笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
We came to the town at the foot of Pikes Peak, Manitou Springs takes 20min by car from the house. (In Colorado, there are some places has name with 'springs' which has meaning of a natural source of water)名前のとおり温泉観光地で、おもちゃ箱の中の家のような可愛い建物が続いています。街中にはいくつかの飲泉場があり、そのうちの3カ所を見つけました。もちろん・・・試飲。炭酸ミネラル水。う~~~~ん。。。不思議な味。それぞれ微妙に違う気がしました。源泉も違うそうです。
As meaning of the name, here is a tourist spot and you might find many pretty houses or shops like toys on the street. We found 3 of drinking spring spots in the town and of course we tried. There are supposed to be several spots around the town. Carbonic mineral water. Ummmm, not too bad. Seems different taste at each spring.
Another find is an amusement arcade. It is called 'Penny arcade'. Yah, you can play with a penny (1 cent). It was little bit packed place with people. Oh! mmmmm, seems like my husband found one...I know he likes game play. I saw some old games, too. Feels like time-trip in back.ちなみにこちらのペニーアーケード、2日後の新聞で取り上げられていまし
た。’マニトウスプリングスにあるアーケードアミューズメントは時間を戻したよう...' やっぱり同じこと感じるのね。
In fact, this penny arcade was a article on the news paper 2 days after our visiting.. "Going to the Arcade Amusements in Manitou Springs is like stepping back in the time..." Oh,yah, same thought here, too.
隣にはキーボールと呼ばれる店、なになに?ボールを転がして、数メートル先の各点数の穴に入れて得点していくゲーム。点数によって景品と交換してもらえる みたい。結構難しいけど、楽しい。
The next building with a sign 'SKEE BALL". What is that?? It is rolling balls to put in to each points hole and get score. The accumulated score can be exchanged for prizes. Little bit tough but I had fun.
ランチは街中のエルサレム・カフェでベジタリアンプレートを。味付けしたライスをブドウの葉でつつんだものはちょっ と酸っぱくて印象的な味。
We had vegetarian plate at the Jerusalem cafe in the town. It was an interesting soured taste thing with seasoned rice wrapped with grapevine leaf.
ラベル: Colorado
今日はコロラド・スプリングスにある私の好きな場所のひとつ、ガーデン・オブ・ザ・ゴッズ(Garden of the Gods) に連れていってもらいました。 実家から車で約2,30分位のところにあります。
Today, my husband took me to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, which is one of my favorite places in Colorado Springs. It is takes 20-3o minutes by car from the house.
It is a park surrounded by rocks which look like they were formed by the Gods.キッスィング・キャメルと呼ばれる岩は、まるでラクダがキスしているよう・・好きな眺め。
This is my favorite view. It looks like camels are kissing, they are called Kissing Camels.沢山の大きな赤い岩がそびえたっているかと思えば、白い岩があり、向こうにはパイクスピークが望めます。
There are many big red rocks rising and the other side are white rocks. Also, Pikes Peak Mountain is visible.
My husband has been rock climbing there when he was a student.見渡す限りの景色が・・・・言葉なく静かに、いつもと少し違った自然に囲まれる心地よさがあります。思い出もあり、大切な場所の一つになりました。
A sweeping vista...... Silence with no words, feel surrounded by little-bit different from usual view of nature. I have memory and it becomes a sweet place for me.
ラベル: Colorado
I will post another recipe today. Jon and Cathy made a Calzone party for lunch.
First of all, prepare dough. Mix ingredients listed below and allow to rise to make dough. This time, they used a home bakery machine for it.生地材料 Ingredients:
・セモリナ粉 Semolina 2/3 Cup
・小麦粉 White flour 31/3 Cup
・ぬるま湯 Warm water 1 1/2Cup
・イースト Yeast 2 Tbsp (スプーン)
・ハチミツまたは砂糖 Honey or Sugar 1 Tbsp (スプーン)
・オリーブオイル Olive oil 3Tbsp
・塩 Salt 2 Tbsp (スプーン)
Spread the dough into a disk.
Put any chopped ingredients you like. This is party time for everyone making their own putting whatever they like. It is a fun time. Whose is better?!!
The ingredients we used this time are below. (Chopped into pieces)・モッツアレラチーズ Mozzarella
・パルメジャーノチーズ Parmesan
・マッシュルーム Mushrooms
・赤ピーマン Red bell peppers
・玉ねぎ Onions
・オリーブ Olives
・にんにく Garlic
・アーティチョーク(水煮してあるもの)Artichoke(prepared) →
This time we put fresh thyme leaves because we had in the refrigerator. Usually they put spinach, too. So you can use anything you like for fillings.
Fold them in half and seal the edge. You may use a fork for sealing them. Coat them with olive oil to make brown when baking and put powder cheese or thyme for appearance.
←They looking at mine and said 'Look like Asuco got a lot of stuff in that!' Yah,,, I told them ' I made it with the image of Pike's peak! It was an excuse..... haha.
オーブンで15分~20分 焼き上がったのがこちら。トマトソースと一緒に。
These are done!! Serve with tomato sauce. Bake them for 15~20 min in the oven.
美味しそうでしょ! Looks yummy!! Don't you think?!
もちろんウマっ!! Yah!! This is great!!
I'm going to add this recipe into my home party repertoire!!☆
ラベル: Colorado, Family, vegetarian cooking
旦那さまの実家があるコロラド スプリングスに到着しました。
We arrived at Colorado Springs where my husband's parents live.
We are going to stay here and spend time for Christmas together.家に入るなり、大きな2つのクリスマスツリーが目に入ってきました。
As soon as I entered the house, 2 big Christmas trees caught my eyes.
Seems like, Christmas is a big project since they decorate the trees and send Christmas cards.
とてもきれい・・ They are beautiful......
Some Christmas ornaments are favorites and each can have its own meaning.こちらの白いベルは旦那さまが生まれた年から飾っているオーナメント。名前と年が書かれています。
This white bell has been decorated since my husband was born. His name and birth year is on it.
Also this seems unusual - a Santa Claus his mum got in France when she was a baby and decorated since then (Père Noël).
Isn't it nice how the ornaments are selected?ツリーの下には家族同士で贈り合うプレゼントを置いておいて、25日のクリスマスの朝に皆で開けるのが習慣です。
Their custom is to put presents for each other under the Christmas tree and open them in the morning on the 25th of Christmas day.
Ho Ho Ho Ho Looking forward to opening it!!!
There have been snow since last night. We have staying with Jon&Cathy at Estes Park in front of Rocky Mountain National park where is 75miles of north-west from Denver in Colorado.
There is a big fancy cabin. It is great. Big living room, king bed, outside spa, enjoyable cooking kitchen. It is rent by wealthy people wile they don't use. How it will be happy, if I have.. haaa. I could been enjoying to stay with thinking myself as a owner little while.
さて、ロッキーマウンテン・国立公園(約265,000エーカー(107,000ヘクタール)にいざ。ここはまさに自然・自然・自然。ハイキング、乗馬、キャンプ、スキー、魚釣り、クライミング、etc. が楽しめます。
In the morning, there are some folks under the window.
So, we head up to Rocky Mountain National park(265000 acre). Here is the nature, nature, nature. There are people can enjoy hiking, horse riding, camping, skiing, fishing, climbing. We went to for snow shoe. Spectacular snow view!!
Snow are yummy.
I had kind of head ache. but god well by the medicine. I don't know it is come from too much drink or high-elevation. Need to be care!
Well, we are staying in Fort Collins, which is a famous college town since there is Colorado State University. There are many shops with fancy variety stores, natural food stores and restaurants I can find.
ここでちょっとした驚きが。。I got something amazing there.
Cathy made a reservation for a yoga class next morning for us since I wanted to enjoy yoga even though we are on a trip. This place was her first time, too. We are excited about taking the class.
Just before that night, I got an e-mail from my yoga friend Macky in Japan.
He said, 'I got e-mail from Chandra (yoga teacher), that there is a yoga studio she recommends in Colorado. She says that it is in a town called Fort Collins. Hope you're nearby!. Here is the HP:
Whaaaat!? Fort Collins is just I am in now!!
And! That studio is where we are booked for tomorrow morning!!!
Such a good surprise! There are so many choices of yoga studios in Colorado!!
So we went there. A lady with a kind smile opened the door for us, her name is Nicole.
The place has a peaceful atmosphere and very relaxing space there.
We had Nicole's class since the main teacher was on vacation. A pleasing stretch with gentle instruction. Asana(pose) with 3 steps of preparation with feel, find, practice. I had refreshing Sunday morning yoga time.終わった後、ふとニコールが
After the class, Nicole says,
'I read your blog, you write about yoga and vegetarian cooking'
She says Jon told her about my blog. It was surprising to me but I was so pleased...
I told them that I heard about this studio from Chandra(yoga teacher) through my friend, then Cathy said that she has had Chandra's lesson, too.
世界は狭し・・・・ というか、Yogaでこんなに繋がれるとは。。嬉しいです。
What a small world! Also it is connected with yoga. It is great!!
夜はオススメのベジタリアンレストラン、Tasty Harmony テイスティー ハーモニーへ。
We went to a vegetarian restaurant in the town where we had recommended 'Tasty Harmony'ローフードメニューがあったのでトライ。サラダに、カシューナッツのハマス、ファラッフェルにテンぺベーコン。ローケーキのライムクリームパイはかな~~~~~りのオススメ。忘れられない味。おなかイッパイ。味Goood.帰る前に必ずまた行こうと心に留めています。
I tried a raw food choice from the menu. Salad with cashew-nut hummus, falafel, tempe-bacon. My most favorite was raw-cake 'Lime cream pie'. Unforgettably good!!! We want to try to go again before we go back to Japan!!
I tried another yoga class and I had a good time. So, I am enjoying yoga life in Fort Collins. Thanks to Cathy.
It has been 3 days in Colorado.
The time passed quickly....
We are staying in Fort Collins in Colorado where my husband spent his student life. My husband's brother Jonathan and and his wife Cathy's house. They are always full of laughter and a warm family.
新しい友達のひとり・・(一匹?) ガス。
Here I have a new friend Gus.
He is big..... 11years old. Good boy.ガスの散歩では、いろんなものが見れま
During Gus's walk, I discovered something.
Christmas decoration for houses around.
Beaver chewing trees at the river side walk.
I could see around, it must be a lot of work!!
I think I can have good slow time here.