥いた栗を、干しシイタケと一緒にご飯を炊いて、くりごはん。
And I made chestnut rice. Cook rice with peeled-off chestnuts and dried shiitake.
Enjoy Autumn taste!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
I had a question to my former yoga teacher Mrs. Katayama at the yoga class today. (She got me into yoga)
Q: Asuco
I was anatomically inflexible before starting yoga, but then my body increased flexibility by practicing yoga. But now, I feel my body losing its flexibility.
「私の先生が言っていたのだけれど、脳と筋肉の働きは意識しているところよりも深いところで繋がっています。頭ではリラックスして、体をほぐそうとしても、自分の意識以外のところで、脳が休めていない状態があるため、筋肉が緊張し、体をほぐせていないことがあります。そういう時はそれ以上無理に柔軟性を出そうとする必要もありません。ということは、硬い体は自分を守ってくれている証拠。今の体を一番と感じ、大切にし、 常に状態をチェックしていくことを大切にするように。」
Mrs Katayama said:
"One of my teachers said that work of the human brain and muscles are connected deeper than your consciousness, so if you try ease the tension of your body with relaxing in your head, sometimes they cant ease the body because of having stress for conditions of not being able to relax in your head without consciousness of your self. You don't need force to make yourself more flexible than that. That is proof about your body protecting your self. Care for your body and feel that now is as good a time as any for your body although checking the conditions any time.
My body's stiffness now is because of protecting my self now.
I should except the stiffness of my body as a good thing and care.
Also I reflected on questioning about that because I usually understand and say to friends that 'Body flexibility is not important for practicing yoga'
I think most important is breathing.
Keep calm breath in every moment and any condition. It is important for living,too.
ラベル: Yoga
ラベル: Motorcycle, Thinking
今日から3日間、ツインリンク茂木にて2011 IZOD IndyCar Series Japan finalでのお仕事です。
The 3 days work has started for 2011 IZOD IndyCar Series Japan final at Twin Ring Motegi
I get the order every year. I appreciate that.
As shown in the title, it is going to be the final INDY car race in Japan. They use the road course instead of the oval course because of the effect from the earthquake on 3.11. So this race is a special race in a lot of ways
さて、明日~残り2日間 気合い入れて頑張るぞ!
Well, I roll up my shirt sleeves and get busy for the next 2 days!!
ラベル: Thinking
先日、Happy Birthday to me のブログをUPしたところ
The other day, I posted about 'Happy Birthday to me'. Since then, I got e-mail 'happy birthday! ' or 'don't cerebrate your self! Sounds little-bit lonely...' haha.
My friends I haven't seen in long while and they gave me a surprise celebration last night. It was very warm. Finally I feel 'I have birthday month!!' (Even though I announced myself...haha) . I'm so happy to have such warm friends more than that.
私は今までいくつかの職場を経験してきました。 彼達も職場での出会い。
I have had experience with several jobs in my life. I met them at work, too. I had many encounters and still keep in touch with them as a friend.
The relationship has been changing to be a friend from related by co-workers, higher-ups, juniors or clients.
So, they give me encouragement, I give them, too. They get up and I do them. And joke with each other. There is a bond between us.
Photo with : トクちゃん、宝ちゃん、カワさん、アツちゃん
Toku-chan, Takara-chan, Kawa-san, Atsuko-chan.
It keeps reminding me that I don't have brag about any specialty or knowledge myself, but I can be proud of my self that I am privileged to have good friends.
Uummmm, anyway, am I so shining in the picture? I still have oily skin even though aged.
ラベル: Thinking
最近のお気に入り、 Trader Joe's のショッピングバッグ
My favorite recently, Trader Joe's shopping bag.
アメリカにTrader Joe'sトレーダー・ジョーズという、人気の大手スーパーマーケットがあります。
There is a popular major supermarket called Trader Joe's in US. There is one of the shops where I want to go when I go to US because they have many selections of organic foods and products for vegetarian.
キャリータイヤもついてるし、大きさもヨガマットが入りそうだから、都内のヨガイベント持ち歩き用に買ってみたのが本音。 これでヨガマットも、着替えを入れて持ち歩いても、肩凝らない。。
When I went to US last time, we went there right before going to the airport and got some kinds of raw nuts and food products which I wanted. And the shopping-bag. Actually I got the one for carrying my yoga stuff when I go to yoga events in Tokyo where I don't have a car since it has a carry tire, enough size to put yoga mat and clothes, so my shoulders wouldn't get stiff to walk and carry around.
保温・冷構造にもなっているし、行く時には畳んで持ち歩ける。 豆乳パックやワインなど重いものを入れても、コロコロして楽に帰って来られたので、便利便利!!やっぱり使い道はショッピングバッグかなぁ・・・。気に入った物って、いろんなことに使いたくなっちゃう。Although, the other day, I used it for shopping when I went to the supermarket near by our house. The bag is designed to hold warm and cold and able to fold away in hand on the way. I could come to home easily even though I had soy milk packages and wines in the bag. It is useful! ummm...should I use it for as a shopping bag?!! Something my favorite makes me want use many ways.
Note: the red Ω sticker on the bag is my favorite yoga wear company's sticker. Although the shop I got to is in US.←こちらは数年前に友人がお土産でくれたTrader Jonesトレーダー・ジョーズの布ショッピングバッグ。普段用ヨガバッグになっています。
←This is a Trader Joe's red fabric shopping bag I got my friend as a souvenir some years ago. I use for as a my yoga bag for usual.
Recently, I made a decision.
It will be a turning point for me.
This is an unforeseeable step to be good direction or not. The future is like that.
One of the ways is easy. The way will be repeated over and over again in life.
You can just tell words anything you like.
On the other way, it will be sometimes up and sometimes down. So something hard or something impressive will occur.
Take an act and can tell words with taking what you have learned with the act.
I chose the second one after I contemplated many times.
Of-course the easier is appealing for me.
But, I chose to just give it a try otherwise I would regret if I didn't do.
There is a book written by Shoichi Sakurai, one of the books I was reading recently.
In the book... (epitome)
"If another way comes up on your way of life, it is important to feel that the timing of choice has come. Although simultaneously you need a sensitivity to not make too sharp a distinction for good way or bad way. Should discern the direction by smell.
In other words, is there any uncomfortable feeling for you or not. What is necessary is just to choose not to feel, if there are uncomfortable feelings on the other.
I don't know if I have the sensitivity to make too sharp a distinction now. But, I just see "If there is an uncomfortable feeling or not" for how to proceed in my life.
ラベル: Thinking
It was extremely hot this summer.
'I can't work in the kitchen because it is so hot these days!' Now I can't say that for excuse to not cook anymore because there is a nice fall breeze from the window recently.
So it's about time to cook curry for one of my husband's favorite.
ベジレシピから、少々アレンジした「Cheesy Tofu Curry チーズ風豆腐のカレー」
なんといっても、短時間でできちゃうのが嬉しい。。 カレーというと何時間も煮込んで作る・・スタイルだった私は、初めて試した時には、こんな短時間で美味しく出来たのが少しショックだったくらい(笑)
This is "Cheesy Tofu Curry" picked from vegetarian recipe book and add some of my arrangement. It's mellow creamy curry seems to contain melted cheese. And like I said, you can make it in a short time. I used to spend a long time making curry to steam, so I was little bit shocked when I made this Cheesy Tofu Curry for first time because how easy it is to make the curry and how yummy it is. haha
トマトピューレ・豆腐・カレー粉・玉ねぎう・豆乳があれば出来ちゃいます。 他具材はその時あるものでアレンジしてね。今回私はキッチンにあった夏野菜を素揚げしてトッピングしてみました。それと玄米ごはんです。
For curry base, you only need tomato puree, tofu, onion, soy-milk and curry powder. For toppings, I put fried summer vegetables which I had in the kitchen. And brown rice.
材料 Ingredients
カレー Curry ~
・トマトピューレ Tomato puree 900g
・豆腐 Tofu 150g
・玉ねぎ Onion 1 個
・豆乳 Soy-milk 150ml
・カレー粉 Curry powder 3 tablespoons
(お好みでガラムマサラ garam masala powder as much you like)
以上をミキサーに入れてソース状に。 その後鍋で15分程煮て、塩で調節して出来上がり
Put curry ingredients in a mixer to make sauce then put it in a deep pan and steam them for 15min. Add salt last.
トッピング材料 Topping ingredients ~
その日にある野菜を素揚げ bare-deep-fry any vegetables you have in the kitchen
カボチャ /茄子/ 人参/じゃがいも
Pumpkin/Eggplant/Carrot/Potato ・・
Molokheiya・・Spritz brown flour and fry in quick for making crispy.
Goya (bitter gourd) ・・Boil sliced Goya in hot water quickly (1 or 2 min) then squeeze to remove the water well. Then fry to remove the bitter taste and make yummy chips.
The colorful pink thing on the side is dried-berry which I got in a shop call ' lavedone' in Utsunomiya. It is good with curry & rice.素揚げの野菜以外でも、オリジナルレシピでは、水煮の豆をいれたり、刻んだほうれん草などもGood。
The original recipe uses boiled lentil beans to steam with the curry or it is good to put chopped spinach instead of fried toppings.
The colorful vegetable curry contrasts favorably with the black colored dishes which are works of pottery artist Satoshi Yokoo in Mashiko.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
なので・・・・ サプライズイベントで「Happy Birthday To Me」 デザートをお店に自分でお願いしておき、誕生日・本人ならぬ、ゲストサプライズにしてみました。 さすがにオーダーした時、電話で店員さんも笑っていました。ちなみに写真とフォトフレームをお店からプレゼントしてもらえました☆
Yesterday was my birthday. My husband is so busy with his work recently and I got promise with one of my mentors Chitose to go out to dinner. Her blogy→→here
Chitose and I didn't tell our birthdays to each other, so she didn't know that day is on my birthday.So, what I did... I set a surprise event "Happy Birthday To Me!!" that I order to the restaurant the birthday cake for us. Surprise the guest not as the birthday girl. Yeah, the staff was also laughing on the phone when I order it.
Because, it is my birthday! Spent time with my good friend!! It sounds fun!
I think Chitose liked it,too. She was laughing all the time.
I got a good memory. Laughing, drinking, goofing ...
My husband seems like he was relieved when he saw his wife came back seeming like she had good time.
Hail Girlfriend!!
I got the picture and photo frame from the restaurant, it is nice service!
ラベル: Friends
I have a message. About Yujitsu gallery where I worked for and sometimes introduced in this blog, I got inquiries and message from friends that 'I visited there but didn't see you' or 'I'll visit you soon!'. Thank you very much. But after careful thought, I decided to leave Yujitsu by this summer. I apologize for this late notice.
So, I'm not in there any more!!
Sorry to cause trouble for you and thanks for the thoughts.
小林大輔 絵画展 いよいよ那須塩原のギャラリー・バーンで大個展!!
The time has come for Daisuke Kobayashi's Exhibition at Gallery Barn in Nasushiobara. I went to the opening party. This time is my friend Daisuke's new step forward as an artist. My mum was an the emcee
We got the welcome board from him for our wedding party. We are very friendly as a family, so I'm glad he is active like this.
This time, he changed his style of paintings. He has started by having advice from the owner of this gallery and shouldering the burden of expectations by people around him. This will be the new challenge and the new world for him.
I think he did great because I felt that he grew step by step. I see no hesitation and stepping forward honestly. He has a sense of rhythm for coloration.
こちらのギャラリー・バーン 明るく開放感のある素敵なギャラリーです。 オーナーさんも若手発掘に意欲を持ち、心の広さを感じる優しい方です。
是非大ちゃんの絵、観に行ってみてくださいね☆ パワフルカラーで元気いっぱいになりますよ。
Galley BARN is a light and open-planned gallery. The owner is a kind man with a big heart and active in discovering young artists.
Yeah, please visit and enjoy Daisuke's exhibition at Gallery BARN. You can be full of energy with his powerful color of paintings!!
小林大輔 絵画展 Daisuke Kobayashi
2011. 9/1 (Thu)- 9/15 (Thu)
at ギャラリーバーン 那須塩原 Gallery BARN Nasushiobara
ラベル: Art
友達のお子ちゃま。 エイタロウ君。私と沢山遊んでくれました。
My friend's baby boy. Eitarou. He played with me a lot. His favorite hat...a red bucket. He has gone out once wearing the red hat. So, he really likes it.
It was so charming looking at his back while he was watching TV and wearing the hat.
Actually, he put the red hat on my head, but then he made a wry face and appealing look at me to take it off immediately. Since maybe I was scary or was unexpected. I felt a little lonely...haha
I found some words in the book I was reading in the train going back to home. It was Native- American Proverbs about nature. " We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." So, we have to treat the thing well because we are borrowing the things. Then I remembered Eitarou's cute smiling face.