笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
ふ~~っ 今日は悠日にて無事にイベントが終了。
あれだけの著書があり、世界を旅し、ドキュメンタリー番組を制作し、写真展までできる。熱心なファンも多いのです。 それでも言葉の端々には、周囲の環境や人々に対し、いつも敬意と感謝の目をむけている方でした。
Whoof ... The event is done and dusted today at Yujitsu Gallery.
Jugatsu Toi Gallery-talk and Chiguri Herb music live. At first, I thought Jugatsu Toi is a seemingly docile person, dandy with austere elegance. But what I thought was cool about him is he has a humble heart. He has authored many books and traveled around the world, so he can do a photo exhibition. So he has many fans. I can tell from a fragments of our conversation that he has eyes to look at what situation or people around him always with respect and grateful eyes.そしてチグリハーブさんのライブ。いつもCDで聴いていましたが・・・・やっぱり実際に生歌・生演奏を聴くのってスゴい!!! いつも何気なく聞いていた曲なのに、いっきにテンションあがりました(笑)
そしてやっぱり心ですね~。 ステージに出る直前・・・裏手にいる私達に「ありがとうございます!頑張って歌ってきますね!」と手を握ってくれました。そのお気持ち、しっかりお客様にも通じてましたよ~。応援していきたいですね。 チグリハーブ セカンドアルバム 「願いごと」。いいですよ。
Then Chiguri Herb played. I was listening to the CD in the office recently.... But it is great to listen to live music.!!! It raised my spirits in a breath even though I always listen to them casually.
And all in all...is mind. Right before going on the stage, in the back yard where I was, she said 'Thank you! I'll try my best singing!!" then held my hand. I can tell that the audience received the spirit. I'm right behind them! Listen! Chiguri Herb's 2nd album new release 'Negaigoto'.
ラベル: Art
The Chinese cabbage season is almost finished?
What shall I make with them today.....
Chinese cabbage gratin
Use Chinese cabbages instead of onions
Actually I already opened a beer and am a little drunk, so I skip to write the specific recipe. I let you imagine the rest. Haha
材料 Ingredients :
白菜 Chinese cabbages
人参 Carrot
里芋 Taro potato
きのこ類や、他お好みの野菜。 Mushrooms and vegetables, anything you like
豆乳 Soy-milk
塩コショウ&スパイス Salt&Pepper. Spices
Fry the vegetables in a deep pot then add soy-milk and boil gently. Put salt and peppers and spices (nutmeg and dried herbs) . You can put white roux if you like even though it would have some thickness by the taro-potato. Top the gratin with bread crumbs and put cheese on and put them in an oven just long enough to brown the surface.
Mild and tasty flavor by Chinese cabbages and soy-milk and add little bit impact with herb and spices.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
What I do in the office recently...is.
The owner and I are making a floor for open culture school, carving class, wood-block prints class, stained glass class they call 'Yu yu -jyuku(school)' which is planned to start from spring.
I think that I'm doing OK for now..? haha. Since the owner teaches how well even though I'm not experienced.. It is OK if don't get floor crumble. Safety is priority! I'm getting used to using drills and power saws.The owner used to be an architect so making arrangement is quick. So, it will take 2 or 3 days.
I am enjoying that!
Oh, yeah, Yujitsu Cafe has started a wireless LAN service. I didn't know which Cafes have wireles LAN service in Utsunomiya, so hopefully it will be convenient for customers.
ラベル: Art
先日、オフィスでお世話になっているカナさんの家に訪問~。カナさんは気配りのあるお姉さん的存在。辛くなって泣いてる私の肩を抱いてくれる人。今の私に とっては陽だまり的存在です。 ほんとに感謝! 笑って仕事ができる環境って大切ですね。
そんなカナさんの別の特技?を発見。 お宅に訪問して わかることっってあるんですね~。
「季節のしつらい」 そこでお雛様を飾っているそうなので、会いに伺わせてもらいました。
カナさんのお 雛様たちは、小さいお雛様のコレクション。 小さいから、たぁ~くさん飾ってあってもうるさく感じません。なるほどのアイデア。
The other day, I visit Kana-san's house, she is always helpful to me in the office. She is like a sister who is considarate of people around. She puts comforting arms around my shoulder when I cry in bitter situations. She is like the place in the sun for me now. Thanks to her. I feel that necessity of how important it is to have work with laughing.
I found another her specialty in the her house. Actually, people sometimes find at visiting. "Seasonal interior decoration" She said that she has been decorating hina-dolls recently so I decided to visit her house. There is a collection of many small hina-dolls. It doesn't seem like too much because they are so small. It is a good idea to justify sizes.
Box shelf made by Kana-san on the windowsills.
和紙で できてる。ステキ。Made with beautiful Japanese paper.
ピー ナッツ? Made with Peanuts?私の小指大。 My pinky‐finger size.
居眠り 中?Sleeping?玄関も素 敵!Entrance hall.
季節のしつら い。。。こんなおうちだと、きっと家族も帰ってくるのが楽しみになりますね。大切だな。
そんなこと考えながら家に帰ってきたら・・うちのお雛さま 達の隣には・・昨日飲んでた梅酒瓶が置いてありました。。まずはボトルの片付けからか・・・。
Season interior decoration should make families want to come back and enjoy the house. It is nice... So I came back to my house since I was enjoying them and looked at my hina-dolls. There as a bottle of liquor that I had been drinking next to them.....
ラベル: Thinking
サトちゃんがボランティア活動で南アに行ってからどれくらい経つのかな・・ メールの中で・・・言葉は変わらないけれども、彼自身何か変わったような気もします。力強くなったのか、のびのびとしているのか。。私も以前、少しの間海外で生活した時がありますが、1人になる時間も多かったり、時間の流れ方も違うので、「考える事」というのも多かったように思います。とても貴重な時間でした。 それを思うと、やっぱり時間は無駄にはできないな・・。
I got some pictures from my friend Sato-chan in South Africa. These are not far behind from pictures of Toi Jugatsu photo exhibition. Haha. Wonder how long it has been since he left Japan.
I could tell by his e-mail that he has changed some for himself even the way of talking about usual things. He seems stronger and lives freely? maybe? I have lived abroad before for a little while and remember that I spent time thinking since had time to be alone or differences in how the time flows. It was treasurable time. All in all, if I think about it, I feel time should not be wasted...
サトちゃんからの写真 Photos by Sato-chan
Seems African?
同僚の子供 Co-worker's daughter.
彼女が振り回した結果 After she threw around a rag doll.
現地食 Local meal.
子供 Child
ラベル: Friends
いや~・・先日のラジオ出演は緊張したね~~。。 でもレポーターっていうのはホントすごい!!感動した!(笑)
I was soooooo tense for the radio appearance the other day.... And I realized that the professional reporter is great!! I'm touched!!
レポートに来てくれたのはレディオベリーのクロスケくんこと、黒後聡佑さん。 爽やかボーイ。とってもしっかりしているのに、若干25、6歳? 緊張している私をリラックスさせるがごとく、打ち合わせの間も、とっても元気に明るく、アゲアゲでやってくれました(笑)。本番でも、ちゃ~~んと、ひっぱってくれたので、私もすっかりお頼み状態。 でも伝わったかな~。 終了後、クロスケさんといろいろお話しました。オフロードカーや、オフロードバイクにも興味あるそうです。お話が楽しかったですよ。
ラディオベリーブログ On radio blog → http://www.berry.co.jp/b-up/info/detail.php?topics_no=806
The reporter Kurosuke (Sosuke Kurogo) visited us. He is a pleasant guy. Also a steady person even though he is still 25 or 26 years old. He was trying to brightly bring me up during the huddle to make me relax since I was so nervous before going on air. Haha. Even during the broadcast, I was just relying almost entirely on him since he was a professional. I hope we did a good job.... After being on air, we had a chat for a while and it was fun. He says that he is interested in electronic music and off-road cars and bikes, too.
今回は偶然にも、以前講習でもお世話になった、鹿島田千帆さんの生番組。鹿島田さんに教わったことは守らなきゃ!!っとは思ったものの・・・・ やっぱり緊張で声震えてた・・。
でも、その後「ラジオ聞いたから~っ」ていうお客様も見えて、嬉しかったな。緊張して頑張ったかい あった(笑) 勉強になりやした!
As luck would have it, I had taken a speech study course from the main personality on the program, Chiho Kashimada, so I was trying to remember what I learned from her. ..But, I bet that my voice was quavering because I was nervous. After the radio show, we had some customers who said, 'I came because I heard on the radio! ' I was glad to hear it even though I had a very tense time. I learned a lot.
おっと、ラジオで紹介していたのは、悠日ギャラリーで開催中の「戸井十月 路傍の人 写真展」と27日の戸井十月 ギャラリートーク&チグリハーブライブ☆ 沢山きてくれるといいな☆
Oh yah, what I introduced on the radio was Jugatsu Toi's 5 continents travel photo exhibition which is being held at Yujitsu gallery, on February 27th. He will give a talk and there will be live Chiguriherb music. Don't miss it!
ラベル: Thinking
I found another of my favorites!
The other day when I stopped in a cheese shop call 'fromagerie la'vedone ' I got some used boots from the madam for a low price. She said ' we had flea market in the shop the other day and not much left for goods but you can check if you would like ....'
Then I found it in there which led to think me that 'it was waiting for me!!' haha..
It could be not so many people choose because of the distinctive design and color. But it caught me good. It was shining in obscurity.大好きなターコイズブルーのカラーにフリンジが私のオシャレ心に・・・ムフフ。フフフ。
I like the design with my favorite color of turquoise blue and the fringe. It makes me feel happy even in these cloudy days.
Thanks to the madam!! I'll take good care of them!! ♪
お知らせ:急きょ決定。明日の朝レディォベリーの生番組に、悠日ギャラリーの紹介で5分程おじゃますることになりました。B-UP 10:17分前後 です。緊張して震えるMeをお楽しみください。
Info: On very short notice, I 'll be on the radio for 5 min tomorrow morning to introduce Yujitsu gallery. The radio program is called 'B-up' 10:17 am. Enjoy my nervous voice.
ラベル: Thinking
今日は、鹿沼市出身の溶接作家、高橋洋直さんの個展を覗きに行ってきました。場所は素敵なギャラリー east fieldさんです。
I went to Hironao Takahashi exhibition, he is a weld artist from Kanuma in Tochigi. The gallery is call 'east field', it's a nice gallery.実は彼のお母さんには私が子供の頃から世話になっていて、家族?親戚?のような方。そして高橋さんの作品は昨年の結婚祝いに、そのお母様からプレゼントで頂いてました。パイナップルのライト。
Actually, his mother is one of my good friends and she is like my family since she cared for me sometimes when I was little. We have his art work, a pineapple light stand which I got from from her for our wedding present and we use it on my husband's desk.
とはいうものの、個展に伺うのは始めて。。 こんな言い方失礼は重々承知ではありますが・・ 期待していた以上。鉄を溶接して創っているのですが、鉄でできているのに、温かさを感じる。。。
Also I have another his works in my room in my parents' house. But having said that, this is the first time to go to his exhibition. I don't mean to be rude, but.... it was even better than I expected!
He uses iron for his welding work but can feel warmth even though it is created with iron. It is formative art giving sensitive, comicality, sexiness, and cute atmosphere more than the image of the material iron.
た・い・へ・ん気に入りました。 見に行ってよかった。お気に入り作家発見です。
I like it veeeery much! I'm glad that I visited them. Found another favorite artist.高橋洋直個展 「タダソレダケ」
art&craftギャラリー east field
Hironao Takahashi Exhibition 'Tada Sore Dake'
7th Feb-14th Feb 2011
at art&craft Gallery east field
323-1 Koshiro Nikko Tochigi
open: 10:00-16:00
ラベル: Art
I checked our miso paste (soy bean paste) which we have been making (brewing) since last year.
Because Japan had an extremely hot summer last year, our miso paste fermentation was vary activated so it makes deep colorization and subsalined miso taste. The ingredients distribution has been the same over these years.
やっぱり自分で育てた(ほとんど何も世話はしていないのですが:笑)味噌はカワイイ!!味見する前から「美味しいよ!きっと!」ですから。。 モチロンほんと美味しく出来ましたよ~。
The miso is sweet as I expected because we've been doing ourselves. (even though I didn't take much care with it) 'It must be delicious!!!' I said that before tasting it. Of-course it was great!
夏の味見はこんな感じでした We tried it summer, too. →here
This winter, I made miso soup with hoto (kind of noodle) which we got from my friend Yuri. Mmm... delicious! hot miso soup goes well in chilly winter!! I’m delighted with tasty handmade miso and pretty soon should start preparing for miso making this year.
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
During the trip to the States this winter, I was carrying the book 'Harukanaru Guevarra no daichi- (means like 'Long road of Guevarra' written by Jugatu Toi". This is Jugatsu Toi's journey record about his 30000km run through the South American continent. 120 days with a HONDA Africa twin motorcycle because it is guided by a spirit of worshiping Che Guevarra.
どこか土埃のにおいがしてきそうなのに、書かれている言葉の端々に繊細な洞察が感じられる文が面白い。 一緒に旅をしている気分だった。
Even though it smelled a little dusty, it was also an interesting story since I was able to feel sensitive insightful sentences from fragmented words. I felt like I was traveling together.そんな戸井十月さんのユーラシア5大陸走破行の記録、「戸井十月 写真展 路傍の人」が悠日ギャラリーで開催されています。
So Jugatu Toi's 5 continents travel photo exhibition is being held at Yujitsu gallery, on February 27th. He will give a talk and there will be live Chiguriherb music, so see you there!!
ラベル: Art
I went to Thursday Night Fever, a street market with several popular cafes and shops which have set up stands on the 1st and 3rd Thursday night of every month at a central Utsunomiya spot just in front of Futaarasan shrine. We expected that it will be cold outside so I took a fleece jacket with me which I got from mum in US to keep myself warm.
What I learned tonight is.....If you make sure to wear warm clothes, you don't have to care a bit even though it's chilly outside.
First of all, I tried a cup of hot wine by 'MIYOSHI cafe'. The perfect balance of spices makes for a tasty flavor. Oooops! I finished before taking pictures! Excuse me!
Next, I had Irish coffee by a shop called 'Old beans'. I asked for no sugar. Authentic roast coffee with liquor. What dainty bits! Oooooooooops again! I drank before taking pictures ! Sorry!
I got a little drunk and also can feel refreshed by the chilly air on my cheek.そこに、極めつけは’サカヤカフェ マルヨシ’さんのドーナッツ。ほかほかドーナッツ。めっちゃマい!! こんなドーナッツ始めて!!なくらい。あたたかいドーナッツってこんなに美味しいの? なんと、お替りで2コめ買っちゃいました。 お~~っと!!かろうじて今回は一口分残ってた! 写真にオサメラレタ。
Finally, I tried donuts by 'SAKAYA cafe MARUYOSHI'. Hot donuts. Veeeeeery goooood!! I had never as good as these donuts. I bought one more. Ooops! I nearly finished but I got 1 bite left and could take a picture of it.Haha.
なんかこのマーケット、クオリティ高いっす。 Meもいつか出店できたらいいな。。
I feel that these markets are high quality. I wonder if I could join the markets someday...
We walked back to home with warm and comfy feelings and a good buzz on.
Ahhhhhh,, what a nice night!!
ラベル: Shop
Feeling more midwinter cold these days. Of course we have delivery of winter vegetables. Also, we have many Chinese cabbages so I should think about something different than the usual recipes.
I didn't feel like going shopping because I was just lazy..... Lazy sweet lady...
So, then I could make 'Chinese cabbage rolls' with left-over rice.
材料 Ingredients
・白菜 Chinese cabbages
・残りもの玄米ごはん brown rice (cooked)
・好みの野菜(家にあったもの) any vegetables, such as:
人参 Carrots (dice cut 1cm)
干しシイタケ(キノコ類)Shiitake or mushrooms (dice cut 1cm)
ねぎ Spring onion Spring onion (chopped)
にんにく Garlic (chopped)
生姜 Ginger (chopped)
・トマトホール缶 (can of whole tomatoes)
Spices (salt, peppers, nutmeg, bay-leaves, chili-pepper powder)
・野菜ブイヨン Vegetable soup stock
1・鍋にお湯をあ沸かし、1枚ずつ剥がした白菜に火を通す(3~4分)。 ザルあげて、あら熱をとる。
Boil water in a deep pan then put Chinese cabbage leaves for 3-4min. Take out of the deep pan and leave on a basket to let them cool down.
Mix the diced vegetables, brown rice, chopped garlic, chopped ginger, salt and peppers in another bowl.
Put the fillings(2) appropriate amount on the boiled Chinese cabbage leaves(1) and roll them. (I put fillings(2) on the green part of the leaves (leaf apex side) at first then hold the side and roll.4・たこ糸で巻いてみた。
wrap up with kitchen strings.
Spread olive oil in a deep pot then line them in. Add crushed whole tomatoes. (This time I used 2 tins) Add spices and steam them over 30 minutes and done!.パカ~ん ・・・と中はこんな感じ。
Voila~! Inside is like this!
The rice makes it nice and thick. It's yummy!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking